Propaganda: And secrets

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Written By Ed Henry

news-517380_1280Stop calling it a war. It was not a war. It was an invasion. The most powerful technically advanced military in the world invaded a hapless and defenseless pipsqueak nation that had been under embargo and intermittently bombed for twelve years. An embargo that caused the deaths of a half million children, kept the Iraqis from getting the parts to repair their limited air force, and even had them dismantling their short range defensive missiles just weeks before the invasion. We completely overwhelmed Iraq in jig time. That’s not a war. It’s a rogue bully superpower taking what it wants.

In light of the invasion of Iraq it seems somewhat consistent that President Bush would allow the invasion of America by his friends from Mexico. While this may be another Tammany Hall trick similar to the way democrats sought immigrant votes in 1997, it certainly runs against the counter terrorism efforts we should have been enacting at our borders long ago. There’s a lot more than just votes at stake here.

That brings up the question of why Bush didn’t immediately take the common sense action of closing our borders right after September 11, 2001. While he has always claimed that he didn’t want to politicize the tragedy, it doesn’t explain why he has steadily thwarted any real investigation into those events and why one of the wives of a Trade Center victim who didn’t accept the millions in payoff is now suing the President under the RICO act.

In a similar vein, the Bush administration has stonewalled the release of information about Vice President Cheney’s Energy Conference that took place almost immediately after the Bush inauguration. Would anyone bet against the fact that Kenneth Lay, Andrew Fastow, and other top executives from Enron, WorldCom, and the other crooked energy brokers were in attendance. Also, that the minutes of the meetings would show discussion of plans to plunder Iraq’s oil fields long before 9/11 occurred or “weapons of mass destruction” became the phony excuse for invasion.

It’s also interesting that former Secretary of the Treasury Paul O’Neill is coming out with statements about the Bush administration planning the invasion of Iraq long before 9/11. You can’t just write this off as revenge for being asked to resign or a continuation of Clinton era plans that were never the subject of election debates. There’s got to be a strong element of truth in it.

And what really ticks me off is that during their attempt to discredit the former Secretary of the Treasury Katie Couric, our $14 million a year entertainer, had O’Neill on the Today Show and three times cut him off when he tried to talk about Social Security. If anybody fully understands the government’s trust fund scam, it’s the former Secretary of the Treasury. Way to go Katie, you fat cat fink.

Eventually, the media will begin to go in the direction the wind blows for their own survival and without admitting their own culpability in promoting the “weapons of mass destruction” propaganda. Without another major weapon of mass distraction, even the loyal propaganda experts will try to save face and their advertisers. After all, the public can’t continue turning to the same old movies played over and over, and the Kobe Bryant, Michael Jackson, Laci Peterson, and Robert Blake products of our society don’t cut it forever.

Maybe, just maybe, it’s time people start to consider the events that were taking place just before 9/11 and immediately after companies like Enron started to take the spotlight.

From the day Paul O’Neill said publicly that there was no money in the Social Security trust funds, June 19, 2001, right up to the terrorist attack of 9/11 the government’s trust fund scam and fraudulent misuse of trillions in insurance and other dedicated money was coming completely unraveled—a problem serious enough to not only cause massive anger on the part of the public but the complete loss of power for the kingpins of the New World Order.

And it was right after the Enron scandal broke and government fraud was once again the follow-on comparable consequence that “Attack Iraq” became the issue.

We are caught in a go-for-broke empire building crusade that is prematurely forcing back-room plans to a head and I’m seriously concerned that, unlike the people of California who emphatically said they had enough of business as usual, the rest of the country may simply fall back on their counsel of hopelessness where no single raindrop feels responsible for the flood and relinquish the option of choice, our freedom.

In all of Washington, there’s only one person I have a tendency to trust and that’s Ron Paul. Not only is he not a candidate, but he’s another Texan who may or may not be another cowboy and he’s said nothing about the trust fund scam they all seem to endorse.

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