We don’t understand propaganda: Americans better learn fast

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Written By Jim Moore

It takes a while to grasp it, but I know the truth of it now: Mind is the most powerful weapon on earth. However, it’s a weapon for both good and evil. Good, when we use it to control our own minds. Evil, when we use it to control the minds of others.

Go to any bookstore and you’ll find dozens of books on how to use your mind for good. Along with therapeutic applications and other forms of mental work, there are books on how to relax, ease tension, curb depression, handle stress, think clearly, plan constructively, and so on.

Seldom, though, if ever, will you find books on how to control other peoples’ minds. Why? Because controlling someone else’s mind is still, by any other name, propaganda.

And just what is propaganda? If you think you know, you probably don’t. If you did you would never allow yourself to be a victim of it, as you are today.

Here’s Webster: “Propaganda is the systematic propagation (transmission) of a given doctrine of allegations reflecting its views or interests: Marxist propaganda.”

In other words, our “enemy” has certain views and interests. These interests are opposed to everything America stands for.

The conclusion, therefore, is that these interests portend the death of this nation. And that is being accomplished in three ways: (1) de-Americanizing America by forcing us to accept lower educational standards, reducing us to “third-world” thinkers; (2) invading us with a pagan, multi-cultural, multi-racial, stewpot of illegitimate and illiterate peasants, thereby destroying the traditions, values, and heritage of America; (3) positioning the cream of American youth in foreign lands, and in regimented readiness, so they are ready for preemptive strikes on designated “terrorist” nations, to establish the Empire that the war hawks in Washington seek.

Maybe you haven’t noticed, but the neo-cons in the Bush administration are using propaganda very effectively to convince you—and keep you convinced—of the “rightness” of their cause for war with pre-defined “terrorist” countries around the world— a traitorous agenda by non-elected, interlopers who are now calling our foreign policy shots and essentially running the White House.

Of course, this is strange and unbelievable talk, and you are inclined not to believe it.That’s because, up to now, reports from Washington, sanitized by the controlled media, is all you know of the diabolical plan afoot. Propaganda, from the government lie-spinners, sees to that.

Hiding truth, selling lies. This is what propaganda does because that’s what it’s designed to do. And the more people it touches the more damage it does.

In case you find it difficult to make a connection between the truth about the danger to America, and the ludicrous “all’s well” propaganda you’re being fed, take it from this short encyclopedic study of Paul Joseph Goebbels, the master himself

Goebbels, an intellectual with a club foot and a keen brain, was Germany’s National Socialist Propagandist. He was a master of the art of “persuasion”, and soon after he joined Hitler in 1933 he was made Propaganda Minister. As such, he had complete control over all media: radio, press, cinema, and theater. (Before TV, of course)

Goebbels placed his undeniable intelligence and brilliant insight into MASS PSYCHOLOGY entirely at the service of the party. A hypnotic orator, he was second only to Hitler himself. And in his staging of mass meetings and parades he was unsurpassed. Utterly cynical, he seems to have believed only in the self-justification of power.

Sound familiar?

Intelligent, brilliant, hypnotic, organizer, cynical, power-mad. With these particular attributes Goebells created propaganda campaigns for Hitler (controlling peoples’ minds) that stand to this day as a model of persuasion, deception, obfuscation, and deceit.

How else but through the expert use of propaganda could Hitler’s gang have swayed millions of German people to their way of thinking?

Sorry to say, however, it’s doubtful that even Goebbels could have taught the war-hungry people running today’s U.S. government much of anything they don’t already know. And know well.

From the odd stories we’re told about 9/11, to the trumped up reason for invading Iraq, to the wishful talk about weapons of mass destruction, to the fairy tales of the “progress” made in Iraq, to the bull about Israel being our friend, to the “imminent” danger of Syria and Iran, we are being primed for more war with propaganda techniques that even Goebbels would admire.

Open your eyes, America. Nothing really is as it seems. Or in this case, as we are being told it is.

THAT is what propaganda is all about. If you listen, it’s your funeral.

Published originally at EtherZone.com : republication allowed with this notice and hyperlink intact.”

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