Con job: All the Bushtilt print to fit

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Written By Alan Stang

newspaper-1054155_1280What is happening over the Continuing Criminal Enterprise called the Democratic Party?   Is it just coming apart, dead in the water after a self-inflicted explosion in the engine room?  We are approaching the fortieth anniversary of the assassination of Jack Kennedy, so I have been expecting a cascade of the usual Democrat hosannas about him.   Instead, the so-called “mainstream” media have been talking about one of St. John’s mistresses, as if his philandering were a revelation.

For almost forty years, some of us have been writing about Kennedy’s serial adultery, about Fiddle and Faddle, whom he kept in the White House, about the lady he shared with a Cosa Nostra gangster, about Marilyn Monroe, et cetera and so on. The “mainstream” media knew much more about all this than we did, because they were in bed together, but they ménaged (a pun, a French pun.  Ménage, as in ménage a trois.  Get it?) to keep it out of the news and bitterly denounced us for mentioning it.  Now, it’s oozing out again, and , curiously, the Prostitute National Press has brought us the story.

One automatically thinks in French when writing about Camelot, because the Kennedy jackanapes were oh so sophisticated, don’t you know, except that for Jack a ménage a trois (three) probably meant quatre (four) or even cinq (five).  What the h-e-c-k, as long as he did his job.

Over at Democrat Party headquarters, also known as the New York Times, the truth some of us have been denounced for telling at last starts to emerge.  It was the Times that sold the Soviet Union to the United States in the Thirties.  Timesreporter Walter Duranty told us how swell it was in Moscow and denied that Stalin had starved, killed and deported all those Ukrainians.

Castro is a Communist.  when some of us began saying so, it was a “wild charge.”  When Major Pedro Luis Diaz Lanz, Castro’s personal pilot, escaped and testified in Washington that Castro was the top communist in the Western Hemisphere,New York Times reporter Herbert L. Matthews was filing from Havana.  This was before Castro came out of the closet, so, the day after Pedro testified, the Times printed a Matthews story on the front page, according to which Castro was an “anti-Communist,” and Pedro was wanted for embezzlement in Cuba.

I am not aware of any Communist dictator the New York Times has ever opposed. The Times always advocates world government and always takes the anti-American side in a dispute.  In one of my magazine pieces, I quoted a long, inflammatory screed from the Times and said it came from Peoples World, the communist Party newspaper.  At the end of the piece, I told the truth, but, because the style of the two fish wrappers was interchangeable, not one reader caught my little experiment.

The New York Times has been much more successful at disseminating Communist propaganda than the open Party papers.  A newspaper that had been genuinely fooled time after time by Mao Tse-tung, by Castro and by other Communist dictators – a newspaper that was not a secret Soviet tool – would have learned something from the experience, would have denounced the perpetrators and changed course.  The Times never does.

And now comes an “affirmative action” Times reporter, who wasn’t where he said he was and therefore didn’t see what he said he saw; apparently he couldn’t take the trouble to go and look because he was sniffing more coke than he was supposed to.  The Times has always advocated “affirmative action,” a scheme in which unqualified people are hired to do work they can’t do, and the now canned Times reporter is predictably yelling “racism”.  Is this a classic example of being hoisted by one’s own petard, or what?

We’re still not finished.  There is also Maureen Dowd, feminoid reportrix for the New York times.  Maureen isn’t dowdy, but her face does come to a point and she resembles nothing so much as a foraging shrew.  Her latest trick was to misquote George Bush by leaving out part of what he said, creating the spurious impression that he had said the opposite.  As this commentary goes to press, Dowd has still not been canned. Maybe Times boss Howell Raines, who is trying to live down the fact that he hails from Alabama, is afraid she would eat him – and she might.

Is all this an accident? Maybe.  Maybe it’s just the biochemical fact that even a long impacted colon must eventually give way, and that when it does the fan stinks.   But remember that at the top of Our Thing that runs this country every member wants the same thing.  The squabbles that constantly erupt below between “liberals” and “conservatives,” between Democrats and Republicans, amount to nothing more than fights between rival factions of the same gang.  The world government conspirators who run the show encourage such gang fights because they serve the double purpose of bringing the most ruthless practitioners to the top and fomenting the confusion that keeps us boobs confused.

But, whatever the reason for the mishmash, it certainly makes George Bush look good, doesn’t it?  It inoculates us against any revelation in the works about him.  As far as I know, there is nothing to reveal, but if there were, how bad could it be in view of what we now know about St. Jackanapes, theNew York Times, Mo Dowd, and so on and on.  If these people say what they say about Bush, he must be okay, right?

There is an immensely important lesson in all this.  Before you know a con man is a con man, you are hornswoggled, as they used to say in Texas.  He is immensely charming.  You enjoy his company.  his personality emits warmth like the sun.   This is true of every con man.  If it weren’t, the would-be con man would be in a different line of work, maybe for the IRS.  The con man who just got off the train downtown, shaved at the YMCA and is now in the siding business is one of the most engaging people you have ever met.

All he asks is $500 to buy materials to start your siding job tomorrow.  Some people will give him the money.  That must be true because he keeps the scam going.   When he finishes in one neighborhood, he continues in another.  By sundown, he may have promised a dozen homeowners he will do their homes tomorrow.  Will you be one of them?

Now, here’s the lesson.  Even before the con man arrived, your neighbor Nathan, who is named for Nathan Bedford Forrest and makes no apology for the fact that he hails from Alabama, has warned you about such deals.  But Old’ Nat is known to be suspicious of strangers and he is reputed to be something of a “right-wing extremist.”  So, of course, you disregard his warnings.

When the con man doesn’t show up tomorrow, you don’t want to admit you’ve been scammed.   You don’t want to talk about it.  You would rather forget the whole thing.   Who wants to be exposed as a fool?  You have invested not just money, but also emotion and reputation in the swindle and it is hard to call them back.  It’s called human nature.

Jack Kennedy was an immensely charming man.  If he were not an immensely charming man, he could not have been elected.  His wife was gorgeous and she spoke French.   He made Richard Nixon look like the siding salesman we have been talking about.   Apparently, he didn’t even have to tell a woman he would respect her in the morning.  If Jack took a run at her, she wouldn’t care.  After all, if you have been faddled by the President, the rules don’t apply.

George Bush is an immensely charming man.  Even his opponents admit that.  I certainly do.  Were he not an immensely charming man, he could not have been elected.   His wife does not speak French, but she is gorgeous.  He is also a world government totalitarian.  How could he be anything else when that’s what his father and grandfather were and are?  How could he be anything else when that is what he was raised from the beginning to be?

When what he is doing finally becomes too clear to deny – when there is no way to avoid the fact that he is doing everything he can to submerge our country in a world government dictatorship – how hard will it be for hornswoggled Americans to admit?  Listen to the talk show hosts.  They admit that the government is getting much bigger every day.  They admit that government schools are brainwashing facilities.  They admit that our borders are still wide open, that we are being invaded and that our independence is being destroyed.

But they dance around the reason.  They subscribe to the accidental theory of history, in which things “just happen.”  They will use every circumlocution available to avoid mentioning the fact that none of these things – and many more – could happen five minutes longer than George W. Bush wanted.  They would start to wind down a few minutes after George W. Bush picks up the telephone and says he wants them to stop.

My fellow Americans, we’ve been hornswoggled.  The Emperor has clothes.  But they aren’t his.

Published originally at : republication allowed with this notice and hyperlink intact.”

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