What to ask your congressman: Before the 2006 elections

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Written By Jeff Adams

We are in another election cycle. Political wonks will talk about how this mid-term cycle is important because George Bush is heading into the ‘lame duck’ phase of his presidency, the growing negative impression people have on the War on Terror, and ‘scandals’ threaten to cause the Republicans to lose their majority in the house. Not to belittle these issues, but the reason politicians and the MSM will focus on these issues will be primarily to draw people’s attention away from what is really the number one issue this election cycle: illegal immigration.

Survey after survey shows the American people not only want the feds to stop illegal immigration, but to deport illegals, and punish those who hire illegals. Study after study show that illegals commit a disproportionate number of violent crimes (theft, robbery, rape, and murder). Study after study show that illegals, in total, do not contribute to our economy, but are a drain on it by abusing our medical services, straining the finances of our education systems, and causing a lowering of wages.

With President Bush insisting on aggressively pursuing his War on Terror, it does not make sense to make it easier for foreigners to gain entrance to our country, much less watch the feds refusing to enforce the laws concerning immigration that are currently on the books. With these things in mind, everyone should be pressing their congressional and senatorial representatives, as well as the candidates that choose to run against them, on specific topics concerning immigration.

Rather than let the politicians, or the mainstream media talking heads, define the topics of debate this election season, it is imperative that we the people take the initiative and press those that would sit in the seats of government concerning the primary topic of interest to us. If we the people don’t ask the questions, and demand answers, don’t expect them to be addressed by the slick shysters that tend to hold public office.

With this in mind, I offer this list of questions that people can go to their representatives, and would-be representatives, and ask them to answer these questions as clearly and concisely as possible (and it wouldn’t hurt to do this in a public forum when the opportunity arises, so as to put them on the spot).

    1. What is your position/view concerning illegal immigration?
    2. Since over 80% of the American people want illegal immigration curbed, and illegals deported, will you work to enact the will of the American people? How?
    3. Do you support President Bush’s ‘guest-worker’ program?
    4. How is the ‘guest-worker’ program not amnesty? Since the government doesn’t enforce our laws now concerning illegals, how do we know they will enforce ‘guest-workers’ leaving when their time is up?
    5. Will you work to defeat the ‘guest-worker’ program?
    6. Knowing that H1B Visas undermine employment of Americans, will you work to reduce the number of H1B Visas allowed each year?
    7. Should Congress work to reinterpret the 14th Amendment so as to deny ‘birthright’ citizenship to the children of illegals born on U.S. territory, thus denying illegals the use of ‘anchor babies’ to remain in the U.S.?

Needless to say, many politicians will break out their tap shoes and dance around these questions. Some will even attempt to out right ignore the questions. We the people shouldn’t allow this. Some Republicans are talking tough on illegal immigration right now, but what about after they get through the elections in November? It isn’t enough for we the people to let politicians talk tough. We must hold public officials accountable after the elections.

Americans are on the verge of losing control of their own country. Some would say we already have. If that is true, then we risk losing even the pretense of controlling our country. The time is now to take a stand. Illegal immigration is the key issue of the 2006 election cycle at every level of government. We the people must demand action now. The media will try to ignore this issue, or minimize it, but we cannot allow this.

If you can’t get straight answers from the candidates of the Republican and Democratic parties, then I would suggest looking into a third party candidate. Perhaps if the establishment parties start losing their stranglehold on government, they’ll get their act together. If they don’t, then they should go the way of the Whig party, to be replaced by a truly patriotic political entity that understands the Constitution comes first, and so do the rights of citizens, not those who invade our land, break our laws, and literally turn citizenship into a second-class status.

Published originally at EtherZone.com : republication allowed with this notice and hyperlink intact.”

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