Wars and intrigue: War, money and conspiracy

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Written By Al Cronkrite

Edward Griffin in his book, “The Creature From Jekyll Island” documents the mechanisms of fiat money and the relationship monetary control has had to the cabal seeking to entangle nations in the New World Order.

Americans are now so used to the “FED” that they consider it a legitimate government agency. Congress benefits from its manipulations and no longer questions its existence. The bogus increase in pay, and talk of 3 to 4% inflation is ignored by most citizens who also fail to question trillion dollar deficits, foreign aid, constant war, and other deleterious results of the hidden taxation extracted by the conspiracy between bankers and government.

Our government receives billions of dollars by selling government bonds to the FED and getting in return a check created out of thin air. This procedure monetizes (creates money from) debt. The bonds which are used to create the dollars are debt to the government but after they are paid for with the worthless check they become an asset to the FED which then creates up to 9 times their value in additional dollars. Though the government has some control over the FED, the FED is not a government agency but a group of private banks that profit lavishly from the arrangement.

Wars are not always the result of malevolent designs of the enemy although that might be a factor. Money is the fuel of war. Without money wars cannot be fought. During the initial stages of WW I Britain and France borrowed heavily from investors in America. The House of Morgan had the lucrative position of acting as banker and purchasing agent, ultimately presiding over monthly purchases equal to the gross national product of the entire world just one generation before.

When German submarines gained control of the shipping lanes forcing England and France closer to defeat, their bonds were no longer salable, and the House of Morgan was threatened with default. The only way to save England and sustain the Morgan cash flow was for America to enter the war.

Colonel Edward Mandell House was an aficionado of Fabian Socialism, and had close ties to J. P. Morgan and the old banking families of Europe. President Woodrow Wilson, himself and ardent one worlder, said, “Mr. House is my second personality. He is my independent self. His thoughts and mine are one.” House was responsible for securing Wilson’s presidency and was purported to have negotiated a secret agreement with England and France on behalf of the President which pledged United States to enter the war on the Allied side. He was the paraclete for the cryptocracy.

The 1195 deaths, of which 195 were American, resulting from the sinking of the Lusitania and the assassination of Archduke Francis Ferdinand of Austria-Hungary by a Serbian nationalist, were used as pretexts to gain support from the people for US entry into the war which was characterized as necessary to “make the world safe for democracy”.

Owned by Cunard Lines, the Lusitania was loaded with munitions and carried passengers as cover. Morgan’s shipping cartel had control of the German merchant fleet and Cunard Lines was a competitor.

The sinking of the Lusitania was a planned affair engineered by Winston Churchill who as First Lord of the Admiralty mandated arrangements that placed the ship at the mercy of German U-boats.

The threat of default at the House of Morgan was quietly removed by the Federal Reserve System which created the money given to England and France so they could repay the American banks. This same procedure, which extracts the money from American citizens through hidden inflation, was use in WWII and in the massive bailouts of the 1980s and 1990s.

As one might suspect, World War II was also more diabolical and complex than the explanation given to the American people.

America had cracked the Japanese codes and prior to December 7th had used the ability to intercept all Japanese communications, including those of the ships on their way to attack Pearl Harbor.

President Roosevelt had devised a plan to provoke the militant Japanese to attack us in order to gain the support of the people who were adamantly opposed to entering the war. Part of the plan involved an embargo on Japan.

Messages to the Japanese ambassador in Washington intercepted by our intelligence services on December 6th and early on December 7th were shown to General George Marshall and President Franklin D. Roosevelt. President Roosevelt’s comment was, “This means war”. No warning was given to Admiral Husband Kimmel who was in charge of the fleet at Pearl Harbor. He was subsequently demoted and unjustly took the blame for the attack.

None of this surreptitious skullduggery was shared with congress.

Harry Hopkins, Harry Dexter White, and Alger Hiss, all active in the Roosevelt administration, and all with Communist affiliations had a vested interest in involving America in the war.

The clandestine meeting at Jekyll Island enabled the plans of the utopian infidels to purloin the freedoms of the world’s citizens and began the clandestine process of incrementally implementing a world government which would be controlled by an elite conspiracy.

Profits intrinsic in the creation of fiat money motivate bankers to create situations where large amounts of money are needed. Wars are paramount in this endeavor. Bankers domiciled in America have no compunction about financing both sides of a conflict in which America is involved and since these same bankers also finance the political campaigns of successful candidates for high office, they create a suspicious leverage.

War makes abundant profit for bankers. It also serves another purpose which is in line with the banking cryptocracy. Griffin’s rendition of “The Report From Iron Mountain” is of particular significance. The report itself is of obscure origin. According to Griffin, the document hints of being commissioned by the Department of Defense under Defense Secretary Robert McNamara. It was produced by the Hudson Institute located at the base of Iron Mountain in Croton-on-Hudson, New York. The Hudson Institute was founded and directed by Herman Kahn. Both Mr. Kahn and Mr. McNamara were members of the Council on Foreign Relations.

Following publication of RFIM, John Kenneth Galbraith, using the pen name Herschel McLandress, confirmed its authenticity in a book review published on November 26, 1967 in the Washington Post. The book review confirmed the writers agreement with the document but questioned whether it should have been published.

Leonard Lewin delivered a copy of the RFIM to Dial Press and was subsequently credited with being the author. The book was then dubbed a hoax and discredited in all quarters of the elite establishment as pertinent only to militias and other disreputable groups.

The RFIM was a think tank type document resulting from the exploration of various ways to “stabilize society”. This stabilization was construed to mean the perpetuation of government by controlling and preventing the rebellion of citizens.

The conclusion was that there is no substitute for war as a means of gaining the support of citizens to bear a heavy governmental burden. Griffin writes, “War can be used to arouse human passion and patriotic feelings of loyalty to the Nations leader. No amount of sacrifice in the name of victory will be rejected. Resistance is viewed as treason”.

The report also outlined a new definition of “peace”. The new “peace” is a product of nationless world government and is supported by a world army whose mission is to put down “renegade political subdivisions”. Soldiers would be called “peace keepers”. and, “No matter how much property is destroyed or how much blood is spilled, the bullets will be ‘peaceful’ bullets and the bombs – even atomic bombs, if necessary – will be ‘peaceful’ bombs.

Griffin continues, “Regardless of its origin, the concepts presented in it are now being implemented in almost every detail. All one has to do is hold the Report in one hand and the daily newspaper in the other to realize that every major trend in American life is conforming to the blueprint. So many things that otherwise are incomprehensible suddenly become clear: (Emphasis mine.) foreign aid, wasteful spending, the destruction of American industry, a job corps, gun control, a national police force, the apparent demise of soviet power, a UN army, disarmament, a world bank, a world money, the surrender of national independence through treaties, and the ecology hysteria.”

The power brokers who profit from war are not only interested in money but in hegemony as well.

In light of the revelations which are thoroughly documented in Griffin’s excellent book, it is uncanny how the attack on the Pentagon and World Trade Center became the pretext for constructing and ratifying the parameters of marshal law at both the federal and state level, federalizing airport security personnel and codifying by Executive Order the Office of Homeland Security whose mission will federalize all law enforcement. We are now engaged in a perpetual war where all opponents have already been deemed traitors and where money and power will consistently flow to the gilded elite whose mission is to control the world.

In view of the subsequent revelations regarding American involvement in WWI and WWII, it is chilling to wonder what was involved in the 9/11 tragedy and the resultant War on Terrorism.

The clock has chimed at 11:45, at 12:00 citizen support for a true patriot will be moot, it will all be over.

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