The complicity of the media: Welcome to the hell of global Jihad

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Written By Barbara Stanley

I can’t believe my ears sometimes. I just listened to a representative for Arafat saying that if Bush doesn’t make his speech soon, the violence will continue. This on the heels of today’s homicide bombing that left children and a two year old, in particular, among the dead. One moment, smiling and thrilled with life, then boom! another child lies in a bloody heap next to an overturned stroller. That could be anyone’s daughter, walking in the afternoon, getting the baby some air; new sights and sounds for their wondering little face to take in. Unfortunately, the last sound for that Israeli child was a very loud explosion that ripped the soul from the little angel body. Purposefully targeting non-combatants and innocents is the coward’s way. It has nothing to do with peace; it is only for death and complete annihilation of the Jews.

To add insult to injury, (and this from a new mum herself) the reporter on the scene for Foxnews actually said unless the Israelis step back there will be continued violence. Excuse me, but wasn’t it just a short few months ago when Bush did ask the Israelis to hold off and when they did, all they got for their restraint ‘in the name of peace’ were daily bombings? In the effort to ‘be fair’, have some folks in the media just completely shut off their brains? Every time there is a new US initiative toward peace or attempt at one, the Jihadi violence flares up, yet the PLO spokesbastard du jour says it’s all Bush’s fault. Or it’s the Israeli’s fault. It’s never the fault of the parents who pimp their kids to Jihad adorned with explosive vests. It’s never the Jihadists who coat their shrapnel in rat poison to cause hemorrhage. It’s never the bits of DNA the bombers leave behind that are turning up to be infected with HIV AIDs and hepatitis B.

Getting hit with a piece of diseased bone shrapnel at 600 miles an hour is the latest twist on this gruesome harvest of those who worship death and have removed healthy sexual connections from their lives. “When Islam is described as a peaceful religion misrepresented by the zealots of the Taliban, Ergun Caner is quick to respond. “Islam at its core is a religion of warfare. Muhammad was a warrior. [Muslims] are taught to conquer … to fight. If anyone says in the media that Islam is a religion of peace, they either don’t know their faith, don’t know the Koran, or they are lying.” Caner is a Muslim convert to Christianity.

Charles Krauthammer writes in today’s Jewish World Review (20 June 2002)

“Of all the mendacity that pollutes Middle Eastern discourse, this one is the worst. It assumes that the listener is not only stupid but amnestic. Two years ago at the Camp David summit, in the presence of the president of the United States, the Palestinians were offered an end to the occupation–a total end, a final end–by the prime minister of Israel. They said no. They said no because in return, they were asked to make peace. Remember? The mantra thrown at the Israelis for decades was “land for peace.” It turns out Arafat wanted the land, but at Camp David, as always, he refused to make peace. The reason innocents are dying every day is not because of the occupation, but because the Palestinians believe they can get (as Hezbollah got in Lebanon) land without peace.”

Why is history, and recent at that, so hard for some liberals, like the so-called expert-on-everything Charlie Rose, so oblivious to the fact that Arafat and his cohorts do not want peace, they do not want an end to violence, they simply want Israel pushed into the sea. I watch him interview Natan Sharansky and Rose practically tells him that the Israelis are just so mean to the Palestinians and it is all the fault of the Israelis because, after all, the Palestinians just want peace and their humiliation is unbearable. Well, Mr. Rose, who the hell keeps the camps running? The aid pouring in for so many years winds up in Arafat’s personal bank account, just like the recent funds donated for the homicide bombers’ families and keeps the people trapped in poverty. No schools, no roads, no clinics, and no nothing save bomb factories and nurseries for future terrorist kids.

PLO Legal Advisor spokeswoman, Diana Buttu, all cool, cosmopolitan and sensible, spews lies and hatred, through the lip-gloss, during an interview on Foxnews. The same old crap about how Arafat just wants peace and an end to the so-called ‘occupation’ of a land that was somehow Palestinian. Then she says the violence will stop. In a pig’s eye. This is simply a matter of Israel defending herself from those who think jihad against Jews will be over when they are gone into the sea forever.

Binyamin Netanyahu has taken to calling Arafat and his corrupt cadre of murderous associates, Arafatistan and I think it’s a term that might help the citizenry understand that within Palestine the war is like Afghanistan’s Mid-East Taliban Central. Taliban, al Qaeda, al Aksa, Abu Sayef; by whatever name, this sure is no rose. Save for the thorns, there will be no peace for land, or peace for peace’s sake as long as Arafatistan is alive and growing. The Jihadists, the Islamicists are spread far and wide around the globe and growing. There are cells and groups in Wahabist Mosques inside the contiguous forty-eight. In over forty countries, the vermin grow and move among the civilized and peace is not in their vocabulary. Welcome to the Hell of global Jihad.

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