The political power of Babel: Government solution

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Written By Al Cronkrite

“If law does not reflect the fact that God is the Lord and Sovereign, it will reveal the premise that man and the state are gods. No more dangerous gods have ever been affirmed by man.” — R. J. Rushdoony

Real Christianity is a foreign religion to the majority of those who claim the name.  We tend to think of ourselves as the center of reality and as arbiters of our beliefs and our conduct.   The Christian Church supports this heresy.  In spite of the Bibles unswerving record of God choosing His servants, Christian leaders urge the heathen to “make a decision” for Christ.  When the creature decides to affirm the Creator the creature becomes the sovereign – a blatant form of humanism.  Hundreds of thousands of Christians have allowed this heresy to invade their beliefs and, as a result, have never achieved a proper relationship to Christ.

The Triune God is the center of the Universe and we are His servants.  We are chosen by God before we voiced our allegiance and as one of God’s chosen people our duty is to obey His Law and seek to bring the creation under it.

With the Latin mantra Lex Rex (The law is king) the Protestant Reformation was partially successful in upending the Tower of Babel constructed by the divine right of kings.  Protestant Christianity brought the world its first taste of real freedom, order, and prosperity.

Though it was tainted by Arminianism and the Enlightenment colonial America set in place many of God’s legal principles and some of today’s fast fading elderly generation can remember the wonderful freedom it produced.  During the 1930s mothers did not worry about their children.  Doors were not locked and children ran through the neighborhood without fear.   It was a wonderful almost utopian time that now seems remote.

Obedience to God’s Law offers nations the closest thing to Libertarianism that humans can attain.   Liberal, Conservative, or anarchic Libertarian governments cannot sustain freedom and justice.  The sinful nature of man will always overcome freedom and righteousness with centralization and evil. Without the immutable yardstick of God’s Law man will be unduly restricted.

New Testament Christianity (Arminianism) is cultic and like all cults it is difficult to bring followers to righteousness.   True Christianity was bequeathed to us by the Reformation and for the cultic Christian to return is like accomplishing a difficult passage on a piano or understanding a complex mathematical problem; it is exhausting hard work that must be continued until the blessed truth lights up the mind and one understands what God intends for His chosen people.

Christians in their largest realm are not much different than their unbelieving neighbors.   Non-Christians often believe in a god and pray but they do not pray to the God of the Bible their prayers are to another deity or a god of their own making   Cultic Christians are no different;; they pick and choose what parts of God’s Word they will believe and obey thereby constructing their own god; they do not worship the God of the Bible.

Most so-called Christians will tell you that they chose to accept Christ as their personal Savior and are in the process of trying to please him by improving their relationship with Him.   They live in a spiritual quandary not unlike the “war on terror”; their behavior is evil and their objective is obscure.

We treat the King of the world as if He is our next door neighbor.  We ignore His nature which is described in stark detail in the Books of the Old Testament and instead of approaching Him with awe, terror, and a subservient spirit, by regaling Him with requests we make Him our servant rather than us His.  We are made in the image of God but Jesus, our Savior, is the ruler and judge of the world.   We are His servants and until we begin to understand that we are to obey His Commandments we are missing the nature of the relationship.

Arminian Christians (Lawless) have no defense against the satanic tyranny that threatens the world.  When God’s Law is no longer in vogue and human opinion rules, opinion enforced by power will win and slavery will result.  God’s immutable Law must rule His creation.

God’s judgment often comes in the form of tyranny.  Christians and their churches have failed to honor and obey the ruler of the world and we are being punished by the specter of a burgeoning police state.  Had we been obedient Christians and used His Word and His Law against the forces of evil we would not be in this dire state. The Christian Church has forgotten its mission to teach and define obedience, to confront and resist sin, both personal and public, and to support and define truth, righteousness, and justice.

The former president of J. C. Penney, Ron Johnson, made an effort to return honesty to the Department Store business;  he failed miserably because the American public prefers to be flimflammed into thinking they are getting a bargain.  Rushdoony writes, “A lie moves a man from the real world into a world of fiction, and his life begins to rest on falsity.  Truth gives us freedom in the real world God has made.  We are to live all our life in God and therefore in truth.  Because a lie moves men and nations from the free world into fiction and slavery, men and nations must require a true witness or else theirs is a course of disaster and ruin.”

American Christians have allowed lying, cheating, theft, and immorality to become rampant in our nation.   We are propagandized by our media, lied to by our retail stores, cheated by our merchants, filled with blatant prevarications by our elected representatives, and deceived by our churches.  Is it any wonder that our nation and our individual citizens are hopelessly in debt, that we have become a puppet to hidden powers that are trashing our country to achieve world domination.

And where do our citizens go for help in this dire emergency?   Like dumb oxen they go to the major source of the problem, the United States Government.  Over and over again like imbeciles they seek the same failed solution.  When will we realize the only remedy to our dilemma is the God of the Bible?  How long will it take us to repent and to seek His blessing?  God still runs this world and He is angry with the United States of America!

Many of our citizens have become so addicted to the sensual pleasures of living a leisurely life devoid of worry that they refuse to understand what is happening all around them.   Faced with factual information they will dismiss it without consideration.   When the truth is ignored by a major portion of society there is no way to stop the decline of our civilization.  Truth is essential to freedom!

The United States Government is a modern day Tower of Babel that is not only unable to save America but is itself the source of our problem.   A nation cannot remain free without an anchor.  The Constitution was supposed to maintain our freedom but it has been discarded and replaced by presidential fiat.

No Constitution is of any worth when the people it is designed to govern become dishonest and immoral.   The Constitution was crafted to govern a Law abiding, Christian people and we no longer have such a populace.  Christians and the leaders of their deceitful churches must shoulder the responsibility for this social deterioration.

Joseph C. Morecraft writes, “The entire community has a responsibility when crimes are committed or injustice done.  A community cannot be indifferent to any sin, crime or injustice in its midst, or else it bears the guilt as well as the offender and is under judgment.   When a community shuts its eyes to any evil in its midst and refuses to deal with it justly and in accordance with God’s law, then the whole community is under God’s condemnation.”

The answer to our problem lies in God and our relationship to Him – and nowhere else!

This essay was a result of the ideas express in “Deuteronomy” and excellent commentary by R. J. Rushdoony.  Buy it here.

Published originally at : republication allowed with this notice and hyperlink intact.”

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