More deaths caused by government?: Deliberate decisions

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Written By Albert V. Burns

As a result of my previous column dealing with the horrendous statistics of human lives taken by governments run amok, I have received a several messages pointing out the fact that I had omitted one of the most appalling facts of all, that is, the forty three million plus (43,000,000+) babies that have been aborted in the United States since 1973. That was the year when our illustrious Supreme Court discovered a previously unknown part of our Constitution, i.e., the right of privacy which meant that women now had the right to kill their unborn children. (Were the Founding Fathers aware of this grotesque misinterpretation of the Constitution they so carefully crafted, they would be spinning in their graves.)

It is important to realize that the statistics quoted in the previous column dealt exclusively with the deaths of men, women and children who were callously, deliberately, and often, in the most savage manner possible, killed by their own governments. Note that the 43,000,000 plus babies exterminated in this country were NOT killed by our government directly. Nor were they aborted at the ORDER of the government or by someone acting for the government. NO! With extremely rare exceptions, every single one of these innocents were destroyed as the result of a deliberate decision of the woman who was pregnant.

It is true that, in a small number of cases, there were mitigating circumstances: women who became pregnant as a result of rape or incest, or to save the life of the mother, for example. Nevertheless, however the pregnancy originated, the abortion which terminated the life of the baby was, in the majority of cases, the decision of the mother.

Our government, via the Supreme Court, made abortion legal. They did not make it mandatory! What then has led to the tremendous death toll of unborn babies in this country? When you understand the answer to that question, you will also have the answer to the majority of the ills which this country is facing today.

Thirty seven years ago, when the Supreme Court opened the door to “abortion on demand” in the U.S. there was no immediate stampede on the part of American women to kill their unborn children. The decision to legalize abortion simply allowed the “back-alley butchers” to move their operations into store front abortion mills. (The inherently immoral and criminal nature of their operations were in no way changed.)

Even with the abortion industry out in the open, there still was no rush to kill. What was necessary was a “reconditioning” or “restructuring” of the thinking of the American people, more specifically the American women, to accept the naturally abhorrent idea that killing the life inside of them was acceptable, even desirable in the eyes of society. Note that, tragically, a lot of that restructuring of our societal view of abortion (and such other ancient sins as homosexuality, drug use, etc.) has been done through some of the major religions in this country – the very entities which should have been acting as a bulwark against such erosion of morality in the U.S.

The Gramscian conspirators have missed no opportunity to infiltrate and control every facet of modern society which has any potential to influence the thinking and actions of our society. (Who Gramsci was and why he is important will be discussed in future columns.) Because we did not understand what was happening, we were carefully and skillfully maneuvered into accepting things which were once totally rejected for almost 2000 years. The most tragic aspect of this whole mess is that the overwhelming majority of Americans STILL don’t have a clue that all this has taken place and that it was done deliberately!

No, those 43,000,000 plus lives weren’t destroyed by our government. They were destroyed by individuals whose moral beliefs had been ever so cleverly warped into accepting the unacceptable.

They were destroyed by doctors who had forsaken the sacred Hippocratic Oath they swore upon becoming a doctor. That oath which says in part: “First, do NO HARM! (Perhaps, today, it should be known as the Hypocritic Oath, at least for those butchers who run the abortion mills!)

Today, as a result of the election of George W. Bush to the presidency, the proponents of abortion on demand are expressing concern that those with “partisan” beliefs will influence him to begin to restrict abortion. (NOTE: Those who are pro-life have “partisan beliefs” while those who are pro-death, supposedly do not have any partisan ideas at all.)

Those who have accepted the Gramscian teachings are always terrified by diversity of opinion. They have been persuaded that the fair way to decide issues, which passionately divide our society, is for the federal government to issue mandates giving the liberals everything they want – and then to suppress all criticism of the edicts. This process is known, in the mass media, as a victory for “choice!” The absurd result of this whole process is that the backers of any such edict argue, ad nauseam, that the vast majority of Americans are in favor of the mandate, in this case, abortion. But at the same time, they ask, NAY, demand that the issue NEVER be allowed to come to a public vote! Never! Never! NEVER! “CHOICE” is under attack if the public can vote on it.

A truly Orwellian state of affairs exists in this country today. The liberals scream for “Democracy” where “Every Vote Counts!” Except, of course, where the vote MIGHT upset some cherished liberal program. Such programs are legion: abortion on demand, gun control, environmental programs, government control of both public AND private land, same sex marriages, so-called civil rights laws, and the list goes on and on and on. Executive Orders and Judicial Fiats are changing the future of this country almost daily. But VOTE on any of them? Heavens, NO! Such “democracy” is absolutely terrifying to the liberal mind!

Published originally at : republication allowed with this notice and hyperlink intact.”

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