Degenerate America: The sodomite plan (I)

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Written By Alan Stang

First, the good news. After months of work, my new web site is ready and on line. For all I know, a professional designer could have done the same thing in a couple of days, but I did it myself because I couldn’t beat my own price. Go ahead and laugh, but, when I started, I didn’t know what Front Page was. I saw the icon when I booted up, and wondered about it once in a while, but I didn’t even know that Front Page is the program I needed to make the site. When someone smarter than I am told me about it, I forgot I already had it and made plans to buy it. Happily, I remembered I had it in time.

So now go ahead and wipe that condescending smile off your face. From now on, we quit fooling around. You are reading a commentary by a man who has actually designed a web site, except for the on-line shopping cart, which was totally over my head and had to be completed by one of those men smarter than I am – the son who is a graduate computer engineer and presently is numero uno (number one) in his class at law school. Yee Haa! This is the young man we keep in the basement, to whom we throw the raw meat. Let me know in a couple of years if there is someone whose throat you would like to tear out.

The new site includes two of my non-fiction books and five of my novels. The book covers are there, along with some exposition by your obedient servant that explains the site’s rationale, some autobiographical excerpts of my improbable career, the reviews, and the first chapter of each book.

The URL is Not at all original but easy to remember. Please pay us a visit and let us know what you think.

The piece I did recently about the desperate need to speak out has elicited a couple of letters asking what the correspondents should say, to whom and how. This tells me that many Americans out there are ready for action to save our civilization, if only they knew what to do. I propose that we explore the possibilities together, always trying to be utterly realistic, with the understanding that I don’t know myself for sure where our exploration will take us.

As we embark, remember that things happen for a reason. We don’t always know what that reason is, but there is always a reason. Government policies don’t just fall from the sky. Proposed legislation hundreds of pages long – too long for the legislators who vote on it to read – doesn’t just happen by itself. Somebody reads it and writes it for a purpose. Individuals with motives concoct rapid cultural changes. Things don’t “just happen.” Where you have an effect, you always have a cause.

The supremely important point of all this is that a conspiracy is turning our sublime country into a totalitarian dictatorship. Again, by “conspiracy” all I mean is that the process isn’t happening by accident. On the contrary, what is happening is the implementation of a masterful plan concocted by geniuses whose goal is world government. Conspirators are doing this to us deliberately because dictatorship is what they want.

A conspiracy doesn’t need to incorporate in your state; it doesn’t need to issue membership cards. According to the dictionary, a conspiracy comprises three elements: two or more people, acting together in secret toward an evil end. Were a couple of people to meet secretly and concoct a plan to rob a bank, there would be a conspiracy. Indeed, we read about such conspiracies all the time.

Turning America into a totalitarian dictatorship is an evil end, and men are meeting in secret to do that. It is no great leap in logic to say that they don’t want to be exposed and will do anything to prevent exposure. You have been to the movies, so you know that whenever the leaders of Cosa Nostra (Our Thing) are confronted, they laugh and say with all the credibility of Clinton that there is “no such thing.”

Conspiracy is the issue that separates the women from the girls. It is “politically correct” to talk about the effects of the conspiracy – even to argue about them – but not about the conspiracy itself. Anyone who does will be kicked off the talk radio and out of the newspapers, derided and punished.

Years ago, a dear friend of mine in broadcasting spent many hours explaining the conspiracy in detail to Rush Limbaugh, who then was using a different on-the-air name. It is amusing today to hear Limbaugh perform prizewinning contortionist feats to avoid mentioning the fact that someone up there is deliberately enslaving us. But it is no surprise. How long would Limbaugh or anyone else be there were he to talk about the conspiracy for world government? Whom have you heard lately on talk radio talking about world government traitor George W. Bush?

I have often heard people say: If the word “conspiracy” is so loaded, so sensitive, why use it? Why not get the message across a different way? Why antagonize the people you want to convince? Good questions. I propose to answer them by looking at a timely issue, by using that issue as a prism with which to focus light.

That issue is sodomy, buggery, homosexuality, call it what you will. What is homosexuality? When I ran my own radio talk show in Los Angeles, people in the industry told me, “Arbitron is the bible.” If Arbitron gives you the numbers, you will succeed; if it doesn’t you won’t.

That turned out to be a lie, of course. According to Arbitron, I had almost twice as many listeners on a 1,000-watt station, as Larry King, with whom I went head to head at 10 p.m., had on a 50,000-watt clear channel monster. According to the experts, the industry should have been beating down my door. But those numbers meant nothing because I refuse to be a Republican front man.

One of my guests was Paul Cameron, Ph.D., who ran the Family Research Council at the time, and had conducted exhaustive studies of homosexuality. I told Dr. Cameron that most normal people, including myself, probably didn’t know much about the subject and made the mistake of asking him what homosexuals did.

Dr. Paul answered the question. His answer was revolting. I saw my engineer through the glass in the control room retching, trying to work the pots, trying to keep his seat while suffering a case of the dry heaves. In effect – in effect – homosexuality means a man plunging his penis to the hilt into a container of human excrement.

It is criminal insanity of course, a prescription for horrifically fatal disease, criminal in the sense that buggery is a slap in the face of God Himself, Who benevolently designed the wholesome place man should put it and gave custody of that fruitful place to woman. That is why buggery has (almost) always been conducted in the “closet,” in secret, along with other hateful conspiracies and crimes.

Since the sodomizers on the Supreme Court ruled in favor of sodomy in Lawrence v. Texas, a minor debate has arisen between those who claim the Constitution includes a “right to privacy,” and those who disagree. In fact, that debate is utterly irrelevant. The sodomizers use the word “privacy” only because they know it appeals to the normal mind, which associates the words “privacy” and “sex.” They use the word “privacy” only to sow confusion.

The sodomites say they want privacy. Didn’t they have privacy, when they were in the closet? They had their own bars; they had their own bedrooms. Normal people left them strictly alone. In the underworld where they belonged, they had the freedom to bugger each other to death, and they did. How many normal people have you met who spend time in “gay bars?” Yes, there were laws, state laws, against buggery, but the cops did not enforce them as they do the drug laws – until the sodomites themselves decided they wanted to overturn those laws in court.

Don’t today’s homosexuals want the opposite of privacy? Privacy means to do what you do in private, alone. The opposite of privacy is to force what you do on someone else, to “get in someone else’s face.” And that is exactly what today’s homosexuals do. Their purpose is not to do something in private, but to force normal people to participate; their purpose is to change what normal people think.

But, as crazy as it is, today this criminal insanity rules the country. Sodomy is forced on children in government school, where the kiddos are taught that “homophobe heterosexuals” are “sick.” Celebrity sodomites who for years enjoyed the privacy they say they want, routinely shed that privacy and “come out,” or are “outed” by their fellow sodomites. A new television series announces that the mission of its sodomite “heroes” is to “remake the world one straight guy at a time.” The administration of communist traitor George W. Bush has done even more to advance the sodomite agenda than what’s his name, the rapist.

How did this happen? How could a thing this crazy get so much power and influence? Where did it come from, besides the sewer? What is happening? Everywhere the subject comes up I run into normal people scratching their heads. What they see makes them sick, but they don’t understand it. Many of them feel helpless. They don’t like what they see, but believe they can do nothing about it. They have the same attitude one has when a particularly revolting zit erupts on a pretty face.

Remember, we’re just using sodomy as an example. There are other examples. We picked sodomy for this discussion because it’s timely. The point we started out to make, the point we’re still making, remember, is that a conspiracy is deliberately causing the destruction of our civilization and the consequent descent of our nation into totalitarian dictatorship.

Suppose we were able to prove that the particularly revolting zit on your face didn’t get there by accident, isn’t the result of systemic imbalance in the seething cauldron of raging teenage hormones, but that someone deliberately put it there for a malevolent purpose – someone whose name and address we know.

Now what would you think? Would there be any difference in your feeling? Would you still feel helpless in the grip of impersonal forces? Or, would you now believe you could do something about it? In our next session, we’ll see that the sodomite explosion is a weapon in the hands of a conspiracy, designed to engineer total revolution in our country.

Published originally at : republication allowed with this notice and hyperlink intact.”

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