Wellstone’s nuremberg rally: He’s now the democrats’ horst wessel

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Written By Rich Smith

I swear, about the only thing missing from Tuesday night’s “memorial” service for the late Sen. Paul Wellstone of Minnesota was a torchlight parade around the stadium, with the 30,000 participants arranging themselves in such manner as to form a giant, flaming swastika on center field and then dispersing to smash the windows of nearby conservative-owned businesses.

Other than that, it was virtually impossible to tell the Wellstone public eulogy in Minneapolis apart from the 1935 Nuremberg rally that whipped German citizens into a frenzy of Nazi rage against the Jews. There was even a fiery, Hitler-like orator by the name of Rick Kahn, who at times seemed to come perilously close to calling on Wellstone’s Republican opponent (along with the entire Republican party) to curl up and die.

The service for Wellstone and his family and campaign staff who perished with him in the plane crash last week was supposed to be a non-political event. Of course, as you’ve no doubt heard in great detail by now, it turned out to be anything but.

However, that’s not what I want to discuss with you. I want instead to explore something far more fear-inducing, for what transpired there in the University of Minnesota’s Williams Arena is indicative of the increasingly dangerous circumstances we as conservatives are facing – and are, by and large, failing to prepare to defend ourselves against.

What has become crystal clear to me in the wake of the Wellstone event is that conservatives in America today are on the very verge of becoming the unmistakable equivalent of the Jews in mid-1930s Germany. And I don’t mean rhetorically.

It’s not just the fanatical outcry against conservatives heard at the Wellstone memorial that causes me to think this. It’s also the result of new polling showing Wellstone’s fill-in, former Vice President Walter F. Mondale, handily beating Republican challenger Norm Coleman.

This is astounding – and scary. The poll of 639 likely voters by the leftist Minneapolis Star-Tribune was conducted Monday. At that point, word of Mondale stepping into Wellstone’s still-warm shoes had barely begun to reach voters, yet those surveyed already had a carved-in-stone opinion and said they preferred him over Coleman by 47% to 39%.

You might be able to write this off to rigged polling or perhaps to mere wishfulness by Democrat cheerleaders in the local press. But to me, the poll data suggest it matters not to most of the surveyed voters who runs against Coleman. The substitute candidate could have been Webb Hubbell’s famous indicted ham sandwich for all they cared. The person they want to represent them in the Senate is anybody but Coleman.

Or, expressed another way, anybody but a guy who looks, talks or even remotely smells like a conservative.

Apparently, these Minnesota voters – like their counterparts in New Jersey who are said to by far favor the Democrat ringer in that state’s similarly corrupt Senate contest – simply hate people like you and me. Indeed, their hatred for us is the exact same virulent kind as that which reared up against the Jews in Nazi Germany long before the war.

Why do they hate us? I could write volumes in answer to that. But suffice it to say for now that leftists loathe conservatives and conservatism with a passion because both get in the way of their satanically inspired aspirations and generally make them feel inferior.

The Left’s parallels to the Nazis of yore don’t stop at their desire to see conservatives banished (or, better yet, turned into lampshades and other useful things that can be sold at trendy, upscale retail stores along Melrose Avenue in West Hollywood). If we’re the Jews, then Paul Wellstone is the Democrat party’s Horst Wessel.

Who the hell is Horst Wessel, you ask? An interesting fellow. As I tell you about him, you’ll immediately see why he was to the German Nazi party what Wellstone now is to the American version of the Nazi party.

Wessel was from an upstanding religious family, but forsook his parents and their faith in order to go live with a prostitute in the red-light district of the nation’s capital where, as a neighborhood leader of the Brownshirts in the days before Hitler’s rise to power, he worked tirelessly to impose Nazism. (The one thing about this that doesn’t truly correspond with Wellstone’s life is that Wellstone did not live with a prostitute – instead, by joining the Senate, he became one himself.)

In 1930, Wessel was murdered by thugs from a rival left-wing organization – the Communist party. This unfortunate incident quickly propelled the young scoundrel from obscurity to immense fame as the Nazi party’s ultimate martyr, just as Wellstone today is the ultimate glorified victim for Democrats nationwide.

Contemplate the words of William L. Shirer, author of The Rise and Fall of The Third Reich and see if this doesn’t apply to Wellstone: “…[T]hanks to Dr. Goebbels’ [James Carville’s] skillful propaganda, [he] became one of the great hero legends of the movement, hailed as a pure idealist who had given his life for the cause.”

As luck would have it, Horst, who possessed musical talent (if you consider farting like mad after a meal of beans to be musical talent), had composed a ballad about the joys of Nazism. It was discovered among his effects following his brutish demise. It became known as “The Horst Wessel Song” (god, those Nazi’s were inventive when it came to giving names) which eventually was rivaled in popularity only by the German national anthem. In fact, Horst’s martial-sounding tune served as a second national anthem; the Nazis themselves proclaimed it their party’s official theme song.

And, as luck would also have it, Paul Wellstone was a big bean eater and so he, too, produced a ballad before he died. His was about the joys of Democrat politics. I have clandestinely obtained a copy of it. Here it is, sung to the tune of “I’d Like to Teach the World to Sing:”

“I’d like to rid the world of those,
“who do not share my view.
“‘Cuz abortion rules in public schools,
“and taxpayers we must screw.”

The song goes on for several more stanzas, but it’s obvious just from this small sampling why the Left would clamor to elevate the Wellstone ditty to the level of a “Horst Wessel Song.”

So where does that leave us as conservatives? In deep, deep trouble. You might recall the words of Rep. Major Owens (D-N.Y.), a member of the Black Caucus who, after the Republicans gained control of the House of Representatives in 1994, warned in a thunderous floor speech that conservatives were coming to round up the old, the very young, the weak, the infirm, the insane (i.e., Democrat supporters), and everybody else who was non-white, not living in a mansion and not in possession of either a country club membership or a bedsheet with eye holes cut in it. Psychologists believe that the mendacious among us typically ascribe the evil in their hearts to innocent others. This is called projection. The Owens speech – like all speeches by Democrats from Bill Clinton on down the line – was an exercise in projection: he says we want to round up the huddled masses and treat them to a big dose of Zyklon-B gas, but, in reality, that’s what he and his Democrat colleagues actually yearn to do to us.

My advice: you’d better get ready to physically defend yourself, your loved ones, your homes and your possessions. We have, with the Wellstone memorial, crossed into new territory. The mask is off, the intentions are clear. The Left is moving into high-gear to lock us down and take us out. Most frightening when you think about it is the sheer number of our countrymen – fully now one-half of the populace – whose minds have been poisoned against us by decades of anti-right propaganda.

Since Tuesday, I have gained a much keener appreciation for how the Jews of Germany felt at around the time the Nazis passed the Nuremberg laws, effectively outlawing Jews. In Rise and Fall of the Third Reich, Shirer recounts that, on a road outside Ludwigshafen, the government installed a sign that read, “Drive Carefully! Sharp Curve! Jews 75 MPH!” Put “Conservatives” in place of “Jews” and that pretty much sums up where we’re at as of this moment.

Published originally at EtherZone.com : republication allowed with this notice and hyperlink intact.”

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