War against political correctness…: And other forms of terror

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Written By Glenn R. Jackson

Sometimes the smallest things expose the greatest truths.   Product advertisements for example can tell you a lot about the state of the culture, if you will only pause and think a bit about what you have heard.  For example there are relatively new advertisements for “home fingerprinting kits” for parents to document their children’s fingerprints.  God help us, why are they needed?

I am afraid we know all too well what that is about. A home ID kit is not needed to identify your children when they come home from school, just to make sure you have the right ones.  The truth is that the “PC” culture has been incubating monsters, and unlike the monsters we “older” Americans feared as children in the dark at bedtime, these monsters are real and preying on our kids.

Why does the Politically Correct culture get the blame?  Simply because political correctness does not care about you, your family, or about the truth.   Political correctness only cares about a perception of balance, a feeling of fairness, and a world without implications.  In other words political correctness cares nothing for reality.  Political correctness creates a vacuum by pushing aside good old fashion common-sense societal survival skills, but as we all know nature abhors a vacuum.  And if societal survival skills are not dominant, then cultural decay will set in.

I live in the sunny South, the thank God for A/C south.  While I suffer with the rest of the region from the humidity and heat, at least I live above the Gnat-line.  Unfortunately there is no way to escape the mosquito.  Which is why the new product I heard recently advertised caught my interest.  The product is the mosquito magnet, but it was not its function I found interesting.  Again if you listen closely you will find some of the greatest truths.

The announcer for this product grabs your attention by noting the following mosquito borne diseases, yellow fever, dengue fever, malaria, and West Nile.   The West Nile virus has gotten a lot of play lately.  Last year (2001) West Nile was found in Georgia for the first time.  Of course this year it is back.

Checking the CDC website for information on West Nile turned up one interesting slide on possible pathways of introduction of the virus into this nation.   First on the list was introduction by infected human hosts. Last on the list was the intentional introduction of the virus.  Not mentioned by the CDC was the introduction of West Nile by intentional stupidity.

As a bio-weapon West Nile is a poor choice, so its intentional introduction for the purpose of an attack is not likely.  However, West Nile’s intentional introduction into the U.S. because our immigration policies are deliberately skewed to prevent any reasonable regard for public health and public safety is highly likely.

A quick check of other mosquito borne infectious disease supports this contention.  Mass unchecked immigration is facilitating the spread of disease.   After years of your tax dollars going to programs to eradicate disease, including those spread by mosquitoes, those tax dollars are today used to promote the re-introduction of those same diseases and even newer ones.

Political correctness is again to blame.

Another CDC study shows the sharp and distinct rise of Malaria cases in Minnesota beginning in 1995.  There is a clear correlation between rising cases of Malaria and increases in the immigrant population.  Marching northward is Dengue fever; almost non-existent in the 1970’s Dengue fever is spreading northward from South America, Central America, and to the U.S.-Mexican border.

Yet to question U.S. immigration policy, to oppose plans to grant amnesty to those illegally in the country and to seek their deportation are, according to the PC crowd controlling our nation, acts of evil.  The fact that these very people are a drain on our health and welfare systems does not matter one bit.

It is past time for Political Correctness to be pulled out of American society by the roots.  Whether it is acknowledging that sexual perversions masquerading as “choice” are a lie, or that unchecked and undocumented mass immigration is a drain on the public health, public welfare, and social order.   Political correctness is a failure, and is a death threat to this country.

As new information comes to light about the role that political correctness played in the FBI’s bungling of the clear indications of the coming attack of September 11th, even evidence of their ability to have averted the attack, know that Political Correctness is already implicated in the killing of our fellow citizens.   As you watch the disgraceful performance of the INS, and their continued inability to enforce immigration laws and to protect our borders, know that political correctness is the rottenness within.

To the PC crowd I say – life just is not fair and forcing a contrary perception against that reality will not make it so.  Just because someone wants to indulge his or her sexual perversions does not mean that I will find fingerprinting my child an acceptable trade off.  The logical conclusion of sexual “choice” is the loss of public safety, and that we cannot accept.

The U.S. is the only truly seaworthy lifeboat the world has.   Sinking that lifeboat under the weight of mass immigration from every Third World failure will not save the world.

Political Correctness is a false perception, wrapped in a lie, living in the fevered imagination of the American liberal.  It is time for the American people, America’s Churches, and America’s leaders to say amen.

In our War against Terror let us not forget to include political correctness.

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