The Gods of war: Blessed little Caesar’s

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Written By Novakeo

War. The definitive expression of human immaturity and failure. Blessed are the gods of war in the Bush administration who cloak their murderous intent with sanctimonious rhetoric, and who are perpetually in opposition to truth and justice on every turn. Blessed are they for they go to war not for the interests of the American people but for the interests of a select few who owe their true allegiances to a whore on the other side of the world, a whore who does not know how to be anything other than a whore.

Blessed are these men and women who walk in the shadows of power and wield death and destruction upon the world for lucre and for the manifestation of their own glory. They not only bring death to the innocent but they also bring death to what was once a promising and wondrous light for humanity, a constitutional republic called the United States of America.

Welcome to the nightmare of a new dark age where the manufacturing of perceived enemies is accomplished and ripe for the slaughter. A not so new world where military might once again is used to show the world who is boss and king of the hill. It’s called preemptive attack on somebody else’s enemy for their benefit, and for the benefit of their agents in our treasonous government and their conglomerate palm greasers. Attack! Enemies who cannot defend themselves, with your own weapons of mass destruction, show no mercy, hold nothing back, bring destruction, death, blood and suffering to those who never attacked the United States. World domination is their cause, a specter of wars and more wars for geo-strategic domination. No rivals is to be tolerated, any potential powers that can take away from the globalizing booty must be hemmed in and smashed.

Blessed are these righteous men and women in boy Georges sand box, who call themselves American patriots when trashing the principles of constitutional law. International law is of no use and un-American to boot deserving derision and contempt, especially when it contradicts the oligarchies desire for benevolent conquest. What a wonderful concept, worthy of Clintonian humanitarianism, thou shall be killed for the betterment of your condition and future.

Blessed are these visionary little Caesar’s who can see into the future and show us that the evil men that they created will attack us because we are free, play baseball and drive SUV’s. They go to war so they can destroy what their preferred conglomerates built, so that their preferred conglomerates can rebuild again. What a sweet deal, sweet on both ends of the stick, they make money building then destroying so they can make some more money rebuilding what they just finished destroying. Ah… it can’t get any better than this. As for the G.I. Joe, well, he’s just a simpleton, doing his or her duty for the homeland, an elitist play thing, nothing more than cannon fodder to be used as such for the augmentation of elitist power and prestige. How more patriotic can it get?

Blessed are these accolades of imperialism, who sow seeds of aggression, violence, lies, treachery, and hypocrisy in the name of peace, freedom, security and the red, white and blue. They hold allegiance to the god of forces, avarice and mammon. The preponderance of American force has given itself the right to be the global police dog not to mention the whole caboodle in being also the judge and jury. Swift judgments will be made for all that oppose the greater good of corporate globalization and reducing Israel’s enemies to a heap of ashes.

Blessed are the neocons, Zionists, who in their own defense are resorting to outrageous slander which is somewhat understandable because it is the only recourse they have in defending the unattainable, justifying a morally bankrupt policy. Truth is not on their side so they must resort to contrived innuendo like the false and pernicious accusations of anti-Semitism. Blowback will be the inventible result for the neocon, the old often used prevarication of the race card has been proclaimed to many times when they erroneously accuse their opponents to their megalomania of hate crimes, and will only serve in the end in creating an atmosphere where true anti-Semitism can incubate and breed.

Blessed are the Christian dispensationalists, modern day Pharisees, who see the prophetic restoration of God’s whore as something that needs to be protected and aligned with at all costs. Nothing like a little Babylonian deception and apostasy to augment their delusion in trying their utmost to speed up the process for Armageddon. After all they won’t be here for the really bad part; they will be partying it up at Christ’s wedding feast immediately after the rapture. They find no spiritual contradiction in aligning themselves with the ungodly forces in human government both in Washington and Jerusalem, turning their backs on a constitutional republic and its founding principles that Americans were truly blessed with.

Blessed is the United States of America the last remaining egomaniacal Super Power, the beacon of peace, freedom and prosperity. The land of Homeland Security, Patriot Acts and big brother, lest we forget the double cheese burger and apple pie.

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