Mind boggling outrages: Ominous intentions… Real resistance is scant

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Written By Al Cronkrite

Tucked away in a three inch column on Page 4 of a recent chain owned daily Newspaper was a story involving the hammer murder of a mother by her own daughter. The mother was bludgeoned to death. A few days later the same newspaper contained a headline indicating that not all murders “caused by guns” are being reported in the paper. Failure to sensationalize a sensational story while allowing a relatively minor event front page coverage points to the agenda which is always present in the American press.

It seems that Americans are being programmed to accept increasingly monstrous assaults on their credulity and sense of propriety.

The incineration of the Branch Davidians with a massive armed intervention directed against individuals that appeared to pose no threat to our society was a plain message that our Government will no longer accept resistance to its directives no matter how ridiculous or unjust. Subsequent investigations of this and the tragedy in Oklahoma City were rendered impossible when the government leveled the buildings and hauled away the evidence.

The unfolding of a homosexual agenda that seeks to normalize a lifestyle that has been eschewed since the fall of Rome is a massive affront to the moral and ethical standards of our Nation. That this unnatural, socially deteriorating, in your face, and immoral practice can be championed by the President of the United States, accepted by army Generals and promoted on a daily basis in the media is, to many of us, incomprehensible.

With gaping mouth, America watches as individuals at the highest levels of government flaunt the law of the land with impunity. It is a war against law and order to allow the treasonous, clandestine desecration of the legal basis of our Nation by entangling it in a pagan system of World Government that is alien to a free people. American law has become what the Government and its imperious Judges says it is. The Code itself has been violated with extraneous statutes that violate our Constitutional foundation.

With little discussion of the true import of the right to bear arms and a total disregard for the Bill of Rights we are slowly being immersed in a program that will end in their confiscation. While more and more government agents are armed, our government wants to disarm its citizens in spite of clear evidence that society is safer when law abiding citizens are armed. It is hard for most Americans to believe that their own leaders would betray the Nation into tyranny.

Incredible as it seems, the worlds most powerful Nation cannot control its own borders. We no longer have barriers to the illegal alien invasion. The Christian European based culture which characterized America has been purloined and replaced with a dangerous diversity which threatens anarchy. Elitist social engineers have stolen the peaceful, industrious, and prosperous America of the 1950s and replaced it with their own prelude to the New World Order. They have filched our history and cultural heritage in a deliberate attempt to bring down our National boundaries and destroy our culture.

White Americans are being barraged with the lie that their prejudice impedes black progress. This prejudice against blacks is mostly a myth. It is a myth that is sustained by a compliant press, the assent of liberal government, and a group of leaches that live by fomenting turmoil. The racial distrust this lie creates robs our society of peace and order and creates incipient overt racial conflict. Though blacks have risen to the top and, indeed, totally dominate many sporting events, have a constantly increasing presence in middle and upper class neighborhoods, are liberally represented by wealthy heads of corporations and have peaceful and equal access to most every white domain, the constant whining about a nonexistent prejudice supports their duplicitous leaders while enslaving the masses in self pity and white hatred making brotherhood and equality an impossibility.

It is an insult to intellect to believe that liberty can be sustained without an informed and alert electorate. The privilege of voting has been systematically eroded in order to control the electorate. Most voters are completely ignorant of the real issues and gain their preference from the controlled media which in turn manipulates the vote to its own agenda. The Christian Church is culpable for this dilemma. Rather than ferret out and condemn the evil in society which is their God given mandate, they cater to a seeker friendly gospel that fills their churches, their pride, and their pocketbooks.

Concentration of ownership creates control of news rendering it devoid of meaningful discussion of critical issues. The merits of the United Nations, presidential orders, results of gun ownership on crime, the Council on Foreign Relations, the Bilderbergers, a detailed analysis of the results of NAFT and GATT, a list of avowed socialists in Congress, an honest discussion of race, and many other issues that would help properly inform voters are never printed. Our shadow government has its tentacles in the press room and the issues are strictly controlled.

How long will the public accept the ever increasing cost of progressively inferior public education? While our controlled media honors the teacher of the year and supports the use of over half of the entire budget of most cities for education, elite, Communist controlled foundations have financed numerous successful programs intentionally designed to dumb down our youth. This horrendous treachery is completely documented in Charlotte Iserbyt’s book entitled, “The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America”.

Does anyone believe that bankers who make large sums of money financing both sides of World Wars are above fomenting them for profit? Are we so naive that we think international corporations who have made their profits and had their roots in America entertain any obligation to us? How about the deterioration of morals and ethics in our society – has it all come by happenstance? Will the New World Order offer us more freedom and more opportunity? If so, why are our youth being graduated in ignorance.

America was a flower of great beauty in a world of cactus. Now the flower has withered and become overgrown. Tyranny has replaced the blessing of helpful altruism. Lurking in the wings is a heavy Humanistic yoke and the insanity of abortion, euthanasia, murder, ethnic cleansing, rape, pillaging, and mayhem. Already the genie is out of the bottle and the show is about to begin.

Columbine High School and other highly publicized student killings were gnats compared to the elephant size murders governments have already perpetrated. They were insignificant compared to the 160 million souls lost to pagan regimes during the twentieth century alone. It should have been a bleep in an honest press that would scream about the atrocities tyranny has produced and the similar wolf that is already at our door.

Contrary to the overt pronouncements of our leaders and the information published in the media, America is in dire danger. We are on the brink of being sucked into world government. Not by vote (though that may come), but by the illegal, hidden maneuvers of profligate individuals.

The facts are worrisome in themselves but the larger danger is that this diabolical scheme is being perpetrated with such skill that real resistance is scant.

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