The truth slayers: Making evil ritghteous

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Written By Lincoln Booth


Image courtesy of Cliff under CC BY 2.0.

Virginia Representative Jim Moran is now on the ropes for attributing the push for war against Iraq to domestic Jewish interests. Charles Lindberg, the Lone Eagle, made the same mistake and faced a denigration from which he never fully recovered.

As Representative Moran grovels to proffer apologies, it is interesting to note that the need for such apologies validates the notion that Jewish hegemony is a serious problem in America.

Unfortunately, the problem with Jewish power is but the tip of the iceberg. Of greater concern is the squelching of truth. Individuals and nations unable to apprehend the truth and base their conduct on veracity are in serious trouble.

Euphemisms and equivocations have become an everyday part of our society. Representative Moran said, “If it were not for the strong support of the Jewish community for this war with Iraq we would not be doing this…… The leaders of the Jewish community are influential enough that they could change the direction of where this is going and I think they should.”

Mr. Moran’s statement is true. It is a partisan Democratic stance and to some extent reflects the obvious confliction of the Jewish community when it comes to the State of Israel. Politically, Jews are overwhelmingly liberal and Democratic but when it comes to furthering the goals of the State of Israel their humanistic pragmatism will allow them to back “Conservative Republicans”.

However, pointing out this confliction or being critical of the Jewish agenda is a no no and will result in the perpetrator being subjected to the full vituperation of the press, media, and money fountains which are all under Jewish control.

Regarding the Jewish dialogue stopping epithet of anti-Semitism, Pat Buchanan writes in “The American Conservative”, “Indeed, it is the charge of “anti-Semitism” itself that is toxic. For this venerable slander is designed to nullify public discourse by smearing and intimidating foes and censoring and blacklisting them and any who would publish them. Neocons say we attack them because they are Jewish. We do not. We attack them because their warmongering threatens our country, even as it finds a reliable echo in Ariel Sharon.”

For America to risk its young men and women (a dwindling resource not large enough to replace the dying population) by being involved in a war with Iraq while the State of Israel which has the most to gain from Iraq’s defeat stands by with the largest and most well equipped military in the region, is a brain smashing travesty. If Iraq is not enough of a threat to Israel for them to fight the battle, why in the world would America want to get involved?

The answer to that question is that Jewish interests in America are in possession of a degree of power that allows their seditious loyalties to come before the best interests of our Nation.

What is not being stated in this discourse is that the secular Nation of Israel which gives no evidence of any regard for the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob is bent on retrieving The Promised Land by theft and that they not only have the backing of American centers of power which they control but are being supported and even financed by the American Evangelical Christian community that is sure they are helping God restore His Chosen People.

Palestine was a product of British connivance in the Arab world . The famed Lawrence of Arabia was despitefully used to drive the Turks from Palestine and bring about the fall of the Ottoman Empire. Sheriff Hussein, an Arab leader, had agreed to become involved in the battle with the express stipulation that Britain would not permit Jewish immigration into Palestine. The Balfour Declaration setting up the incipient nation of Israel had already been made. Lawrence of Arabia and the Arabs he had befriended and fought with were betrayed. Jews began pouring into Palestine.

Our God is a God of justice. He will not reward the secular theft of land from those that have lived on it and owned it for centuries. He, Himself, wrote “Thou shalt not steal” on the stone tablet that Moses carried up the mountain.

American Christians need to remind themselves that the ONLY way to the Father is through the Son and not only are they backing a Nation that cares nothing for the Father but one that would again, today, slay the Son. Such a theological position is hugely untenable.

Evangelicals are one hundred and eighty degrees off course. It is the Jews that should be following Christians not Christians following Jews.

Christians must stand for righteousness. They must support those who by Grace love and follow Christ. The treatment Christ modeled should be our example in relating to Modern day Pharisees.

It is high time the Christian community stopped allowing power to trump righteousness and began to stand for what God stands for – repentance, humility, and obedience for Israel and the Jews as well as for Christians.

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