The plutocracy of lust, greed and glory: Pious hypocrisy at its best

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Written By Novakeo

the-plutocracy-of-lust-greed-and-glory-pious-hypocrisy-at-its-bestImage courtesy of The U.S Army under CC BY 2.0

Must we suffer the constant disinformation by the propagandists within the Bush administration? Can’t they just for once play it straight and give us the truth concerning their conquest of Iraq and the Middle East? As we draw closer to the anniversary of the horrible day of September 11th 2001, the government forces of propaganda and mischief are in full swing and are taking no prisoners. Do not put it past the Bush government’s ability to use the tragedy of 9/11 for political gain and as a rallying point for the remedy of blood. They will do it…because this plutocracy has a magnificent component of pious hypocrisy to it.

The chorus is in tune and on both sides of the Atlantic. National security adviser Condoleezza Rice is trying to gain British support for the upcoming invasion of Iraq, it seems that the British people are not to savvy about violent aggression against a country that has not attacked Britain let alone the United States. Let’s listen to her disingenuous twaddle for a moment – quoting from the BBC – “This is an evil man (Saddam Hussein) who, left to his own devices, will wreak havoc again on his own population, his neighbors and, if he gets weapons of mass destruction and the means to deliver them, on all of us.” “It is a very powerful moral case for regime change”. Isn’t it interesting though, that usually when some force demonizes another of being evil, it invariably comes from the services of a greater evil. One must ask this question – Despite King George’s clamor for a pre-emptive strike, where is the “casus belli” here for aggressive war to protect vital American security other than one based entirely on speculation and conjecture? If Saddam gets weapons of mass destruction…If he gets the means to deliver them…I’ll add an if here…If he is stupid enough to launch them against the United States. Iraq does not have the ability to launch missiles at the United States and it has never threatened to do so. The Bush administration has not proven contrary and are presently dabbling in mindless double speak to elevate tensions and condition the masses to accept a contrived war. There is absolutely no compelling case established by King George’s government for aggressive war against Iraq.

Condoleezza Rice’s breathtaking concern for the welfare of the Iraqi people i.e. – “will wreak havoc again on his own population” is beyond nauseating. The first time that evil man Saddam used weapons of mass destruction (chemical weapons) on his population there was hardly a whimper from our elites, and the economic strangulation of Iraq that has caused misery and death to the Iraqi people is all for their own benefit right? Saddam is still sitting in his glorious bunker fat and ugly and King George and his government’s hypocrisy is absolutely brilliant in this instance. The hypocrisy goes even further, according to the New York Times article titled – “Officers Say U.S. Aided Iraq in War Despite Use of Gas”, it reads – “A covert American program during the Reagan administration provided Iraq with critical battle planning assistance at a time when American intelligence agencies knew that Iraqi commanders would employ chemical weapons in waging the decisive battles of the Iran-Iraq war, according to senior military officers with direct knowledge of the program. These officers, most of whom agreed to speak on the condition that they not be named, spoke in response to a reporter’s questions about the nature of gas warfare on both sides of the conflict between Iran and Iraq from 1981 to 1988. Iraq’s use of gas in that conflict is repeatedly cited by President Bush and, this week, by his national security adviser, Condoleezza Rice as justification for “regime change” in Iraq”.

It gets even more wretched; last week it was the Saudis that came under war party fire, now it is Iran’s turn. Condoleezza Rice tuned her attention to Iran calling Iran’s leaders – “on the side of the terrorists” and that“Iran is a place where an unelected few are really crushing the aspirations of their people”. Crushing the aspirations of their people? Our elites just do not like and appreciate sovereign nations that do not behave according to their needs. What does Condoleezza Rice and her cohorts in the war party want here? To go back to the days of the Shah and the CIA trained SAVAK, the secret police of the Shah who ran death squads and torture chambers administered with absolute brutality against their own people all done under the watchful eye of SAVAK’s protectorates in Washington. Is it time for a regime change in Tehran also? They are “on the side of the terrorists”… Which terrorists are they supporting and where is this terror directed? The Bush government has not presented any evidence that shows Iran taking part in terrorism against the United States, BUT, there is plenty of evidence that Iran supports terror against Israel, and here is where we start seeing the true nature and reasoning for hostility towards Iran, Iraq and Saudi Arabia.

Let’s look past the obvious oil interests here and the gnomes avarice to subjugate and forcibly acquire the booty. A day after Rice’s drivel and Richard Pearl’s article titled – “Why the West must attack first” which echoes Rice perfectly, a development from Israel. In an article titled “Israel Urges U.S. to Attack Iraq” it reads – “Israel is urging U.S. officials not to delay a military strike against Iraq’s Saddam Hussein an aide to Prime Minister Ariel Sharon said Friday”. Also – “Any postponement of an attack on Iraq at this stage will serve no purpose. “It will only give him (Saddam) more of an opportunity to accelerate his program of weapons of mass destruction.” The dogs of doom are howling more, why does Israel want the United States to launch an aggressive war against Iraq? It most definitely is not out of concern for the United States. Israel unlike the United States has its own interests to protect here and Israel knows fully well that an American invasion of Iraq will most definitely result in Saddam shooting off some scuds against Israel, and when that happens, a massive retaliatory response from Israel which according to the Israeli government could easily be nuclear. One must pose serious questions here – obviously the Israelis know and our malicious elites know that an invasion to remove Saddam from power could very easily escalate to a nuclear conflict – so why go ahead with this madness then? Could it be that it is the exact scenario that the King George government and Israel are gunning for? It would certainly establish what Noam Chomsky’s calls the “End Game” regardless of the cost in lives and human suffering as an accurate concept. The depopulation of the region by initiating a war that the gnomes within the gates of power fully expect to go to a phase of “weapons of mass destruction” revealing to us that the only concern they have concerning “weapons of mass destruction” is establishing the conditions in which they feel justified in using them. Using the conflagration in the region as a smoke screen, Israel would certainly be in a position where it could finally deal with the Palestinians by forcibly clearing the territories of undesirable elements.

Fortunately there are still some rational heads out there. While Condoleezza Rice and Richard Pearl were making the case for naked aggression, retired General Brent Scowcroft wrote in the Wall Street Journal –“Israel would have to expect to be the first casualty, as in 1991 when Saddam sought to bring Israel into the Gulf conflict. This time, using weapons of mass destruction, he might succeed, provoking Israel to respond, perhaps with nuclear weapons, unleashing an Armageddon in the Middle East”. Unleashing an Armageddon in the Middle East! Obviously Scowcroft sees the dangers concerning the war party’s ambitions in the Middle East, but he might not realize or he is not saying, that the war party intends to create that scenario he described in their holy crusade against the infidels. King George has surrounded himself with a host of Tartuffe’s, this is not surprising in itself, people tend to want to attract people with similar interests and ambitions proving the axiom that you are like the friends you keep.

Virtue cannot separate itself from reality without becoming a principle of evil – Albert Camus

Who are these men and women of lust greed and glory…whose virtues are eye for an eye and the blood for the remedy of blood? They are the plutocracy of Tartuffe’s who hold the principalities of power in Washington. Their unequivocal hypocrisy is incessant and lethal and they will bring a swift and pernicious end to this nation as we know it.

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