The year of the yawn: Election 2004

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Written By Dorothy Anne Seese

The chances may be slim, but hopefully a dark horse candidate with ideas for a return to America will emerge before election time.  Otherwise, we will be stuck with either an “R” or a “D” in the Oval Office, continuing the ravishing of the America we once knew.

Thus far, Bush inspires more shock and awe at his incompetence, penchant for lying and conniving than we ever witnessed in Iraq.  Or at least in the news reports from Iraq channeled to the American citizens via a very managed media.  And thus far, any Democratic candidate presented for consideration has about as much charisma, vision and wisdom as something from Looney Tunes.

Oh my, what business have I bringing up what’s wrong with America just prior to the celebration of (ahem, excuse me my dear federal court judges) CHRISTMAS?   Well, truthfully, Christmas in America could well be renamed Advent and celebrated closer to the scholars’ estimates of when Christ was born rather than set on a sanitized pagan holiday that memorialized “the rebirth of the sun god” in ancient mythology.  The astronomers of that time miscalculated the winter solstice as December 25 rather than on Dec 22/23 (depending on time zone).

If you wonder why Christmas or Winterfest or whatever the courts name it is so pagan, it was always a pagan festival.  In today’s America, it has grown from a quiet time of family celebration to a full-fledged economic phenomenon of its own.  While you’re looking for Santa Claus at night (how did he get in here?) watch the economic indicators by day.

And also watch the various polls on the candidates and news of some worthy dark horse of a small party. We need someone that a person with love for America and conscience over the American and Iraqi people — civilians, children and non-combatants — who have lost their lives because of US leadership’s lies, can believe in.  We, the people, need to bring down the giants, Goliaths of industry, not feed their insatiable appetites. And yes, that does mean not shopping at Wal-Mart, Costco or Sam’s Club.  We don’t have enough real patriotism to go beyond plastering our flag over windows and autos to get into our pocketbooks and make some real sacrifices to help dismantle the MIC (military/industrial complex) giants like Exxon-Mobil and its fellow oil giants, the Wal-Mart Manchurian candidates and their ilk.

Unfortunately, one of the largest group of extortionist thugs in American industry happens to be the most needed, and that is the pharmaceutical cabal.  They justify every outrageous prescription price as “cost of research.”  Well I have my ideas on that and they will appear in another article.

In election year 2004, we are being asked, as voters, either to retain the present cadre of murderous sons of seakooks for another four years, or elect some Democrat with a 1958 mentality. I’ve never had a passport, maybe I will get myself one as a Christmas present and … oh crud, there’s nowhere to run now.  I did look, Iceland was the prime candidate but I need a warm climate. IGNATZ.

Sadly, I am monolingual now also, having been English/French bilingual upon graduation from a private high school after eight years of French classes.  While I and other Arizonans figure Spanish is the prime candidate for a second language, that applies to the here and now, but perhaps in ten years it might be Chinese or Russian.  Come to think of it, we have more Somalians here than Russians.  We import Somalians, Russians have to come here on their merit.

Is this nation screwed up or what?

No other nation on earth seems so hell-bent on destroying everything it has accomplished over the past two hundred years, or since its inception, whichever first occurred.  The leader of the so-called free world has lost the freedom of its own people and justifies international meddling on some vague national security interests while flagrantly violating international law.

Thus, we’re in for another butt-whipping like we got in Vietnam.  What a pathetic shame that all this was not stopped by the United Nations in perhaps what could have been its one, singular, unique act of usefulness in its entire worthless history.

I will vote for Daffy Duck before I ever deliberately vote for George W. Bush.  I will write in my own name if I can. What the electronic voting machine records is beyond my control. As to the Democratic candidates, there isn’t one of them that isn’t pridebound or airheaded.  Howard Dean may hold a doctorate but he’d be a lot better teaching Middle East History than sitting in the Oval Office.  As to Gen. Wesley Clark, that ape-headed combatant (with or without perfume) should never be trusted with the future of this nation.  The rest of the pack might be fairly harmless in themselves, but their controllers are not.

If ever an election year brought on the yawns, it is this one.  I get mail and I am not alone in this line of thought.

The reason, of course, that all parties come to the same stupid conclusions via separate routes is that the agenda is being set by those we not only don’t elect, we don’t know who they are other than the Rockefellers and the European bankers.  Why American voters will still believe in a 1938 system (as bad as it had become by then) is incomprehensible. The most likely reason is that it is convenient and “us versus them” rather than a matter requiring investigation and … gasp … THOUGHT.

Perhaps the founders made the Constitution amendable was so that if the nation became overpopulated with those who are not up to the task of maintaining freedom, sustaining liberty and fighting for the right to be free men, they could allow the government to once again create a slave class and let the babies suck from the government teats.  They did make it amendable, and we have become suckers.

Election 2004?

Y – A – W – N.

Wake me if someone shows up who is worth noticing.

Published originally at : republication allowed with this notice and hyperlink intact.”

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