What women want: Who cares? (Part III)

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Written By Joe Blow

This series has been very illuminating to date. I’ve received dozens of replies and the overwhelming majority (approx. 90%) of them agree with my general observations and with the opinions that I’ve expressed on this issue. I also recently received my first reply from an under-30 woman who agrees with the majority opinion regarding the oh-so-obvious truths that I included in Parts I and II. I will allow you to make your own decisions regarding the maturity level of this young lady by quoting from her email.

I have to say that I’m probably one of the ONLY women under 30 with enough maturity to be able to look at my sex and say, YES–you are completely correct. They don’t know what they want, except that they want everything with no responsibility to anyone.

I read both of your articles, and I think it’s wonderful that you upset the angry little cats. I’d love to see some of the idiocy they try to convey to you…you should compile all of their e-mails and roast them in an article. THAT would be funny!

Yes, it probably would be, but due to severe spamming by dedicated email terrorists my file of hissing, clawing, and spitting emails from under-30 women no longer exists. I received over 1500 emails today alone, despite my futile attempts to block them. If I were a conspiracy theorist I might begin to wonder if the under-30 women were responsible for the attack. Hmm…it did start just about the time that Part I appeared online. Curiosity, coincidence, or something more sinister? You decide.

Married Men, Women Evenly Miserable

A recent news item lends some credence to the popular male theory that what many women want is to make their husbands miserable. Thanks to many years of feminazi propaganda, anti-male social engineering, and the PC liberal press, it appears that many women may be succeeding in that regard, if you believe the long-accepted feminazi position on marriage. 

Emma Ross writes, “Emotional problems are equally common among husbands and wives, new research shows – a finding that challenges the long-standing feminist belief that marriage makes men much happier but women more miserable. The results of the largest study to investigate the question were published in the current issue of the Australian journal Family Matters.

“Feminist scholar Jessie Bernard was among the first to postulate that men benefited emotionally from marriage while women suffered. Her research, published in a 1972 best seller, “The Future of Marriage,” fed into the evolving feminist belief that the institution of marriage oppressed women. The theory has persisted, despite scientists’ subsequent findings that her studies were flawed and more recent research that has contradicted the 30-year-old results. But the latest research – involving 10,641 people – is the largest and is particularly rigorous.

“This view of the effect of marriage on men and women has been enormously influential and has become part of the ‘common knowledge’ about marriage,” said David De Vaus, a professor of sociology at La Trobe University in Melbourne, who conducted the latest study. Bernard, who died in 1996, found that married women were more depressed than married men or single women. Married men, by contrast, were less depressed than bachelors.

“De Vaus’ study involved 10,641 Australian adults who were interviewed personally to establish the state of their mental health. “What’s very clear . . . is that if you look at male-typical and female-typical disorders and combine them, then men and women in marriage have the same rates of mental disorders. They just have different disorders,” De Vaus said.”

In other words, once again feminazi propaganda is exposed as a lie. Married women are no more miserable than married men based on the results of this new, larger, and much-more-credible study. Shocking isn’t it? Yet, ask any feminazi around and she will tell you that all married women are, by definition, victims of male oppression. Oddly, no one ever seems to mention the fact that a vast majority of women marry of their own free will. When was the last time you attended an honest-to-God shotgun wedding?

Of course, if you believe the 30-year-old feminazi propaganda then there is one not-so-minor detail yet to be explained. If, in fact, the feminazis were right and married women were more miserable than married men thirty years ago, how do you explain the results of this new study? Hmm…it would seem to suggest that in the past thirty years married men have become more miserable. What could possibly account for these results? Surely, the feminazis cannot be blamed for this, right?

This is obviously a lose-lose situation for the feminazis. Whether or not you believe their propaganda they are net losers in the public arena based on the results of this new study. At the very least they are liars; in the worst case they are culpable. You decide.

In any event, based solely on my feedback to date, I would be hard pressed to make any general conclusions other than this: many men today simply don’t care what women want. Parts I and II may have appeared to lay the blame for this situation on women in general, but it is my contention that the feminazis are largely responsible. Many smart women (and men) have already figured this out.

The glory years of the feminazis are fading and the end is near. Thank God.

Related Articles:

What Women Want: Who Cares?
What Women Want: Who Cares? (Part II)

Published originally at EtherZone.com : republication allowed with this notice and hyperlink intact.”

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