New world emperors: Dividing the world like mafia territories

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Written By Dorothy Anne Seese

26085037_fd3dae4df7_oImage courtesy of Neil Carey under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0.

December 7th, 2003 media rather forgot the infamy of Pearl Harbor Day, perhaps because most of the infamy has now been proved to have been the duplicity of our own government and the foreknowledge FDR had about the coming attack on Peal Harbor by the Imperial Japanese Navy.

Some other events transpired, including more killing of American military personnel in the Iraq sandmire.

After the December 2003 elections in Russia, several news media described Russia’s Vladimir Putin as having achieved the status of the former czar.   The modern translation would be dictator.  Russia is reverting to its old Stalinist schema of absolute rulership at the top.  It most certainly is not headed toward any form of democratic rule or vox populous.  Oddly enough, that seems to be what the people of Russia wish to have, a dictator who will rescue them from the warlords of drugs and corporate frauds.  A former KGB officer is hardly the sort one envisions as a benevolent dictator, but perhaps the fact he seems to be able to keep the US at bay and confront its current president has made Putin some sort of national hero.  He also doesn’t care for the Muslims in Chechnya.  The US president entertains Muslim imams at the White House.

A minor player and major butcher, Robert Mugabe, broke with the ineffective Commonwealth of Britain and unless the British move into Zimbabwe, the former Rhodesia, and kill the murderous slob, he will retain control of his African nation and feed money to rebel troops everywhere, particularly in South Africa, while his own people starve.   Dictators, heavyweights or lightweights, have neither conscience nor honor.

Hiding behind the blankets of American flags, photographs of the Statue of Liberty and signs of United We Stand, the cabal in Washington, including the justices of our Supreme Court, continue to strip the states of their Tenth Amendment rights of state sovereignty, refuse review of cases the people want heard, and remain fortressed in a building that doubtless has as much security about it as the White House.  Our dear leaders need more security than was ever needed for Fort Knox when it contained America’s gold reserves.  There is more secrecy about the Pentagon’s activities than there was about the Manhattan Project.

A government of, by and for the people?  Anyone who really believes that is living in a time warp. Many do not and speak out but their voices are silenced quickly, dismissed as whack conspiracy theorists or off the mainstream of American thought.  Somebody has to be off the mainstream or we would already be flying the UN flag!

America keeps its illusions carefully. We simply don’t advertise the fact that our executive branch is functioning imperially.  Russia is seemingly not ashamed of the fact, but perhaps that is because they are accustomed to dictators while Americans were accustomed to liberty and a voice in government for the people.

Most of the six billion souls alive on planet Earth really don’t care what happens in America if it doesn’t threaten their existence.  Iceland, to my knowledge, hasn’t garnered a large anti-American rally to protest something. If it has, it wasn’t headline news even for Section B.  There are anti-American rallies in Mexico, friends of mine who are Americans unfortunately encountered one but were rescued by a Mexican national.

It is fear and fear alone, not of American fading freedom, but of American military power, generally misdirected at aspirin factories, Bosnian hospitals, Chinese embassies or just ordinary civilians in Afghanistan and Iraq that terrifies that section of the world’s population that watches and hates America.  We do nothing for those who would support us, and attack nations that are no threat to our national security.  We are imperialists and we have an imperial government hiding behind outdated titles and a well-ignored Constitution.

Many people with whom I speak, some total strangers in cafes or shopping centers (writers have no shame about being politically or socially incorrect) want George W. Bush out of office.  The problem is, they have no answer as to who should be IN office, in the Oval Office to be precise.  There are fan clubs for Hillary, Wesley Clark, Howard Dean and a few stragglers, but the candidates whose names are news now are simply people with a bent toward more militarism or a merger with the new world order or Global Governance alliance.

And so it is that this nation is becoming less of a nation and more of a territory of the world.  You are less a citizen of the United States of America than a citizen of the world, but the lines of demarcation are still blurred due to the debates about territory among the rulers.

All that is left is for the monarchs of the All-Seeing Eye and the Blue Flag of Death to agree on the division of territories.  Governments seem to be following the pattern of the Mafia rather than the pattern of freedom set down by America’s founders.   How gross. How demeaning. How deadly.  Loss of respect for the sanctity of life and the continued depopulation of the “undesirables” of the world signals just what kind of government that “peaceful” new world order will provide.   The peace is for the rulers, the helplessness is for the people, or what is left of them after the depopulation program has ended.

In government and judicial circles, conscience is simply a matter of expedience, not a matter of character and morality.

Do not wonder why our southern border is wide open.  It serves to permit entrance into our country of those whose allegiance lies elsewhere, diluting what was American patriotism until it is overwhelmed by the enemies of the American vision of liberty.   Do not wonder why our own people are not permitted to defend themselves against illegal intruders, our leadership wants the masses of illegal immigrants here for its own purposes, and American citizens are the ones with no rights of self defense.

When the people have no voice, their Bill of Rights is moot, and the power base is moved to the Executive Branch of government, then we no longer have America, we have an oligarchy on its way to being a totalitarian entity like most world nations have.   All packaged and ready to be delivered, at the appropriate time, to the high-powered elitists (who would be called thugs if not for their offices).  People?   What about the people?  Don’t you mean “sheeple” who will follow any bell?

Or in the words of John Donne, “ask not for whom the bell tolls, it tolls for thee.”

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