It’s the terrorism, stupid: When all else fails, snivel and whine

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Written By Paula Devlin

gas-1639242_1280Of all the inane, vapid and insensitive issues to be raised by the Democratic presidential contenders, the problem of a White House coverup of the air quality in New York City after the 9-11 attacks wins the prize. Those whining, spoiled children actually took news time from important issues.

Only an imbecile would need the government to tell them that the air in New York was hazardous that infamous day and during subsequent days. Everyone in the nation could see that the two collapsed, burning skyscrapers were generating toxic gasses. New reports told of ash and fine debris seeping into dwelling units. New Yorkers, normally a shrewd lot, could see the problem.

Under that rubble were over 3,000 people who were no longer able to breathe. For them and their families, the quality of the air was probably not their main concern.

For the rescue workers who believe in the value of human life, the quality of the air was not their main concern: saving lives was.

For the New York bureaucrats, securing the city from further attack was their main concern, not the quality of the air. What were they supposed to do, set up giant fans to pump clean air in from the Arctic? Give everyone gas masks? (Would that have been a priority item before the attack in the out-of-control city budget? Anyone who suggested it would have been certified and committed.)

For those who survived the attack, dealing with the trauma and restoring life to normal had to be dealt with first. Air quality was probably not a primary concern. It was just another ugly thing with which to cope.

For the White House, this major breech of security was the primary concern. The air quality in New York was a given: war is hell.

Only a person who doesn’t understand the problem or who has ideology so antithetical to what most Americans hold would have campaign strategists find this issue to raise and then act as if it would have been a concern to that person in the same situation.

This complaint is an insult to the entire nation and particularly so to New Yorkers. It shows a callous disregard for the reality of the situation and the feelings of those affected. No one rational being would use this crass accusation, two years after the fact, in an attempt to discredit the President.

The biased media has picked it up as though it were more significant than the attack itself. From the Democratic presidential contenders or their media, we never hear criticism of terrorism. Their Great Satan is a Republican president. He interferes with their plans for completing the socialization of this country and turning its sovereignty over to the U.N.

While politicians are talking one way to the public, behind the scenes they are using this opportunity to take away citizens’ rights in favor of a more centralized socialist/fascist government. If they had one whit of concern about our national security and sovereignty, the borders would have been sealed and the exportation of strategic industries stopped instantly after the attack.

International terrorism is a serious concern. But the terrorism perpetrated by big business, the judicial system and rotten politicians is far more of a concern. We can find and destroy the terrorist organizations, but the control of this nation, at all levels of government, by a wide variety of scoundrels, blackguards, communists, socialists and useful idiots is far more difficult to rout.

Add to this a collection of self-important CEO’s, raking in multi-million dollar annual pay packages, who are exporting jobs and manufacturing equipment to China so they can line their own pockets (not the stockholders) with more money than they could ever spend in several lifetimes. That is not capitalism: that is greed and treason, with far more long-term detrimental effects to national security than physical violence. We can reasonably recover from physical attacks but not so readily from economic rape and pillage perpetrated from within.

Complaining about a cover-up on the air quality in New York City after 9/11 is a classic example of citing the speck in your neighbor’s eye and ignoring the beam in your own.

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