The President and the press: Watchdogs or just dogs?

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Written By Barbara Stanley

2421997128_212b2abb9f_oImage courtesy of Downing Street under CC BY-SA 2.0.

I had been suffering under the delusion that the Fourth Estate, the people of ‘The Press’, were supposed to jot down what was happening where I wasn’t, print it up and make it available to me. At least that’s how it used to be.

But ever since George Bush came into office, the role of the press, for the most part, is to challenge the president, to mock him and make him explain himself for all the things they think he says and does. Every press conference, every appearance by the Prez in front of the libmedia is a gotcha session, a challenge, a scold… almost as if they were the folks who voted for him. Oddly, they did not take any of this responsibility into action when the man they really voted for, er, the “blue plate special co-presidents two-fer (and I do mean ‘fer’ when it comes to listening to Hillary speak. Notice how folksy and down-home she gets in her patter when she’s running for something and how it changes when she already won?) were elected.

I watched in awe as the Clinton press conferences and appearances became a major laugh fest, all of the libmedia sucking up like sucking up was going out of style in the morning. All softball questions and yucking it up was not only not at all informative but also nauseating in its saccharinesque tones. After all, the libmedia were ‘hanging out’ with their guy. They were partying like it was 1999 on the lawn at the White House, drinking and dancing and b-b-q-ing to their delight. I wonder if some (or more) of the reporterettes weren’t hoping for a groping, to be touched by their idol. Softball questions and propagandizing as though they were a wing of the Goebbels annex inside the beltway.

Did anyone mention “quagmire” or “Vietnam” when Clinton bypassed Congress and sent us to war in Bosnia (on the side of the Muslims)? Did anyone ever press the Groper-In-Chief when the troops he promised would come home in a year, er, didn’t? Did anyone press the Rapist In Chief about the rape accusations? Did anyone ask the hard questions about abuse of power, obstruction of justice, perjury and the subornation of perjury?  Did anyone pipe up and query why he was selling our high tech to our enemy or taking illegal campaign money from the pre-teen prostitution in Macao? Did anyone ever ask him if he used Drano in the sink? Did anyone ask him about the first WTC and American embassy bombings or what he planned to do about the terrorism he was warned about? Not that I can recall. But boy, have things changed now that a real man is in the White House.

Take for example; the created news that Bush said attack was imminent (and not eminent as so many of them pronounce). The President never said such a thing. Go back and look at his speeches (that would be his exact utterances) and you won’t find it. He did say we needed to act before the next attack. He implied one 9/11 is enough for any country to bear. Notice how every question they ask now is in an accusatory tone, is rude and demanding, slanted and oblivious to the actual, how can I put this, news?

What is coming out of the mouths of the major liberal media reporters and reporterettes does not bear witness to what is actually being said or going on.

Take the words of the president when he said over and over that this war on terror would be a long haul. What does the press ask about this, after the shortest major battle was waged: When will it be over? Huh? I heard him say he didn’t know when it would be over. Guess they missed that one. Seems to me that they aren’t listening at all to what this president says. No wonder they can’t report: their ears are closed.

The President said we would be fighting terrorism on many fronts because the terrorists had proliferated to over 60 countries. But does the major liberal media propaganda machine wonder how the terrorists had the chance and the time to do this? Do they actually believe it happened since Bush took office? I can’t recall even one of them questioning Clinton, at any of his many public appearances, about how this spread of danger went on, unabated and assisted, holding his feet over the fire on this terrible lapse.

The press show Bush no respect. They are combative and rude, arrogant and down right nasty on occasion as they play their word games, invent things he was supposed to say and try to play gotcha with their trick questions?

I recall, for it wasn’t long ago nor was it infrequent, the press conferences and questionings of the Clintons were positively nothing less than ass-kissing and fawning fests.

Take Waco for example. Did the press ask why the Branch Davidians were slaughtered when waiting the situation out, as was done with the Freemen standoff, would have been the better way to go? Did the press have an uprising and demand answers? I can only imagine what the previous administration would have been like had the Press treated the Clintons the same as they treat anyone connected to the Bush Team. If the Press has reacted to the rape of Juanita Broaddrick, it would have been headlines for months until the whole truth came out.

At BlueStarBase, in the Duty, Honor, Country forum section From the Front, I have published letters forwarded on to me by my heroes in the military (those would be the men and women actually fighting on the front lines) and what they report, including the hand-written intel sent directly to me by snail mail, is 180 degrees away from what the press reports. The work in Iraq has been nothing short of incredible. The hot spots and terrorism, as in Israel, have not taken down the entire country nor have they destroyed the entire country. But that’s pretty much what is reported on a daily basis, and not only just from the Press, but by those complicit cronies, run by the Clintons, in Congress, too. Hell, they were shouting “quagmire” even before the conflict began.

Were it not for Fox news and the Internet, I would think the Liberation of Iraq never happened. I would think the President is the enemy and al-Qaeda our friend. I would think 9/11 was just a blip on the screen and the economy never took the major hit that it is recovering from at an incredible rate (7.2% and the highest since 1984 when that other republican hero, Ronald Reagan cleaned up another after a despotic leftist, Carter, left behind as his legacy). While the Left and the liberals tell me that the economy is in the tubes, on the highways and byways all I see are Mercedes SUVs. New stores are being built all around me in the towns upstate here and I seriously doubt this would be happening without a good faith in this administration’s actions and plans for growth. Yet, that is not what I am told, that is not what is being reported by the libmedia.

There is no doubt in my mind that the press thinks their job is to correct those imagined mistakes this administration says and does, including those things never said anywhere but in the minds of those liberals reporting and to do it in a most aggressive and antagonistic way. There is a good reason why commercial television is losing their audience: they can’t tell the difference between sit-coms and actual reporting of the news, of what is actually going on. They react to Bush like a bunch of snotty little brats expecting the justification from him for what they think he said.

Rep. Peter King, R-NY, returning from the front in Iraq, delivered a stark message on Tuesday from a U.S. military officer now stationed in Baghdad who believes negative press coverage of the U.S. war effort has cost American soldiers their lives. King told nationally syndicated radio host Sean Hannity via satellite phone, “I promised an American colonel yesterday, an Army colonel, that [I’d relay his message]”: ”There’s blood on the hands of the American media.”

“He’s lost men because of the terrible reporting and it’s just creating a terrible atmosphere,” King said the Army colonel told him.

“The troops have tremendous morale. But unfortunately the terrorists are encouraged and the Iraqi people are being dissuaded from cooperating with the American forces because of the terrible coverage back here”. The GI’s message continued, “We are winning this war and the only way we can lose this is if the American people lose their nerve and that’s because of what’s going on in the American media.”

It is clear to me, the media will spare no propaganda to create their quagmire, give us another Vietnam just like that traitor Walter Cronkite did and blame the administration and everyone who fights terrorism for it. And it is also clear to me that the agenda of the liberal media is to take down this president, destroy our security in the process, undermine our fighting troops while under fire and in extreme danger in any way they can. Not only do we fight the dogs of war;  we fight the dogs in the liberal media, too. And the dogs are running loose inside this nation, teeth bared and poised to strike at the throat.
Published originally at : republication allowed with this notice and hyperlink intact.”

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