PC leftism takes hold: Fueled by news media and academia

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Written By John LeBoutillier

Back in the mid-1960’s a particular brand of leftism was born: an intolerant, racist, virulent anti-American set of beliefs that seemed radical at the time. But it survived and prospered – greatly fueled by proponents in the two main sources of information in our society: the news media and academia.

Now, a generation later, this type of thinking has been dubbed Politically Correct – and it has spread throughout our society.

And it is slowly killing this nation – from within.

Two new surveys show just how insidious this PC Leftism has become:

1) In a new poll of 12,000 high school students conducted by the Josephson Institute of ethics, 74% of students admit they cheated on an exam in the past year. (This is up from 61% who admitted to cheating in the last survey 10 years ago.)

Similarly, 83% of students admit to lying to a teacher in the past year; this contrasts to 69% ten years ago.

This marked increase in lying coincides with the Clinton Years when lying became a routine event – and one rarely criticized by teachers, parents or the public news media. Do you wonder why kids felt it was OK to lie?

This Josephson survey also found that 43% of high school students say, “A person has to lie or cheat sometimes in order to succeed.” This was up from 34% ten years earlier. And 37% now say they would be willing to lie to get a good job.

No wonder Enron and other corporate scandals seem routine these days! And little wonder that ‘resume cooking’ has become so commonplace.

38% of today’s high school students also admit they stole something from a store in the past year; this was up from 33% ten years ago.

Lying, cheating and stealing – all on the rise – in a society that rose to prominence on a work ethic that prided itself on individual honor.

Why has this decline happened?

Simply put: because these kids are allowed to sink into this anti-ethical morass by adults so addled by what is or is not PC that no one wants to put a foot down and declare things Right and Wrong. Those two words are O-U-T when it comes to PC. After all, we don’t want to be too ‘judgmental,’ do we?

PC Leftists’ favorite expression is: “There is no black or white; there is only a gray area.” Which means allowing all sorts on previously unacceptable behavior because it is no longer wrong.

2) A New Time/CNN poll now reveals that 72% of Americans feel that people arrested with a small amount of marijuana should do no jail time.

34% of the American people now want total legalization of marijuana. Back in 1986 only 18% supported total legalization.

So, after all the talk, the ‘Just Say No’ campaign, the massive so-called War on Drugs, we are going backwards!


Again, because drug use – and permissive sexual behavior, too – are staples of the PC lifestyle.

PC Leftism has infected college teachers for 35 years; it is now spreading into high school faculty rooms, too.

The mainstream media is a hotbed of this type of thinking. And Hollywood sees its job as permeating our culture with this type of lifestyle.

The Clintons are the perfect examples of PC Leftism – in every sense. Their atrocious lying, cheating, stealing – and the fact that they always get away with it – has set a public example for which our society will pay for generations to come.

Worse, still, is how passive we Republicans have become to it all. In that way PC Leftism has anesthetized us, too.

Until we all wake up and reverse this downward spiral, we are heading into a future in which we will – like Rome – decline from within.

We – and this destructive PC Leftist way of thinking – more than Osama or Saddam – are our own worst enemy.

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