Political correctness: Socialist code words for denial of free speech

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Written By William Kaliher


Image courtesy of Pug50 under CC BY 2.0.

**Note to readers: Kaliher bears no responsibility for slow civil service workers. When you’re standing in line waiting for service at the post office, nine of ten postal employees are reading your copy of Playboy, not Kaliher’s articles.

It is important no one ever believe PC (politically correct or political correctness) advocates are trying to accomplish something good. Political correctness is an insidious cancer wrapped in the guise of good taste. One can put political correctness along side the concepts of subliminal advertising and propaganda used by Hitler, Stalin, Pol Pot, or their socialist parties and the current version of the American Democrat party. The functional idiots, socialists and non-thinkers will immediately scream, “He’s over-reacting, grabbing the extremes to denigrate political correctness.” Unfortunately, nothing could be further from the truth. Political correct methods are the life-giving broth of evil and perfect poisons for men such as Lenin, Mao or Bill Clinton. Those men clothed their evil under the false fabric of doing good for their society. The concepts that make political correctness work, especially when embraced and supported by government and a bankrupt media, are ideal for their nefarious purposes.

Political correctness is a sharp stake wielded by the left to destroy free speech, eliminate diverse opinions, kill open discussions and destroy America. It is a debilitating illness used as an anti cultural, linguistic, genetic and historic cudgel by socialists to control the pathetic unthinking sycophants, cowards, leeches and easily manipulated who follow their leadership. Political correctness is not a method to enhance moderation, politeness and logic in disputes, but a technique to stop debate and kill the possibility of further thought.

PC’ers lack the breeding, knowledge, education and ability to function in polite, yet political society. They cannot argue their points or support their positions because of their lack of facts, ability to do comparative analysis or even use logic on a second grade level. Because they can’t build a foundation to refute what they’ve been manipulated into disliking, they either have their anger completely shut them down or they resort to verbally tarring their opponents with some brand: racist, chauvinist, homophobe. In each instance it’s one hundred percent the inability to comprehend, much less respond, that stimulates their name calling.

In a truly free society such people are designated for what they are: stupid. However, once a society has it’s most important institutions controlled or corrupted by the socialists those unthinking people are protected and are rarely publicly defined for their stupidity. Socialists infiltrated the German government and press in the 1920s and 30s and produced the great socialist leader, Adolph Hitler. The Communists immediately took the press after the 1917 Russian revolution. With such a weapon constantly saying black is white, enough suckers bought the messages. As a result, the horrid U.S.S.R. survived far longer than it should have. Economic comparisons were never made; failures were blamed on everything except leadership. The Russian people weren’t stupid yet, going without sufficient food, clothing or even the rights that might be accorded a missionary captured by Brazilian Indians were ignored because of socialist press manipulation. There wasn’t the term politically correct, but the PC concept was applied, the dolts were unleashed against anyone asking a valid question and there was literal hell to pay if someone mentioned an incorrect thought.

It is obvious the American press and government have been infiltrated by socialists over the past seventy years, and the government and press protect the unthinking PC’ers. For instance these idiots find it fine for Clinton to bomb Serbia, but horrible if Bush bombs Iraq. They have no core beliefs and their concepts of value can change as easily as one flips a light switch. Truth, honor, integrity logic and comparative reasoning no longer keeps the stupid in their place. The media and government back these ill-educated automatons in their name calling and misled advocacies. Their leaders care as much about women’s rights, gay rights, civil rights, human rights, the plight of the black/ Indian/Latin population or the environment as they do about a wart on their dog’s hind quarter. Yet, the socialists know they can use the dolts among us if they can turn them into unthinking zealots that adopt such causes as one would a religious doctrine. The socialist controllers propagandize these idiots into destroying any institution that might stand in their way of obtaining total power. The cretins are unable to comprehend a sane perspective of their pet causes could be logically presented, accepted by almost everyone and dealt with in a fair manner. The ignoramuses never realize their leaders don’t want a solution but to continue using them as battering ram of human fodder against real idealism. The only different between them and the whipped people the Huns used as human fodder in their first waves against the next enemy is the socialists didn’t physically whip these imbeciles into a mindlessness state. Where one can pity the Hun’s victims these people deserve only contempt.

Below is a list of concerns the socialists through political correctness have taken off the table for discussion. Some of these I might personally disagree with, but I don’t believe in socialist dictatorship, so I contend everything should be open to discussion. I have tried to pick several examples that certainly deserve a more rounded discussion.

1. The solution to the black problem in America:

The black problem could be any of a hundred thousand issues, and some of those issues are extremely important to the nation. However, the socialists don’t want to discuss:

A. The decline in marriage, educational levels, unemployment rates, crime and incarceration rates, drug usage and increased levels of communicable diseases among blacks since 1960.

B. Are the leftist and media anointed black leaders really helping or harming that population?

C. Should Jesse Jackson’s organization be investigated for raising twelve million dollars for inner-city education but only spending $47,000 for that purpose?

D. What is culturally wrong with the black population and our nation that would make large numbers of blacks convert to Islam? It makes no sense for people who cry about enslavement and want reparations to convert to the religion that maintains and encourages slavery.

The anti-intellectual PC’ers scream racist if anyone dares raise any of these questions. The media supports their cries and presents the issue so a person of good-will trying to ask a valid question is looked on as some Neanderthal beast to be avoided. An examination of any of these problems may seem a short term setback to some of the black population. However, the long term results of serious inquiry would make that segment of our population much stronger, just as a fair assessment of any racial or cultural group could correct valid problems. Ignoring or covering up problems never corrects them.

2. Does Israel have an Amen corner in the U.S. Congress?

How does one keep such an ugly question from being asked? Glance in the PC rule book and whip out the old, “You’re anti-Semitic,” slogan. It’s okay to question if corporations have undue influence over politicians, but it’s not okay to ask if some foreign governments have undue influence over elected officials. If this question didn’t offend the PC’ers code we might reasonably ask:

A. Does Middle East foreign policy most benefit America, Israel or Arab states?

B. What are the United States interests in supporting each Middle Eastern state?

C. Should the U.S.A. forget Israel or aid Israel’s control over the surrounding Moslem states? Barbarism, expanding squalor, human rights, the negative effects of a ninth-class religion are all factors associated with the Islam population should be openly considered. Obviously, Islam possesses no redeeming qualities, and were it an animal, would be humanly put to sleep.

D. What is the long term chance of survival for Israel without American aid? If the chances for the survival of the Israeli state are nil, is current American support counter-productive?

E. Should Israel be offered the opportunity to become the 51st state?
A million more questions loom concerning American involvement in the Middle East. Unfortunately, the PC rule book concerning anti-Semitism cripples any chance of honest and aboveboard debate.

3. Genetics, should this topic be discussed?

Man alive, is the subject of genetics covered by the PC handbook! “You’re ethnocentric,” or “You’re a Nazi,” spews forth as if the liberal has been primed with maximum strength prune juice at the mention environment may not be the cause of every dysfunctional moron alive. Genetics is perhaps the most important issue man faces, but according to the socialists there is no such thing as genetics. When the “Bell Curve” came out the socialist media could not produce a single propagandist capable of discussing genetic issues or respond beyond calling the work racist. When one speaks of deer caught in headlights, at least the deer has a chance in comparison to the PC’ers trying to discuss genetic implications. Again, the questions and issues relating to genetics run into the hundreds of thousands, but a few examples are:

A. Are the races and sub-races of man equal? If not, are they balanced by trade-offs in their different abilities?

B. What are the consequences of not sterilizing the retarded?

C. Should schooling be handled differently for various sub-races? Are Irish boys ready for traditional elementary schooling at the ages now used? Should physical maturity be a determination of school placement? Does the age of physical maturity vary by race or sub-race? What are the consequences of mixing different levels of physical and mental maturity in classes of “one size fits all?”

D. If there are genetic differences among races and sub-races shouldn’t these be defined and dealt with in a sane manner.

4. Environmentalism means you’re against nature, clean air and water if you don’t genuflect to the media anointed environmental gurus. Forget discussions concerning the balance of needs or alternate ways to help a species or the environment. You do it the environmental-whacko way or the PC handbook tells you how to smear the opponent. He’s thoughtless, against the poor, uncaring, for profit only and of course bigoted. Amazingly, the PC’ers’s always apply the traits that fit them best to others. Some items that might be discussed rationally:

A. What plants produce the most oxygen?

B. Should property owners be paid for the confiscation of their land?

C. Should payment for land be from taxes or donations from those most concerned about the environment?

D. Would the loss of the eastern Santa Barbara fast-ass mosquito really lead to the end of life as we know it, or would regular mosquitoes fill that environmental niche?

5. Homosexuality: for God’s sake this issue can not be addressed. What can the morally bankrupt PC’ers do to stop a rational discussion on homosexuality. Well, surprise, surprise! The media stands ready to back them up on whatever they grab from the PC’ERS handbag. Let’s see, religious prejudice or blind bigoted hate of another human being. They can sum up all the negative connotations with the word homophobe to keep people from thinking much less commenting. But without PC control perhaps some issues might be discussed. For example:

A. Is homosexuality genetic, environmental or a combination of the two?

B. What is the impact of open acceptance of homosexuality on the culture?
Are there more negatives or positives associated with accepting homosexuality as a normal lifestyle?

C. Are the higher rates of suicide and sexual abuse associated with homosexuality an impact from cultural influences or something genetic?

D. Are child abuse rates higher by homosexuals? If so, is it rational to support homosexual adoption?

E. Disease rates associated with certain sexual practices are higher among homosexuals. Would full acceptance of homosexuality lead to a reduction or an increase of these diseases?

F. If the public indicates a certain sexual practice, such as ingesting feces, is highly abnormal with heterosexuals why would it be acceptable if one is homosexual?

Nowhere would a rational discussion of homosexuality indicate that the questioner wants to kill all gays. The very idea is absurd, but the PC’er does not want to discuss any aspect of homosexuality. If one is born to be homosexual then nothing can or should be done. However, if environmental reasons push some people into homosexuality and the state is not psychologically healthy for them, then the PC’ERS assure a terrible outcome. Without open discussion one can not discover methods that would prevent future environmental conditions from occurring that would force a heterosexual into adopting a homosexual lifestyle.

6. The Second Amendment:

The socialists have pretty much lost every factual argument possible concerning gun control. They have proven they can’t read well by their inability to understand the wording in the Second Amendment. With this issue leading socialist remain quite while the true believers are left with shouting, “You only want guns so you can shoot every – fill in the name of today’s favorite minority group – .” It is needless to go into details concerning gun control as this is one fight the PC’ERS have temporally lost.

Every single point and question listed above, no matter my beliefs, are valid and certainly deserve discussion. The world and these issues would improve with open and free discussion. The exchange of ideas would allow each side to alter their positions to stances that didn’t betray their beliefs but actually led to the public good. The aim of the PC’ERS is to prevent rationality on any issue. The question of course is, what is the purpose of the socialists in not allowing free discussion. Most Americans don’t like the idea, but the socialists pulling the strings of these poor misbegotten PC’ERS are setting up certain populations. Obviously, the economy will eventually reach a crisis. An economic crisis might additionally be associated with cultural problems, morality or foreign adventure. The ruling elite won’t want the blame. Having avoided the questions concerning Blacks, Jews and homosexuals they have three scape-goat populations ready to have their necks chopped off. Ironically, when it become necessary to torment or kill one of these groups elite socialists, including Jews, Blacks and homosexuals, will encourage the scapegoating to both save and cover their sorry behinds.

They also have an ace in the hole, the PC population. Remember the PC’ers are so vapid in internal content, they can switch from worry about an ice age to global warming within hours. They never possess the knowledge to say, “Hey, that’s not what my controllers told me to think yesterday. I better question the validity of their opinions.” PC’ers are authentic human robots. The socialist elite will just say the Jews, the Blacks or the queers caused the problems we’re having. The type crisis will indicate which group will be the best fall guy. In twenty-four hours, these same functional idiots will be attacking the very groups they used PC methods to avoid discussing just days earlier. Like the change in worry from a glacial age to global warming, all the socialists controllers have to do is click the switch.

In closing, I should remind the reader that even the right-wing uses some of the ingredients we call politically correct pressures to shut out debate. I happen to stand against Bush’s invasion of Iraq until I know more of what his aims are. Someone may indicate I’m unpatriotic for that stance. Now, God help the S.O.B. that would make that error, for I expect a right-winger to have far more character, integrity and mental ability than a leftist. I’d be even more upset a right-winger would wish to cut off fair discussion. I’ve opposed every American foreign intervention over three administrations based on a set of core beliefs. This make me radically different from the leftist who was for Clinton attacking Serbia and against Bush for attacking Iraq. The opposite can be said about the Republican who bases his support of foreign intervention on which political party is in power. There is no core or substance to such unthinking party followers. Still, the conservative or libertarian using such a simple-minded tactic will have the ability to argue once called on the cowardice of the statement. The PC’er is left only with his bag of ugly smears in his fight against free speech and open debate. He never has a clue.

Published originally at EtherZone.com : republication allowed with this notice and hyperlink intact.”

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