What’s this life for: Your sacrifice

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Written By Novakeo

Trust us; say the masters of iniquity, be good patriotic citizens, say the purveyor’s of deception, make your sacrifice for the red white and blue homeland, because a grateful nation will honor that sacrifice that you make for freedom, baseball and the latest Hollywood flick by poisoning your loins.

Kill for the great lie, murder for the holy cause, lay waste to the enemies of freedom who know your hypocrisy only to well. Rip apart their bodies, burn them alive, and sacrifice your integrity by destroying the innocent along with the guilty, it is for a good cause say your pious leaders who know how pliable you really are. So die the good death and make sure you take with you as many infidels as you can.

You are at war, so they say, the enemies of freedom that you willingly give up to your highly patriotic government for a virtual sense of security are out to take away your TV remote. Like groveling lap dogs, you allow yourselves to be deceived by your elites in order to feel a sense of delusional power and strength; you think you are part of the team, but the elites know what you really are, they scoff and ridicule your false sense of patriotism by allowing you to salute your Made in China flag.

The Tartuffe’s say they know the difference between heaven and hell, that they have the divine technical power to deal evil a crushing blow. Did you ever wonder why so many people die when the promise of a brave new world unfolds before your eyes? Go, you simpletons’, sacrificial lambs for autocratic portfolios, meet the brave new world of perpetual war on something, did you not here? War is Peace.

Be brave, be courageous for all the wrong reasons, and turn away from the gleaming crimson stains of the innocent, for the manifest destiny of the wicked has been manufactured for your benefit. You are to keep silent and understand that your leaders know much better than you do.

You believe that the virtue’s to being American is as what the government and Hollywood define. The glitzy, whoring embodiment of great abundance, of excess, force, and malevolence, that this is the true path to Americana and enlightenment. Your life is for their entertainment whilst believing that in fact you are the one being entertained.

In your eyes filled with sand, you still do not believe it is bad; there is no redeeming feature to be found – so you think. You therefore look to your corrupt leaders to show you the way to gratification and happiness. They say spend the money they let you have on yourselves, it is beneficial to the society and their bottom line. You then wonder why it is difficult for you to find a saving grace?

Clap your hands, cheer the crusaders, and watch as the reflections of your ego’s reveals the corruption of your sensibilities. You refuse to walk in love and are determined to walk in vengeance and servitude to the forces of iniquity. Go then, settle the score. What do you think your final outcome will be?

You are headed on the road to nowhere and you cannot escape, you look to your government like it qualifies as a savior, the means to your salvation and freedom. Hold on to yourselves now because you are at the edge of the abyss, willing participants to the grand illusion.

You watch and smile while your plutocracy hires and fires dictators and despots then gladly yield to their demand that you go and sacrifice yourselves to destroy the latest malcontent that has refused to tow the line. You are in great color-coded danger to the next terrorist attack your government incessantly tells you, and your response is to fervently engage in the atmosphere of fear and insecurity.

Boy George has said that you must stay the course, continue to make the necessary sacrifice, and finish what they started. Your freedom, your security, your happiness, your well-being, all depend on your ability to lap up the vomit of their pretense, because to them that is what your life is for. So exercise your freewill, do what is required of you and create their managed chaos so they can siphon off the booty of mammon.

They have masterfully painted a portrait for you to gaze at, all that you see, all that you measure, all that you sense, all that you desire, all that you know, all that you feel, all the you fathom, all that you reason, all that you acknowledge, are but wisps’ of smoke in a jar.

Published originally at EtherZone.com : republication allowed with this notice and hyperlink intact.”

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