Hate power: Compelled to act

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Written By Al Cronkrite

“Most people today stand for nothing and hate nothing and as a result fight for nothing”

R. J. Rushdoony


It is widely assumed that love is “good” and hate is “bad”.  “Love” and “hate” could be the two most confusing words in the English language.  The dictionary contains multiple definitions for both.


Hate has been the subtle weapon used to push the Black agenda into American social life.  It bears an uncanny resemblance to Zionist policies of forcing acceptance by legal mandate.  Both Jews and Blacks have succeeded in gaining sympathy by skillfully describing past suffering and convincing a feckless contemporary Caucasian population that they are owed a debt.   Jews have used the Holocaust to gain sympathy and Blacks have used slavery in exactly the same way.  Reparations are a Jewish idea that has been co-opted by Blacks.  Black hate for Whites is centered on slavery while Jewish hate goes back to the Cross.


A recent email link showed Elbert Guillory, a Black Senator from the 24th District of Louisiana giving a careful explanation of why he has switched to the Republican Party.  The sender hoped it would “go viral”.  The link is here.


Speaking from a softly darkened church sanctuary Senator Guillory maintains the Republican Party is a better friend to Blacks than the Democratic Party.  He believes Liberal Democratic programs have hurt Blacks by making them dependent and controlling them.  He says the government should preserve freedom and keep its nose out of the education of our children as well as our phone calls and emails.  Guillory claims these proper ideas are the core of the Republican Party.


White Americans are seriously gullible.  They think that if a politician speaks the name of Jesus he or she must be a Christian.  When a Black politician claims to believe in Constitutional government he gains immediate attention.  The distortion of partisan support for Blacks is ignored and a naive assessment of the core of the Republican Party is overlooked.


Black leader Randall Robinson was recently featured on C-Span supporting reparations to Blacks. With his softly intellectual erudition Robinson is a convincing advocate for a program that would by immoral, larcenous, divisive, ineffective, and tragic.


Craig Steven Wilder, a professor at MIT, has put together an expose entitled “Ebony and Ivy” subtitled “Race, Slavery and the Troubled History of American Universities.  In an interview by Black radio personality Joe Madison, Wilder claims that his heavily footnoted record of slave ownership by Christian college leaders and slave money going to support universities is a factual account that should indict former White educators.   Wilder is a talented scholar but his book is a partisan attempt to keep the fires of racial hatred burning brightly.  See the interview here.


Guillory, Robinson, and Wilder are engaged in a rhetorical revolution but there are others who are more cogent.  Ayo Kimathi, a Department of Homeland Security employee, would like to start a world-wide race war between Blacks and Whites.  See the video here.


Jews have exerted heavy influence on the Black agenda in America.  They directed the NAACP from its inception in the early Twentieth Century into the mid-Nineteen Sixties. Seehere and here.   They control the press and media and have used its immense influence to promote Black policies.   Jewish speech writers produced speeches for Dr. Martin Luther and many other Black leaders.


Though vehemently debunked by Jewish voices this statement attributed to Israel Cohen in a 1912 piece called “A Racial Program for the Twentieth Century” was read into the Congressional Record on June 7th, 1957, Vol. 3, p8559:  “We must realize that our party’s most powerful weapon is racial tensions. By propounding into the consciousness of the dark races that for centuries they have been oppressed by whites, we can mold them to the program of the Communist Party. In America we will aim for subtle victory. While inflaming the Negro minority against the whites, we will endeavor to instill in the whites a guilt complex for their exploitation of the Negros. We will aid the Negroes to rise in prominence in every walk of life, in the professions and in the world of sports and entertainment. With this prestige, the Negro will be able to intermarry with the whites and begin a process which will deliver America to our cause.”  In response to questions concerning the authenticity of this quote Canadian Jewish writer and inventor Henry Makow believes it is authentic.  Read here.


In 1858 Abraham Lincoln entitled a famous speech “A House Divided Against Itself Cannot

Stand”.   His source for this titular wisdom was Matthew 12:25 in the Christian Bible. His solution was dreadful but this concept is being successfully used by contemporary White haters to destroy the United States of America.


The case against George Zimmerman in the death of Trayvon Martin was justly adjudicated by Stamford police chief Bill Lee and would have been closed if the media had not intentionally distorted the facts and created an issue that has destroyed lives, exacerbated racial tensions and threatened justice.  Blacks are unwitting pawns for a Jewish agenda.Louis Farrakhan has noticed this manipulation but most Black leaders have not.


Hate is the driving force behind Jewish success in undermining White Christian culture.   Jewish hate is mostly covert while Black hate is mostly overt.  Jews use Blacks to disrupt White society.  Contemporary White Americans have never owned slaves.  They generally treat both Jews and Blacks with respect.  Millions of Jews opt to live in the U. S. rather than Israel and Blacks do not emigrate to Africa because they live better here than anywhere else in the world.


Hate is used to create and support war.  It is created by skillfully propagandizing naïve citizens.   In the United States hate for Germans and Japanese was almost universal during WWII.  Song writers composed songs, the newspapers told of horrible atrocities, the government declared war, Germans became “Huns”, the Japanese became “Japs” and murder became the spirit of the day.  Young men joined the Army with the specific intent of killing Huns and Japs.


Hate is manipulated to conform to the latest government agenda. A new category in our cancerous legal system is called Hate Crimes.  Hate crimes are offenses committed against individuals or institutions because of their race, ethnic background, sexual orientation, or religion.   Hate crimes involve victims under special government protection.  These laws are effective in creating anger and separation.


In the secular world people are forced to hate what the sovereign hates.  If the government is sovereign it will decide what should be hated.  Hate crimes force the population to grant special treatment to individuals protected by government mandate.


Freedom finds its zenith when the sovereignty of the One True God is recognized and His commandments are allowed to rule the society.  Secular governments always result in tyranny.    In a God fearing society evil is easily identified as disobedience to God’s Commandments.  Freedom cannot exist without hatred for evil.  When government attempts to rule a social order without the overarching Commandments of the God of the Bible, brutality is forthcoming.


Courts that seek adjudication through competing advocates subject their victims to a cruel gamble.   The varied opinions of wicked men cannot produce justice.  Justice is produced by courts that seek righteousness and hate evil.


Contrary to prevailing opinion God’s Law was not given to Moses as an impediment to freedom but rather as a formula for producing peace, order, and prosperity for His creation. God seeks obedience because obedience produces the most joyful and productive existence.  Love is impossible without a healthy disdain for evil.


Pervasive New Testament Christianity is a cultish distortion of the full orbed religion God has given us in His Word. He gives us miraculous healings and prophetic blessings but when we fail to obey His Commandments He gives us and effete and useless confusion.  This confusion has marked American Christianity for at least the past half century.


The Devil is delighted when Christians busy themselves with predicting the Second Coming or work to arouse the Holy Spirit in order to obtain blessings.  He is delighted when preachers confine their preaching to the gifts God has for His people, when they use expository preaching to avoid addressing current issues, or when they emphasize love as if it is a warm emotional bath.


I receive innumerable requests from well meaning cultish Christians who want me to read a current prophetic utterance from their favorite prognosticator.  They are rapt with its truth.  Unfortunately, this waste of emotional energy has been going on for decades and if God’s Commandments were properly enforced the sources of these bogus prophecies would cease.


Our adversary, Satan, uses hate effectively as a weapon against Christianity.  Christians are an easy target because they are unable to hate an enemy they have failed to define.  The distorted, Pietism love of New Testament Christianity leaves them in open view without weapons and worse yet without understanding..


Love and hate are inextricably entwined with Christianity.  Hate for sin is an essential part of the Christian life.

Published originally at EtherZone.com : republication allowed with this notice and hyperlink intact.”

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