What’s the best weapon against lies?: Your fingers

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Written By Jim Moore

startup-593322_1280The pen may be mightier than the sword, but there is one weapon that is mightier than both of them. And the people who have a passion for the truth-and those who don’t— are now beginning to find that out.

Some people in government are nervous, of course, because this weapon turns their lies inside out and reveals them for the shams they are.

That weapon is the Internet.

And thank God for it.

If the Internet were only a way that friends could rap back and forth it would still be an electronic marvel. But take that marvel, and use it to dispense truth to the people who have no other way of getting it, and the Internet suddenly becomes the patriot’s dream, the truth-teller’s big gun, the new hope for a sick America.

Am I giving the Internet more credit than it deserves? No way. This informative, back-and-forth patter over phone lines is capable of combating, even neutralizing, a propaganda machine that’s as powerful as the managed media or the misleading statements of the State.

Results speak for themselves.

The Internet is the one communications medium that, with the touch of your fingers, is capable not only of bringing the truth home directly to the people, but is quietly blasting its way through the trumped-up hogwash, and outright lies, prevalent in today’s slanted TV and print coverage.

Some people call it “alternative” news, because the information that flows to the population over the Internet is (admittedly with some exceptions) the authentic flip side of the bogus information we get from the “managed” media outlets.

This is tremendously important because anyone dedicated to disseminating the truth knows the difficulty in communicating it. As a nation, we are propagandized to the hilt by the commercial industries that want our money, and by the intrusive government that wants our freedoms, and even our lives. And because these voices are the only ones we ever hear, we are forced to either swallow what they tell us, or grind our teeth in frustration, knowing there must be another side to the news (especially the war news) that hasn’t been doctored for our consumption.

The Internet delivers it.

Now, via this great new medium, we are able not only to learn the truth, but also to pass it along to people anywhere in world who are hungry for it.

And here’s the most exciting part. It has been “discovered” by the Pentagon warhawks that there is a new dimension to the battle for minds. Washington baloney-sellers have suddenly become aware that, by using the Internet, more and more people are getting the facts about the failures and cover-ups of their international misadventures.

But more than that, thanks to the Internet, people now know that most reports the administration foists on us are gross exaggerations, misleading statistics, rosy predictions, or just flat-out lies.

In short, the cat is out of the bag.

“It’s amazing,” says Lew Rockwell, “that even in the age of Google, the Bush administration still believes it can bamboozle the population with claims utterly contradicted by reality. The Bush crowd of Ford-era relics and sheltered academics was not web savvy in any sense. They were in a state of denial about the information age, and instead chose to govern as if Walter Cronkite were still dictating what people heard and thought.

“That is why the administration always seems to be behind the curve. The average evening web surfer is more ahead of the news and events than the people who gather in the Oval Office to discuss the future of the world. The web has found these people out.”

You damn right it has, and this powerful alternative news source, can only be good news for people demanding to know the truth, and bad news for those trying desperately to keep us from getting it.

So, fellow patriots, at last, and to the consternation of the Washington warriors, the “straight stuff” about the war and the administration’s plethora of deceptions that some of us have been yelling from the roof tops, lo, these many months, is finally reaching the people who want the straight story.

Truth, for a change, is being told about the lawless waging of war in Iraq and everywhere else; the criminal killing of soldiers and civilians; the gross lies about our real Persian Gulf intentions; the hallucinations about non-existent WMD and bio-weapons; the debilitating stranglehold of the mounting war debt; the neo-con’s devious takeover of our State and Defense departments; the outlandish plan to dominate the Middle East; the administration’s penchant for foreign intervention; the outrageous notion of giving up our sovereignty in favor of the New World Order; and on and on.

For some time, many of us who write on the Internet believed that the best we could ever hope to do is sing to the choir. But now, we are singing to the whole church. And our messages on the Internet are turning the tide.

So my friend, if you know the truth about a lie, including the mess we got ourselves into in the Middle East, and you want a weapon to fight that lie and set the people straight, look no further. You’re using it.

Published originally at EtherZone.com : republication allowed with this notice and hyperlink intact.”

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