Why are they here?: Egyptian and Saudi schools are “just as good”

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Written By Steve Edwards

The recent incident in Florida in which three medical students were stopped and then detained for 17 hours after having verbalized what sounded like a terroristic threat in a public place has been analyzed and discussed at some length in the Leftmedia, with NBC’s Matt Lauer, among others, giving those three (and, of course, their attorney) national airtime to tell their side of the story.

But what is missing — what is ALWAYS missing — in this era of multiculturalism and the Left’s fawning approval and embrace of all things diverse and perverse (as long as it does not include Judeo-Christian or Western values), is the primary issue of post-9/11/01 America.   If all societies, all cultures, all religions (or “faith traditions,” in the words of Al Gore), all educational systems are equal in the eyes of God — or at least in the myopic mist of our Kulturfog — then why can’t these hate-filled and hateful people stay in their own wonderful countries and learn to be pilots, physicians, engineers, or computer programmers?

The same leftists who urge open borders and tolerance for the anti-Americans who swarm here would be the first to insist that foreign countries have just as good, if not better [see their opinions on Castro’s health care and school systems over the past 40 years], a culture and educational base as the United States.   So why do we even consider issuing visas to people who have no intention of settling here and assimilating as Americans?

The immigration of the late-19th century and the first half of the twentieth century was comprised of people from many places in the world.  The one unifying characteristic that all of them shared was a burning desire to become Americans.  They knew how important it would be for their children to speak English if they were to become successful in America, and they fervently wanted their children to take their rightful place as native-born Americans.

Over time, these immigrants and their families became Americans.  While retaining many of the beautiful cultural traditions and rich heritage of their native lands, they were proud to be Italian-Americans, Irish-Americans, Greek- Americans, or just plain unhyphenated Americans.  But they were NOT, however, just Saudis living in America as permanent aliens and speaking Arabic, Mexicans living in America as permanent aliens and speaking Spanish, or Russians living in America as permanent aliens and speaking Russian.

The Balkanization of America hit full throttle as race hustlers, poverty pimps, open borders advocates, and bilingualists (later multilingualists) drove wedges between groups of Americans.  The Balkanizers cunningly focused upon relatively small differences and creating a Newspeak of hyphenated group identities, a victim culture, increased use of litigation to promote transfer of wealth, and the linguistic path of least resistance.   Why learn English, the language of the oppressors?   Why not make America adapt to us?

From the Tower of Babel to modern-day Quebec, the inability (and worse, the unwillingness) to communicate with others is the fuse that is sure to ignite latent animosities.  The American melting pot had so successfully reduced these animosities that “only in America” became a phrase signifying good relations, intermarriage, and peaceful coexistence of groups that were at constant war in other places on the planet.   Even though there were frequent racial and cultural flare-ups, most of these were localized and relatively inconsequential.

But the Balkanizers struck the mother lode when they adopted the strategy of pressing for the admission of ONLY those people who brought nothing of value to America. These included AIDS-infected people, people with no productive skills and no history of anything remotely resembling a work ethic, and people whose primary activities were consuming and procreating more consumers — in other words, people who were sure to look to government for handouts and were even more sure to become completely dependent upon the political whores and demagogues who tossed them their few scraps from the table.

Every other sentient nation on earth restricts immigration prudently.  To immigrate into Australia or New Zealand, one must possess an occupation or skill that Australia or New Zealand needs.   “Only in America” now signifies a prosperous and productive society that encourages illegal aliens to stay forever via frequent (and eagerly- anticipated) amnesties, while the talented and educated would-be immigrants play by the rules and thereby wait for years (if ever) for their opportunity to come to the Promised Land.

During a protracted war on terrorism, immigration should be slowed to a well-screened trickle.  Educational visas for people from countries and cultures that detest America should be terminated, and the Left should support this enthusiastically.  After all, why impart the cultural and scientific bias of Dead White Males to people who would be far better educated in those excellent Saudi, Egyptian, Cuban, and Chinese schools?

Published originally at EtherZone.com : republication allowed with this notice and hyperlink intact.”

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