The federal reserve system: How it robs you blind

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Written By Jim Moore

Let’s start at the beginning, so high-finance dummies like you and me can get at least a half-way understanding of it. We’re speaking here about the U.S. Constitution and your money, and how the Federal Reserve System sidesteps the former to steal more of the latter. Right out of your pocket, by the way.

I’ll try to keep it simple.

Article 1, Section VIII, of the U.S. Constitution lists 18 things which the Congress and only the Congress, has the power to do.  Of those 18 things, three have to do with money directly.

Congress alone is authorized to:

(1) Borrow money on the credit of the United States

(2) Coin money, regulate the value thereof, and of foreign coin, and fix the standard of weights and measures.

(3) Provide for the punishment of counterfeiting the securities and current coin of the United States.

Unless my copy of the U.S. Constitution was altered while I was asleep, it says nothing, NOTHING, about any institution, corporation, association, think tank, or individual, having the authority to do anything, ANYTHING, with America’s money, except the Congress of the United States. Period.

But wait a minute? How can this be, when men like Dr. Don J. Grundmann calls the Federal Reserve System, which controls our money, “the biggest financial crime in the history of the United States?”

Who is Dr. Grundmann? The American Independent Party’s candidate for the U.S. Senate in 2004. So we’re not talking about some conspiracy clown with a whoopee agenda.

Dr. Grundmann tells in simple, straight-forward terms, how the American people are being shafted by the Federal Reserve System.

These are the points Grundmann makes.

First, the Federal Reserve is NOT part of the U.S. Government. So the name.

“Federal” is a screen. The Fed is staffed by independent bankers and financiers who have nothing to do with the U.S. government, they are in business for themselves.

As you read, might keep THAT in mind.

THE CONSTITUTIONAL WAY: The government issues money based on the authority of the Constitution. Government services are paid by our taxes which it collects INTEREST FREE. So the government costs us only what the Constitution allows.

THE FEDERAL RESERVE WAY:  The government issues money by GIVING its money-making authority to a PRIVATE BANK  (the Federal Reserve) and then borrowing money from that private bank at an INTEREST RATE.

Here it is, even simpler:  The Federal Reserve makes money out of nothing, then lends it to the U.S. Government, WITH INTEREST.

If you look closely it isn’t hard to see where, with this kind of a scam, the nation will be forever in debt to the Federal Reserve. The debt and interest on loans from the Fed will keep getting larger, never smaller. More and more of our labor must be spent paying interest to the Fed for their “loans” to the nation.

The nation, unfortunately then, is not serving the interests of its citizens, but rather, serving the interests of the people who really control the nation—the private and unaccountable bank, which is stealing the financial resources of America and giving us fiat money that the Fed has created out of nothing.

If this scam is difficult to fully understand, the consequences are not. We see it all around us:  two parents having to work to support a family, constantly rising prices, the devaluation of our dollar, impoverishment of many citizens, collapse of our middle class; all the results of a decaying economy.

And the reason you don’t see angry opposition to this malevolent, unconstitutional, vampire banking system called the Federal Reserve is because it exerts control over the media to the point where average citizens have let the ogre of “high finance” scare them into submission, compliance, or complacency.

But we won’t get anywhere at taking our money back until we decide enough is enough, kick the Federal Reserve out of the private banking business, and give America’s money-making operation back to the Congress where it belongs.

It’s more than a challenge.  It’s critical.


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