Is anybody out there?: In God we trust

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Written By Barbara Stanley

“God gave us our rights and it is government’s charge to protect them for us.” Chief Justice Roy Moore said these words on C-SPAN this morning as he explained (for probably the millionth time in his public life recently) to the moderator that there is no “separation of God and State” in the U.S. Constitution.  Thomas Jefferson wrote about this separation back when Church services were held in the U.S. Capitol building in D.C.

The pilgrims ran from religious persecution to the wilderness and for that I am eternally grateful.  For the beautiful country and for the freedom to worship my Creator in my own way. Without impediment, without persecution, without the burning stake and without the forced tithe/tax.

So how is it that a school teacher was thrown out of her job and had to litigate to get it back all because she wore a little gold cross around her neck. Hell, rappers wear big ol’ diamond studded crosses, Madonna sings of the catholic church and wears a ton of crosses and it’s not rocket science who has more sway over some poorly raised kiddies. But that little gold cross was an excuse for someone to oppress another, over their choice of religion.

I believe I’d read recently that Muslim kids are allowed to attend to their daily prayers while in public school. I know that Serano put a crucifix in a beaker of his own urine and it was lauded as ‘art’ (and I have my suspicions over whether his funding was through a government grant during the Clinton administration). You remember the Clinton administration. That was the one where the Christmas tree had the infamous Twelve Days of Christmas with penis rings and a curious style of lords’ a-leaping sexually close to the lord in front.

“I don’t want to have your religion shoved down my throat,” said the (usual and daily) Angry Caller to the Judge as he took comments and questions. Excuse me, but let’s just open our eyes and take a good look at what is staring us in the face. It’s open season on Christians, folks. Plain and simple. Any other religion can be supported by this government, including Wicca-ism, the witchcraft of medieval Europe and right now we also have a spying scandal involving Islamic clerics attending to the prisoners at Gitmo. Do you think the ACLU will have time to defend him when they get done with the pro-NAMBLA pederast they are currently defending? No question about the non-existent Constitutional ‘law’ they will be using.

There are choices being made in this country and in peoples’ hearts like never before. We are all talking about it and it is on the news. Choose between terror and security, between murder and peace, between oppression and freedom and between a life with or without a religious credo. Tolerance is the real problem here and the lack of it towards a certain segment of the society is running rampant.

The stone monument of the Ten Commandments that Judge Roy Moore placed and later, via court order, removed did not signal an ending or a loss. It made a sober statement for all to hear. We had our attention drawn to the facts that the Supremes, in our highest court, open every session with a prayer and a bona fide defined in law prayer at that; that the Congress does the same and over our most hallowed buildings, are representations of Moses holding the first tablets. Either we believe and more importantly live that God gives us our rights and the government is charged to secure them or we believe the government is our god. Even for Atheists who profess no faith or acknowledgment of God, their free choice, they are still under the thumb of the State as god. Hmmm. Do you think Madeline Murray O’Hare, in her communist putsch to drive prayer out of schools lest it poison the mind of our youngest students, understood that this would just lead to the exchange of God for State, demi-god that it is?

I’ve made my choice a long time ago. I put my obeisance in the God of my being; the One who made Heaven and Earth; the One who is omnipotent, omniscient and everywhere, which eliminates the need for a middle-man. I don’t need a go-between in church and I sure don’t need a monitor in State. That is my choice. Others make their choices and yet because of their intolerance, my choice has been nullified. I cannot serve two Masters so I choose to serve the One who fosters my good life. I have chosen the One, the Christ, who communes with me daily. My association with The Christ sustains my life. I cannot imagine it any other way. And for those who do not share this belief system, that in which they believe sustains their lives. I can make no demands of another nor should I, unless they interrupt my life and then their religion, as is taught in the Madrassas is not the issue, the murdering is, the Law is.

I have only had one other religion oppress me and that is the State religion of communism, which is now synonymous with socialism. Both of these ways interrupt my daily life in ways that are counter to my productivity and my happiness. But wait! Isn’t the pursuit of my “happiness” enshrined in our Constitution, from whence all laws of the land flow? How is it some in power can find what is not in the Constitution and be blind to what is? Isn’t it true that in courts I can only be punished for what I do and not what I think? Oh, wait, I am limited in my freedom to think and say what I choose if it is deemed by another to be politically incorrect, a communist term that is now part of our lexicon here in the sacred Republic of the United States. Another example of enforcing the non-existent in place of the real.

So, it would seem, on the one hand, we persecute some and quote a document that makes no mention of a separation of God and State while ignoring that very same document allows for my freedom to be spiritual in my own way. The difference now, is more citizens are aware they have a choice to make and I thank Judge Moore for all he has done to bring this issue to the headlines. And as long as another’s choice does not remove my freedoms, I have no issue with their beliefs. A person’s spiritualism is private, like their sex-life.

I am tolerant. I do not care, nor do I wish to know what another’s private life is. That is their business and they have the freedom to be and think as they choose. It is none of my concern. I do not believe anyone must avow, must declare, must inform me of how they find their inner peace. Quite frankly, I am not at all interested. It only becomes my concern when my country’s security is threatened, or on a micro-level, my life and family are threatened. The way I feel about my family is the way I feel about my community, my country and tolerance and freedom, safety and happiness define the procession.
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