Political christianity and America: A lesson from history

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Written By Novakeo

If history is to serve mankind in any positive way, we must collectively endeavor to learn from it, especially from past mistakes in socio-political behavior. There is a dangerous development within this countries political landscape concerning the convergence of interests between many in the Christian right and the Bush government, specifically with Bush’s cabal of Israel first fanatics described as neocons or main stream conservatives. This unholy alliance between Christian evangelical dispensationalists, charismatics and the liberals in drag of the Republican Party can be best described as an apostasy for the church and the whoring of its fundamental principles. This vile degenerative union can find in history a familiar parallel of what will be the inevitable maturation and outcome when God’s Kingdom which at present is spiritual and not of this world is converged with human government. We need not look further then Germany in the 1920’s and early 1930’s to find a similar dimensional parallel.

First, we must look at the societal conditions of Germany and where German Christians were politically and socially. We also need to ask ourselves and look at what were the conditions which was post World War I Germany that allowed for the great deception which was National Socialism. What were the conditions in the German Christian community that gave birth to a yearning for a political and national savior that would reestablish the Christian conservative traditions and national greatness which was the old Reich? Most of us know that the majority of the leaders of the Nazis including Adolf Hitler were not Christians at all, but that does not really matter here because, then, like today, truth was something in an alternate reality. What was real to Germans at that time was the relative perception of a Christian political savior that promised them everything they wanted to here. The Nazis had an extraordinary religious component to them and that the Christian community was in such a state that they willfully accepted this hideous delusion. They wanted to believe and no amount of truth would alter their perception.

Ultra liberalism permeated German society on all levels; everything that conservatives and Christians regarded as perverse was glorified in post World War I Germany. Sexual promiscuity, sodomy and feminism were the order of the day. In the media, any deviancy was magnified and glorified and declared normal behavior. Sound familiar? Prostitutes and pornography was rampant and regarded as daring where violent rape of young girls and boys was exiting and an object of lusting. All of it was sensationalized by the German elites in the media, social and cultural circles. Of course all of this was anathema to the conservatives and Christians of Germany; they rightfully saw this as cancerous and detrimental to their country and society. They saw the political left of Germany as cultural murderer’s that needed to be stopped at any cost, even making alliances with the devil was deemed necessary in order to establish an opposition and deterrence to the liberal-socialist-communistic scum that was destroying the moral fabric of the nation. German Christians and conservatives rightfully concluded that it was a deliberate social and political policy by Germany’s liberal intelligentsia to destroy the vestiges of cultural identity and the national pride of the nation. Indeed, that is the essence of liberalism and all its variants today as it was then in Germany.

There is nothing new in organized religion getting politically involved with the political and economic elites of a country. It happens over and over again through out history, and it always morphs, for any country in question, into a very aggressive and belligerent establishment and government. And whenever organized religion chose to get involved with the elites of the nation, it was always in the accepted premise that it was doing so to save the moral fabric of the society in question. German Christians and conservatives decided that they needed to save the nation and the only party that was singing their tune was the National Socialist German Workers Party. Never mind that the Nazis were really politically leftist, what mattered most was the Nazis were saying what they desperately needed to here, and that was enough to allow themselves to be deceived and manipulated by clever homicidal hypocrites. That is what is happening to a lesser extent today in this country to the religious right who are allowing themselves to be manipulated by so called mainstream conservatives (neoconservatives) who are nothing more than closet liberals singing the right tune in the ears of the deceived religious right.

But how could that be? How can good people many which are very intelligent people be manipulated this way? The answer can be found in apostasy – a falling away from the true faith in order to save something, to compromise essential beliefs which always results in delusion and hypocrisy. To make things worse they believe what they are doing is scriptural and under God’s sanction. Men never do more evil than when under the influence of religious/political conviction. Does one think that the German Christians and conservatives were any less moral or upright in good standing religiously and morally? Of course not! The condition that was Germany of the 1920’s and early 1930’s was horrible to say the least. Glorified decadence, economic turmoil was ripping away at the moral fabric of the society, and the traditional foundations which was keeping the culture together were quickly slipping into the cesspool of anarchy, something had to be done!

Weather one heads towards the abyss in leaps or in small steps the end is inevitably still the same. German Christians and conservatives knowingly and deliberately aligned themselves with what they thought to be their political and cultural savior who promised to return them to the Christian traditions which once was Germany. They wanted to believe to the point of willful blindness.

February 16, 1933, we read – “Today Christians, stand at the head of Germany, I pledge that I never tie myself to parties who want to destroy Christianity, We want to fill our culture again with Christian spirit, We want to burn out all the recent immoral developments in literature, in the theater, and in the press – in short, we want to burn out the poison of immorality which has entered into our whole life and culture as a result of liberal excess during the past few years.” – Adolf Hitler.

We all know that Hitler and his gang brought liberal excess to new heights, the Nazis were the quintessence of immorality – sodomites and pedophiles they were, but in the end that did not matter, what he said was more influential and important than what he did. Author and correspondent William Shirer who was in Germany in 1933 wrote of Hitler – “Today, as far as the vast majority of his fellow countrymen are concerned, he has reached a pinnacle never before achieved by a German ruler. He has become – even before his death – a myth, a legend, almost a God.” The deception was complete, established by an intense Christian component and an enthusiastic community which wanted to believe despite its obvious fallaciousness. This delusion was further cemented by the miraculous economic turnaround and the reemergence of a prideful nation under the Nazis. To conservatives it was further proof of the righteousness of Hitler and his bunch of twerps. Listen to these two quotes and ask yourselves does it ominously sound familiar? – “We pray our Lord that He would continue to bless us in our battle for freedom”…”And we will pray the Lord God for that, the salvation of the nation” Adolf Hitler 1940-1941.

Today we see the continued associations between the so called Christian right and the Republican party and it is progressively becoming stronger as we speak. Like their Christian German brothers before them they are willingly being deceived by the oligarch and are trying to whore God’s kingdom with that of the god of this world. They are doing it in the name of defending Israel and in the name of saving this country from liberal immorality. These evangelicals, who demand that this country disregard its own vital interests to defend that of Israel’s, at all costs, are deluded in their politics and most significantly in their theology. This nation’s survival does not rest on the policy of unconditional support for the state of Israel but rather its very survival is predicated towards a national repentance for its rebellion towards God and His word. Neither is the eternal destiny of Christian believers predicated on how we relate to the state of Israel, its exclusively and completely relative to God’s grace and to the work done by His Son on the cross with the shedding of His blood. Technology won’t save us, the policy of “preemptive strike” which is nothing short of naked aggression and the complete thrashing of all just war principles will definitely not protect and save this nation. God did not bless this nation and its founding fathers so it could in the future go abroad to find monsters to slay and in the process of this grotesque self-deception become the very monster they seek to destroy. The United States was not established so it can become Israel’s protectorate that is the sole responsibility of God and Israel.

The ultimate heresy of bringing into human government a religious attitude and perspective will not save this country it will guarantee its destruction. It is no different when Christians create politically religious states then it is for Moslems. Both are equally perverse and suicidal. In God’s word it simply states – “My kingdom is not from this world; if my kingdom were from this world; my followers would be fighting to keep me from being handed over to the Jews. But as it is, my kingdom is not from here.” John 18:36

Published originally at EtherZone.com : republication allowed with this notice and hyperlink intact.”

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