Making rapists women in the military

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Written By Alan Stang

A century or two ago, as a young man, I read a story by Ernest Hemingway. At the time, he was all the rage and I didn’t know he was a Red. I was still too young to understand the story. If I remember now, at a distance of many decades, it was a Nick Adams story, set “up in Michigan.” The story involves a man whose wife is giving birth, and who commits suicide while she does so.

Why on earth would a man do that? The story was incomprehensible; I remember wondering about it. I didn’t understand until I had grown up myself and had my own children. The man in the story committed suicide because he couldn’t stand his wife’s screaming. They were in a cabin in the wilds of upper Michigan, and there was nowhere else he could go while she delivered. The sounds of her suffering drove him insane.

A normal man will do everything to avoid the sight and sound of a woman suffering. Of course, I am talking about a man raised in the Christian tradition and belief that alone have made our civilization the greatest known to history. I remember reading some years ago, that in a local war in the Far East, the men on one side raped the women on the other side. It got worse. The women were innocent, of course, but because they had been raped, their husbands kicked them out. Who was worse, the rapists or the husbands?

Now, here’s part of a recent Reuters dispatch from Bunia, in the African nation of Congo: “High on drugs and war, the militiamen took the Rwandan woman to a public place. There, before a large crowd, they mutilated her, cooked parts of her body and ate them.” Reuters says that according to eyewitnesses including Catholic priests this is what happened. Also recently, disturbed worshippers beat to death a pregnant Christian woman who dared walk past a mosque. They were so offended they went on to riot.

So, I’m talking here only about those of us who enjoy the blessings bequeathed to us by the Master spirit of all time. I recall that in the first of our many pregnancies, time was running out. I had to fly to New York to cover the Democrat National Convention, where Jimmy Carter, the Trilateral traitor, would be nominated. Because the Democrats refused to postpone the convention, the doctor administered a pitocin drip via I.V. to encourage delivery, so that I could be there for the blessed event.

The only problem was that the rate at which he set it was causing discomfort for my bride, which I found intolerable. You will be happy to hear that I did not commit suicide, but I did keep turning it down when the doctor left the room, with the result that the delivery was prolonged and took 36 hours. Even after so much pitocin, the miscreant who was the center of the drama refused to vacate the premises; the doctor had to evict him with forceps. (He turned out all right and is presently a Marine Corps platoon sergeant serving with the Imperial forces in Kuwait.) When I emerged from the confrontation, I looked like a woolly mammoth, but I didn’t need to clean up very much to attend the convention.

Even after many years and many children, the Love Priestess used to unleash the Ultimate Weapon on those rare occasions when she couldn’t inveigle me into doing things her way: “I will cry!” You are thinking there’s no way she could get by with such a childish, transparent trick. But, of course, you are wrong. Try it, ladies, when the old buzzard says you can’t have those dishes. True, she hasn’t used the Ultimate Weapon for a while, probably because your Intrepid Correspondent is so modest and well behaved, but she has thoroughly trained the Princess Royal in the use of the technique.

There is a point to this idiotic drivel. The bull dykes who have the ear of the Bush Administration are pushing the monstrous idea of women in combat. They say the Soviets used women in combat in World War II. Yes, they did, but even the Soviets couldn’t stand it. They say the Israelis used women in combat. Yes, they did too, until the men went insane at the sight of dismembered female body parts. Bush has continued and expanded Clinton’s policy of perversion, so, as far as he is concerned, the dykes can strap on the dildos and go into action, but there is a problem. The problem is the inbred squeamishness the normal man feels about female suffering.

In the heat of combat, the normal man may not have time to distinguish between the normal woman who has been tricked into being there and the feminoid who wants to be. A feminoid is a creature who looks like a real female and may even be equipped with the real female’s physical accoutrements, but who in fact is something else. A feminoid is to a female as a humanoid is to a human.

So, in order to arrange female combat, the feminoids must rework the normal man, must excise his natural tendency to go insane when he sees dismembered female parts. How will the bull dykes do that?

Elaine Donnelly runs an outfit called the Center for Military Readiness. You really should take a look at her web site, After you get done oohing and aahing about how beautiful she is, you will find a wealth of helpful information about what is happening in our military.

Mrs. Donnelly served on the Presidential Commission on the Assignment of Women in the Armed Forces. On June 8, 1992, trainers from the Survival, Evasion, Resistance and Escape (SERE) POW training camp at Fairchild AFB in Washington State, testified before the Commission and said that men react differently when they know women are being attacked.

The training the witnesses described is designed to simulate what could happen in a POW camp. Mrs. Donnelly went through some of the training herself and tells your reporter that when she left, “I was worn out.”

Here is the most terrifying thing Mrs. Donnelly told me: “The men are taught how to deal with their impulse to protect the women under threat. The trainers told us that they must ‘desensitize’ (their word) the men so that the enemy cannot exploit their human/male reaction to the sight or sound of female colleagues in peril. Then the SERE trainers told us that the entire nation would have to be similarly desensitized to the reality of violence against women, in order for women in combat to work.”

Mrs. Donnelly adds that “the SERE trainers’ testimony was a bit scary to contemplate. They were quite liberal, and very much in favor of women in combat, but the implications of their testimony persuaded the swing voter on the commission that endorsement of their view would be a step backward for civilization, not a step forward. It was the one argument that the feminists could not finesse or refute.”

So by one vote, just one, the nation was saved from the ignominy of sending women by the droves into combat. Had the vote gone the other way, women presumably would have been in combat, in the recent Imperial invasion of Iraq, by design rather than by such accidents as Jessica Lynch.

Some of us believe we have all the rape we need right now, all the kidnapped, killed and dismembered women we can handle. Of course we are pre-revolutionary relics – we recognize that – but we are willing to compromise. In the spirit of Rev. Jonathan Swift, we merely suggest that the raping be kept within reasonable limits.

Part of the education of a gentleman in our Christian civilization, is training in noblesse oblige, in the need to defer to a woman, which translates into such almost outmoded practices as holding doors, taking off one’s hat in an elevator, etc. A gentleman is a gentle man. Becoming a gentleman means suppressing not one’s natural aversion to female suffering, but the equally strong masculine proclivity to drag all the attractive babes into the bushes.

Now imagine hundreds of thousands of military veterans, “desensitized to the reality of violence against women,” stalking our streets. Please think about what that would mean. It sounds like a horror movie by George A. Romero. Instead of “Night of the Living Dead,” he would call it, “Day of the Desensitized Veteran.” So you feminists think you have it bad now? In the movie we are talking about, you would need a bodyguard when you are allowed to leave the house, if you are allowed to leave.

But you still haven’t heard the worst. Ask yourself some questions. Could any of this be happening without the approval of George W. Bush? Could women be serving on the edge of combat, like Jessica Lynch, or like the women who now serve as Military Police in Iraq, if Bush didn’t want them to? Could Bush stop it? How long would it take to stop after he issued the order?

The worst part of all this is that George W. Bush is behind it. He is not only continuing, he is expanding the Clinton policy of pandering to the perverts. The purpose of the policy is to destroy our culture and collapse our civilization, so that the nation can be submerged in a totalitarian world government. His name should never be uttered without adding the word “traitor.”

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