Defining tyranny down: Bush and the steroid-enhanced FBI

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Written By Paul Fallavollita

Those who foolishly trust that George W. Bush is a “conservative” should consider the latest action of the Bush Administration—the FBI has been given expanded powers to conduct domestic intelligence gathering. A complement to the unprecedented powers given them by the USA Patriot Act passed by Congress, FBI agents may now penetrate political groups and churches as well as library records and the Internet. Sans the 22nd Amendment, the American people might have foolishly handed Clinton a third term, but at least there would have been more resistance to the coming police state.

Bush said, “The FBI needed to change. It was an organization full of fine people who loved America but the organization didn’t meet the times.” Whenever anyone in government declares that there is a need to “meet the times,” true conservatives should take it as a warning signal that a thinly disguised wolf prowls amongst the sheep.

By busily encouraging criticism of the FBI’s handling of the information about al-Qaeda activities in American flight schools relayed by the Phoenix Memorandum, Bush deflects the impact of his prior knowledge of 9/11. Bush really knows how to turn lemons into lemonade, as he should, since he planted the lemon tree. Bush deliberately created any deficiencies that the pre-steroidally-enhanced FBI suffered from at its previous level of power. He actively hamstrung that agency’s ability to investigate al-Qaeda prior to 9/11. TheBBC, The Guardian, and the Times of India report that a document numbered 199I WF213589 came out of the Washington FBI field office, citing “connections between the CIA and Saudi Arabia and the Bush men and bin Ladens.” For political and financial reasons, namely that the Bush and bin Laden families both owned considerable stock in the CarlyleCorporation (a defense contractor), various cases investigating al-Qaeda and Saudis were closed, on orders from the top. It should be remembered that bin Laden was a CIA asset. Few in America have reported this information, besides courageous alternative websites such as and The Propaganda Matrix. Granting broader power to the FBI simultaneously makes the FBI look like it had been deficient in the past and advances the program of police state expansion that all governments historically embark upon—which was the main purpose of 9/11 itself. 9/11 is the updated version of Operation Northwoods with a twist worthy of The Lone Gunmen.

Ashcroft justified the Administration’s move, arguing that FBI agents “cannot surf the Web, the way you and I can.” Before some of my readers begin dreamily recounting how Johnny Asscrack is a “good Christian,” they should take a closer look at what he is actually saying in that quote. The Administration clearly holds the American people in contempt, because it believes that Americans are stupid enough not to see the distinction between regular citizens and paid FBI agents. Regular citizens do not have badges, guns, or the power to arrest and jail. Regular citizens talk about “surfing the web,” while the paid FBI agent calls it “open source intelligence” (OSINT). Regular citizens should ask themselves if they trust what uses that OSINT will be put toward, and they should remind themselves that another Clinton, of the female variety, may one day assume a high office in the executive branch, gaining a hand in deciding the uses of OSINT.

Pete Yost’s AP article on the new FBI powers concludes with an interesting summary worth repeating:

The new rules allow agents to conduct “general topical research” and “pure surfing” designed to find Web sites, chat rooms or Internet bulletin boards with information about terror, bomb-making instructions, child pornography or stolen credit cards.

Conspicuously absent from Yost’s catalog of bogeymen: “White supremacists,” “militiamen,” “anti-Semites,” and the like. These unlisted groups constitute the real opposition to the Administration and the New World Order, and are the true targets of the FBI’s new legal toys. Of course, these politically incorrect groups whose name dare not be spoken already receive coverage from the private political police in this country—the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) and the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC). They have a long-standing arrangement of “sharing,” information with the FBI and state and local law enforcement. In San Francisco, the ADL kept dossiers on citizens with the aid of police resources that they extralegally appropriated, for example. In addition, those two private “watchdog” groups pick up where official government entities must (for now) leave off: the harassment and intimidation of political opponents via the public smear, often by way of their contacts in the disproportionately Jewish and overwhelmingly liberal “mainstream” media.

Nevertheless, the media’s distraction efforts are underway. The prevailing “official,” “loyal opposition” criticism of the FBI’s new powers is that J. Edgar Hoover used these same powers to spy on Martin Luther King, Jr. MLK, that plagiarist and communist sympathizer with KGB connections through the Highlander Folk School, got exactly what he deserved. Monitoring the Left and MLK’s ilk was one of the few things the FBI did right.

These days, the FBI spends its time chasing patriots on the Right. Can you imagine what the House un-American Activities Committee (HUAC) would investigate today, if it were revived? Somehow, I don’t think HUAC would pursue the entities it should—such as the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR). It would more likely investigate the Council of Conservative Citizens (CofCC). Today, the Establishment sees the CofCC as “the bad guys,” while MLK is one of “the good guys.” Bush doesn’t seem to complain about the consequences of this particular change of the times.

Of course, the elites tell us that America is the freest country on earth. Maybe they’re right, in a way, since the standard is set so low as we share the planet with Third World slave pens. The problem is that the dividing line between America and the Third World is fast disappearing. How will we know when government has finally grown too big as to be tyrannical? The criteria constantly recede, defining tyranny down. What new powers will we have to give the FBI a few years from now, when times again change as Bush said? What can we look forward to next from Big Brother (or Big Sister)?

H.R. 2977, the Space Preservation Act, indicates what may come next. It prohibits the deployment of “exotic weapons” in outer space, but says nothing about their use on the ground. H.R. 2977 thus constitutes an “authorization in reverse” for the government to use these weapons, even against its own people. These weapons include “psychotronic weapons,” “chemtrails,” “ultrasonic weapons,” and “climate or tectonic weapons.” That’s a very revealing list of the things the government has on hand (or at least plans on having), and some were probably developed at the government’s little-known Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA). I’m not sure what “psychotronics” are, but the chemtrails involve spraying chemicals on a population from an aircraft, and the other weapons use sound (certain frequencies can make people nauseous), or affect the weather or the tectonic plates of the earth, causing tornadoes and earthquakes. Fun stuff that must be, but it’s too bad the regular citizens can’t hide inside a bunker at Mount Weather along with the Shadow Government when these weapons have their debut.

Have you had enough yet, America?

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