Little Tommy Daschle talks: And tells us so very much

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Written By Barbara Stanley

Tony Snow interviewed Tommy Daschle and Tommy pretty much summed up his attitude: “We should be getting more help and support from the Saudis.” Well, let me tell you, Tommy, the Saudis are our enemies and one does not only not ask, but certainly not expect, “help and support” from OUR ENEMIES! Tommy: The word enemy means they are not on ‘our’ side, but on the ‘other’ side, the side that has already killed THOUSANDS OF AMERICANS ON HOME SOIL! Cripes! Is Tommy that stupid or does he think we are that stupid?

And now he continues in complaining that he should have been consulted in the formation of the security agenda of this country. Excuse me? Consult, share information, with those who think (yeah, I know, it’s a stretch) they can suck up to the bloodthirsty murderers who mean us annihilation and make nice? Not exactly to whom I would give the game plan: a plurality run senate that leaks like a sieve and colludes with the enemy. I would hope the last thing done is share plans with those who would tip off the enemies in an effort to kiss ass and “get along.” Well, I don’t want to get along. I want to get on. I want to stay alive and I don’t want some death-worshiping, camel jockey dragging the world down to their stone-age level. Were it not for the Americans and Brits technology and brilliance, the Saudis would still be riding around the desert, unknowingly and obliviously, above all that oil.

Little Tommy is also concerned that the republicans are politicizing the war to gain support. Oh, I guess he thinks it’s only allowable when they trumpet their ‘successes’ to gain support. I would hope the Bush administration used their strengths as, well, strengths. It’s nice to have a choice of whom to support by examining their track record.

I refer to Tommy as ‘little’ for very good reasons: not only is he little in mind, rarely thinking farther afield that his own ego and his own ends; but he is also little in stature and if someone would just hide his lectern lift, maybe he’d be less in our faces. I only discriminate against little men when they are as patriotically challenged in mind and heart as well as height. Matter-of fact, height doesn’t always enter into it, save in Tommy’s case. Clinton is tall, but still very little.

Now Little Tommy is saying we need no tax cuts. See, how little he thinks? But for the odd moron, most folks know that when we have more money to spend, save or invest, we create jobs, income, make funds available for loan and all the while increase revenue. (Although the government really doesn’t need any tax money, the result is still the same.) I watched a program on C-SPAN last week, even called in and got through, in which the anti-taxcut guy was telling me it was my “patriotic duty” to pay death taxes. This smarmy, s-o-b actually told me I was unpatriotic! Notwithstanding the facts: my mother’s estate was small, my folks paid taxes on it, every day in every way, this guy felt my few thousand dollars was better suited funneled down the money-losing rat hole of administering death taxes. Whereas, I, the idiot citizen who can’t manage their own money, would have done something foolish like put on a new roof, bought a new fridge, created a few jobs and well, you know the rest. Silly me.

Every time I see or hear Little Tommy spouting, whether in front of his sorority newschix at the library table or in interview on Sunday morning, I am nonplussed at how transparent he is and how often the interviewer just lofts softballs, lest he get no more interviews. Boy, what I would give to ask Tommy a few questions of my own? But wait. I did give. I gave American lives on 9/11 and that gives me the right!

So, Tommy, tell me:

What are you planning to do that will actually serve the Nation?

What are you going to block in the senate to serve your own measly political agenda?

How far will you sink to ensure socialism becomes our norm?

What did your wife have to do with the dumping of the airlines’ reforms that Al Gore pledged to create to secure the gaps?

Was that hefty campaign contribution from those very same airlines to the DNC the final straw that nullified those guidelines and requirements?

How much will your own little mindset drive your goals, legislation?

Do you support Powell, the Clintons and the other socialists/Marxists in the New World Order, driven by the United Nations for the loss of American Sovereignty?

Does Hitlery have anything else on you in her little black book of blackmail?

I’m sure we can come up with a few more questions for the Senator if we could get the chance to ask. “Support from the Saudis”, my patoot!

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