America is like a sponge: Everybody in, nobody out

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Written By Jim Moore

Just as the sole purpose of a government is to secure the rights of its citizens, the only legitimate reason for a country to have an army is to protect its own borders..

At the securing our civil rights, this government is a joke. And at securing our borders this government would be a whole comedy routine—if it weren’t such a tragedy..

Oh, but wait a minute. . .

It’s not that our government isn’t protecting SOME borders. American taxpayers spend billions of dollars, and use thousands of soldiers on military operations, guarding the borders of other countries around the world. But, with American borders wide open to millions of illegal aliens, a fat lot of good our troops are doing over there when we need them over here. .

The fact that thousands of illegal aliens are making a mockery of our immigration laws (as if the INS needed any help) in states like: Arizona, California, Texas, and Florida, is a crime that somebody must pay for. The situation has deteriorated from a foreign invasion of the “poor and wretched, longing to be free”, to leech-like creatures that come in, hang on for dear life, suck the “benefit” blood out of our country, then never drop off, like respectable leeches usually do..

The sad result is that this disjointed army of illegal scavengers has somehow purloined the authority of the U.S. government, which in turn has morphed America into a country with the quality of a neglected sponge: Let everybody in, but never put the squeeze on them to get out..

I cannot imagine what is going through the minds of our esteemed president and his mensa staff of nation builders, who ignore the plight of our invaded states and refuse to give the order that will keep our own nation free from foreign intrusion..

Does the administrative body shake when someone brings the subject up? Does the INS get tongue-tied when Bush sneezes? Has no administration official got the guts to suggest that we defend our borders first? Is it fair to say that we are stretching our military too tight? What with a half million American troops stationed in 120 countries, have we suddenly found our army reserves down to one platoon?.

Mike Blair, writing in the American Free Press, recently asked more pointed, but necessary, questions: “Why does America need to station 63,000 troops in Germany, 50 years after WWII? Why do we have 11,000 troops sunning themselves in Italy? Why do we have another 11,000 troops sitting it out in Great Britain? Why does America need to have 40,000 soldiers in Japan? Why are 38,000 G.I.s still in South Korea? Why 2,000 in Turkey?.

Good questions. And to those, I have a few of my own. Why are American troops still in Kosovo? Why are 34,000 hung up in Kuwait? Why are there 1,150 sweating it out in the Philippines? Why 1,560 in Guantanamo? Why 750 in the Sinai? How long will we need to keep 9,600 troops in Afghanistan? And how many more months will our 140,000 soldiers in Iraq have to stay in that desert hellhole?.

Amazing. We’ve got thousands of American troops tucked away in places we can hardly pronounce, but not a single company of regular army troops protecting any of our own sovereign borders. Truly amazing..

All recent administrations, including this one, Blair reminds us, have not only left our borders open to illegal immigration, which is bad enough, but they have actually invited them in and welcomed them—with open wallets. Your wallets and mine..

How many illegal immigrants flood into the United States every year? Don’t ask your representatives. How would they know with nobody at immigration bothering to keep tabs on who sneaks across the border?.

Well, some people have, and they suggest that it’s nearly a million illegal immigrants every year. That’s like adding another Dallas, Texas, every 12 months!.

But you haven’t heard the worst yet. The government isn’t only opening the gates and letting the foreigners pour in , the border patrol officers and Immigration Service agents have been warned by their superiors not to discuss immigration issues with the press, except with permission and instructions on what to say..

Instructions? On what to say? That’s a glaring example of mind control, if ever there was one, and the greatest casualty of that, as we should know by now, is the Truth. .

What is the administration afraid of? It can’t be that the American public will find out that our borders are open to dangerous illegal aliens. The public already knows that, especially those in the Southwest states. So it can’t be that..

The administration can’t be afraid we’ll find out that some of these illegals are violent criminals or terrorists in their native country. The public already suspects that, and our Southwest friends can give us ample proof. So it can’t be that either..

Surely the administration can’t be leery of us finding out that they’re doing everything to protect foreign shores, and next to nothing to protect ours. The public can hardly NOT be aware of this when they hear what Border Patrol officers like Frank (X) has to say: “Without the help of the U.S. military we will never stem the tide of illegal immigration. .

“We are simply spread out too thin. We seem to be the last on the totem pole when it comes to getting new equipment. Our patrol vehicles are old, and constantly in the need of repair, and we are grossly under-armed; especially when we face Mexican army personnel who are making incursions across the border to protect and shield members of Mexican drag cartels.” .

So we are forced to ask this question: If the government of the United States refuses to send in troops to protect America’s sovereign borders, but yet have nothing to hide, why do they look the other way when the issue of illegal immigration comes up?.

Mike Blair suggests an answer, with which I agree, and which you won’t like..

By policing the borders more vigorously, the Bush administration, and BOTH parties of Congress, fear they will offend the fastest growing minority in America: The new army of voters..

This would sound far-fetched if Bush hadn’t already encouraged the alien avalanche by pushing for welfare benefits for illegal aliens, and mass citizenship and Social Security for Mexicans who have worked in the United States, illegally.

Parting thought: If it is ever proven that this administration is playing hard-and-fast politics with the safety and security of this nation, no penalty will be too harsh for the schemers involved.

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