Proof of conspiracy: We have a confession

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Written By Alan Stang


Image courtesy of Tim under CC BY-SA 2.0.

This little piece is designed for use with the friends, neighbors and colleagues you have been trying to awaken to what is going on in our country. These are the people to whom you report every advance of the conspiracy for world government, hoping that the latest such revelation will be the one that finally opens their eyes.

But the only result you get is either the same glazed expression you always see in their eyes, or the knowing remark that you have probably misinterpreted what happened. Thus, you have recently gone to these allegedly “conservative” people with news about the super highway from Laredo to Canada, including the Mexican installation in Kansas City, which will bring Mexican trucks and rail en masse across the Rio Grande.(I don’t use the word “border” because the border no longer exists.)

Predictably, they told you that you are being alarmist. Did not Laura Ingraham express amazement when a guest on her program accidentally mentioned it? She had never heard of it, or pretended she had not, in which case, how could it be true? How likely is it that lawyer Laura doesn’t know about this latest demonstration that our country has been abolished? And notice that she knows about it now, but hasn’t mentioned it again. The right wing Communist media don’t consider it an issue.

“If you could come up with proof, I would believe you,” say these people. What proof would satisfy them? “A confession,” they say. Friends, after all these years, I have such a confession. It is breathtaking. There is no way to get around it; no possibility of “misinterpretation.” If it fails to convince the people we are talking about, you can be sure they are either liars or cowards or conspiratorial toadies themselves – or just have sewage for brains – and will deserve every wallop of the destruction that is coming. I am not talking about people who are honestly ignorant, but about the belligerent ignoramuses who argue with you in defense of Jorge Boosh and Beel Cleenton.

Why is it so necessary to understand that a conspiracy is at work? For the hundredth time, what do you do if I tell you that the country is falling apart because of a five-hundred year historical cycle, or because of sunspots, or mistakes, or the law of probability, or for no reason at all, etc.? You shrug your shoulders, you sigh and you go home, because there is nothing you can do about sun spots or historical cycles, etc.

On the other hand, what do you do if I tell you that the country is being destroyed by specific men with faces, names, addresses and telephone numbers, who are conspiring to submerge you in a totalitarian socialist world dictatorship they would run? Now you are galvanized. Now you wipe off the cosmoline, saddle up and head for those addresses. So the first and most important thing the conspiracy tries to do is keep you confused about its existence.

Like me, you no doubt have received many internet messages that contain electrifying quotes. Many of these quotes are invented, made up, obviously so because they blatantly express what the inventor wishes the man whose mouth he puts them in would say. They are obviously phony because they are so perfect, because the man to whom they are attributed would never be so indiscreet as to say such a thing.

I won’t give you any examples, because if I do they will predictably be sent to the farthest corners of the internet and I would be blamed for spreading them. You know some of the ones I mean. They usually arrive without a source, so one cannot look them up, but because they show up everywhere, they are believed, even without proof.

Recently, I have been receiving another such quotation. Because it is so perfect, so classic, so blatant, I assumed it was a concoction and deleted it. By now I have received it in an email message four or five times, and this one does include a source. I decided to go to the source, sure I would find that the quotation was either nonexistent or garbled. Indeed, some such statements, upon inspection, turn out to say the opposite of what is alleged.

I found instead that this persistent statement was exactly as quoted, word for word and punctuation. It is one of the most breathtaking paragraphs I have ever read. It hit me like a thunderclap. At first, I was sure I had misread it. I had to reread it three or four times before I finally admitted to myself what it said.

Meet David Rockefeller, of Standard Oil, Chase Manhattan and the Council on Foreign Relations, which is one of the main headquarters of the conspiracy for world government. Random House published his Memoirs in 2002. I paid no attention to it. What would he reveal? He certainly would not incriminate himself, I thought. I was wrong. On page 405 of the paperback edition, David Rockefeller says this:

“For more than a century ideological extremists at either end of the political spectrum have seized upon well-publicized incidents such as my encounter with Castro to attack the Rockefeller family for the inordinate influence they claim we wield over American political and economic institutions. Some even believe we are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as ‘internationalists’ and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure – one world, if you will. If that’s the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it.”

Please do as I did and get the book yourself. You don’t need to buy it. Do as I did and get it from the library. Why would David Rockefeller say it? The only explanation I can think of is the Greek word hubris, the overweening pride that comes before a fall. There is also the in-your-face possibility that by now Rockefeller is so close to his lifelong goal that he doesn’t care what you know. For ease in understanding, let’s list the charges he cites:

Inordinate influence over American political and economic institutions

Part of a secret cabal

Working against the best interests of the United States


Conspiring with others around the world

Building a more integrated global political and economic structure

David Rockefeller admits he is guilty of all this and, like all unregenerate criminals, he is proud of it. What does “inordinate” mean? My dictionary says it means “not within proper limits; excessive.” It also means “unrestrained in conduct.” In short, “inordinate influence” is wrong, but David confesses he has it. Remember that American voters did not authorize such influence.

Next he says he is “part of a secret cabal.” “Cabal” is another word for “conspiracy.” A conspiracy includes three elements: secrecy, which he admits, two or more people and a goal that is evil. Indeed, what is the purpose of the conspiracy to which David belongs? He is “working against the best interests of the United States.”

Please tell me what else you need to know. What more could you know? What would you call anyone else who is “working against the best interests of the United States?” Keep repeating that admission. Like the Communists and the Nazis, he is “working against the best interests of the United States.” He agrees that he is “conspiring with others around the world.”

For what? For “internationalism.” David Rockefeller and his fellow conspirators are “building a more integrated global political and economic structure,” which in the context of his other admissions means they are conspiring to destroy our national independence and submerge us in a totalitarian socialist world dictatorship they would run. David not only admits all this; he is proud of it.

The quotation that began all this should be read by allegedly “conservative” talk show hosts every hour on the air. Have you heard it even once? Have you read it anywhere? Slimebags like Limbaugh will excoriate anyone who dares call in to suggest that someone could be doing bad things to America deliberately, when the proof of that suggestion is ready to hand.

Of course, this is easy to understand when you realize that the Rockefellers themselves or their factotums sit on the boards of the companies that own the radio and television stations, the publishers, the newspapers, etc., to such an extent that the few mentions of such matters that do see the light of day are easily disregarded, right, Rush? That is why you never hear or read anything about the real doings of the Rockefellers.

That is why you don’t hear or read the truth in the “mainstream media” about the Rockefeller role in the Federal Reserve swindle and the income tax, or about brother Nelson, for instance, who divorced his wife to marry someone else’s wife and then died in still another woman’s saddle. She got the Manhattan townhouse and $50,000, then a lot of money, to keep her trap shut, and she has.

If the Rockefeller confession does not convince the people you are trying to convince, I suggest that you do with them what you do with the squishy, stinky dog turd you find on your shoe.


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