Where are the wmd’s?: In Iran and Syria of course

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Written By Novakeo


My last article caused many of you to write that I was coming on a bit too strong in my criticisms of the oligarchy and its head honcho boy George. So, I did what any honest writer would do when criticized by his or her readers, I sat back, sipped some hot coffee and examined my writing modus operandi of late. In this somewhat amusing process, several analogies entered my shocking mind, the first being, how would one react when being pick pocketed? Or, how does a human being react when lied to over and over again by someone you are supposed to trust? Or, even worse, how does a human being react when someone who you look for leadership and that that person in authority not only incessantly lies to you but thieves from you also? Are you to be a well behaved lap dog and go along with the deceivers and thieves and allow yourselves to be fooled and erroneously conclude that this perverse process is for your own good and well being, or are you going to stand up for yourself and say no more?

The prostitutes in the mainstream media have no problem fornicating with their masters in the corporate state and will not bother with such formalities as reporting the truth, but then again, that’s why you are here reading this article on this publication, you are tired of being lied to as well. The America that is your heritage is being systematically dismantled by a few greedy elitists and this writer is not going to pussy foot about. Your government is destroying your future by going into massive debt so they can play war games and profit greatly by it while lying to you that it is for your own security. Your dollar that you work for is becoming worthless by the day and when you look at your pay check stub and see how much of it your government appropriates, you begin to wonder who are you really working for, that is if you are fortunate enough to still have a job. So let’s get on with it shall we, I promise to be gentle this time.

Should we be surprised that U.S. forces have not been able to find Saddam’s weapons of mass destruction? Of course not, it was always a bunch of fabrications from the start so that the neocons within the Bush administration can create an illusion of a legitimate “casus belli” and threat. Presidents Bush’s State of the Union, was deliberate in its accusations and produced evidence that supposedly was gathered by British and American intelligence agencies, proving that Iraq had thousands of liters in anthrax and botulinum toxins that could produce vast amounts of WMD’s. And if given the time Saddam would also develop nuclear weapons therefore the threat was immediate and great. So we were told, in which he also gave the arguments and reasons for his patriotic usurping of the constitution and his determination to lead the United States into an internationally illegal act of war on another sovereign nation.

Newsday’s Marie Cocco has written a pretty good article titled “Iraqi Arsenal Now Seems a Phantom Menace” where she asks some pertinent questions, one being in a very concerning manner – “I am hoping they find something soon. I am hoping President George W. Bush’s chief justification for the invasion of Iraq – that Saddam Hussein held a fearsome arsenal of chemical, biological and possibly nuclear weapons that posed an imminent threat to the United States – was not concocted in those Washington salons where conservative ideology and a lust for expanding American power merge.” Unfortunately, Cocco’s hope is in vain here, I believe she knows better, the neocons needed a reason to hood wink the public for what amounts to outright criminality on their part, and fabricating evidence was nothing compared to the rape of an entire nation, the neocons are ideologically motivated and they will not be stopped by the truth or by the law, which is all relative to them anyway.

Cocco goes on to point out that – “Teams of U.S. weapons inspectors who have been running down lists of high-priority sites in Iraq are coming up dry” and that “Some teams in this hunt have now diverted to look for different evidence of Hussein’s perfidy – mass graves, financial wrongdoing.” Nothing like diverting attention from certain uncomfortable truths that would expose certain people in the Bush administration of flat out lying to the American people especially the honcho at the top boy George himself. This is all reminiscent of so called atrocities by the Serbs in Bosnia and Kosovo; the reasons given by the Clinton regime for their illegal acts of aggression, all of which have turned out to be nothing more than fabrications by the spin doctors in the Clinton administration, the Bush clan in this case have proved to be much like the Clintonians.

Cocco goes on to write that she does not believe that the Bush government flat out lied about the necessity for the invasion of Iraq, but rather a manipulation of certain information and intelligence, where she draws a historical parallel with Vietnam and writes – “The historic parallel is that those bright, shining lies that sustained American involvement in Vietnam were not always rank falsehoods. They were often manipulations of information and intelligence. And these were put forward by men compelled by ideology and their own concept of political necessity to pursue a course that turned out to be utter folly”. Cocco seems to sincerely give the Bush clan the benefit of the doubt in the Bush clan’s inability to flat out lie to the public; I am under no such illusion.

There is plenty of evidence to prove that it was a deliberate strategy by the Bush government to lie to Americans and the world of the dangers posed by Iraq. Secretary of State Colin Powel went to the United Nations to present to the world a plagiaristic expose on the specter of a mad man on the verge of nuclear capability, with stock piles of lethal chemicals who intended to use it against the most powerful force on earth, or to give it to terrorist organizations such as al-Qaeda, which was being at the same time contradicted by CIA reports, was clearly a cynical and disingenuous attempt to justify the morally bankrupt. It is clear by the lack of evidence in Iraq of WMD’s and any legitimate links with al-Qaida that the war was for the purposes of a perverse element within the American government.

Also, the simple question of why did a mad man like Saddam not use these weapons in defense of his nation and palaces? Could it be because he did not have them all along? Or maybe he is not such a mad man after all, a mass murderer for sure, but smart enough to make a deal with the Bush government to go into hiding with some of his generals in the republican guards which just happened not to put up much of a fight in its defense of Baghdad. Where is Saddam? Could he be with bin Laden, another one of those evil characters who has conveniently disappeared only to surface when things quiet down to much in the unending war against terrorism?

Listening to some leading neocons lately, we are to expect to find those pesky WMD’s within a matter of years and that in any case there are real threats now to deal with like al-Qaida’s links to Iran. Iran has been on Washington’s hot sauce lately with the pentagon proposing regime change in Iran, after reports that al-Qaida leaders are coordinating terrorist attacks from Iran and the nefarious Bill Kristol also echoing the dangers now posed to the United States by the Ayatollahs. And like Iraq, there is no evidence to support these accusations other than the neocons hatred for all of Israel’s cantankerous enemies.

The Washington Post reported that the Bush administration appears “ready to embrace an aggressive policy of trying to destabilize the Iranian government”, also, along the same lines, the Bush clan’s special democratic friend U.S. Sen. Joseph Lieberman of Connecticut said – “It would be in the interest of the world and most particularly of the Iranian people to have a regime change in Iran.” Here we go again; the United States is going to start killing Iranians for their own good. This is really a declaration of war as far as the Iranian government is concerned and further evidence that we have a bunch of criminals running the United States government. Will the next invasion be Iran or Syria? It does not matter really, an attack on one by the United States is an attack on both, and the next neocon war will probably be with at least two nations (Iran and Syria) if not more.

These wars of democratic liberation, was and always will be about American preponderance and getting rid of Israel’s enemies. It rarely had anything to do with getting rid of terrorist organizations that threatened the United States, if we were attacked it was because the United States was in the Middle East meddling in the internal affairs of other nations and supporting a nation that has nothing to do with any vital American interest, excluding that of the oligarchy. The war in Iraq has only just begun, and American casualties will slowly trickle in and add up, the occupiers will be slowly driven out and the cost in American blood and money will become great.

And low and behold substantiation from the dragon bitch National Security Adviser Dr. Condoleezza Rice who said that the “security of Israel is the key to security of the world.” Wow, pretty heady stuff, did Rice think this up all by herself? The security of the United States and the World is intertwined with Israel’s security; I guess that is good enough reason to fight Israel’s wars. Did any one ask her why and how our security is linked to Israel? This ties in well with the dispensationalists who believe that the center of world troubles and tribulation will be over Israel. Beam me up Scotty, the rapture is soon to be upon us.

This is the mindset permeating within the Bush regime; Condoleezza Rice went on to say that she feels “a deep bond to Israel” and that “I first visited Israel in 2000. I already then felt that I am returning home despite the fact that this was a place I never visited. I have a deep affinity with Israel”. To Rice and her neocon friends the center of the universe is Israel and to hell with the legitimate interests of the United States. Condoleezza Rice, how about you and your neocon friends do us a little favor? Take your subversive buddies and return home to Israel permanently, and let us return to a Republic here in America.

Published originally at EtherZone.com : republication allowed with this notice and hyperlink intact.”

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