Govt. excuses wearing very thin!: Inefficiency, mistaken identities and cameras

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Written By Dorothy Anne Seese

photographer-1149214_1280-1The military has always made some mistakes in war time.  Reporters and photo-journalists have been killed in time of armed conflict.  Fifty-three photo-journalists lost their lives at Normandy in 1944.  They were killed by the enemy. Omaha Beach was one of the bloodiest battles of World War II.  It isn’t surprising that a number of cameramen and reporters were killed as they went ashore with the invading Allied troops in one of the largest military operations in US history.

But when a US military tank crew guns down a Reuters photo-journalist who is filming a US-run prison in Iraq, because they thought his camera was an RPG (rocket propelled grenade launcher) then I am not buying any stories of mistaken identity, mistaking a camera for an RPG, or any other excuse.  The photo-journalist was filming something that the US didn’t wan’t filmed and the military murdered him in cold blood.

In a copyrighted Reuters story appearing on the internet on August 17, 2003, the story stated:

Eyewitnesses said soldiers on an American tank shot at Mazen Dana, 43, as he filmed outside Abu Ghraib prison in western Baghdad which had earlier come under a mortar attack.

Whatever he was photographing at that prison was not meant for the eyes of the western world, or the eastern world for that matter.  Dana was the 17th journalist to be killed in Iraq since the beginning of the US invasion, most of whom were freelance or “unembedded” reporters and cameramen.  It apparently behooves journalists now to stay in bed with the military or have their life expectancy terminated quickly.

And we call this a free press?  I won’t.  Reuters isn’t saying it that way, but they aren’t going to call the US a nation with a free press.  There is just too much going on in Iraq that doesn’t match up with the image the US leadership wants to portray of its righteousness, like giving candy to the kids.  In this war, truth was a fatality before the conflict began.

Now the US military, under orders from the US Department of Defense, has to keep up the image that we’re liberators, good guys and all that sort of rot.  The idea that some of our troops are ordered to be cold-blooded killers to protect the image in Washington, D.C. is noxious, but it’s out now.  Reuters saw to it that the story was told.

A friend who visited me not long ago said her friend’s son came home, and the first thing he told his family was never, never to ask him what he did or what he saw in Iraq, that it would take him years to wash the scenes from his mind.  A soldier in a just war comes home triumphant, not traumatized.  No war is pretty, war is indeed hell, but those whose combat is what we saw on the old March of Time on movie screens left a lot of decorated veterans, a number of whom are still alive and retired in their late 70’s and 80’s now.  They saw ugly sights, but they didn’t come home emotionally wrung out from seeing the unimaginable.

This writer saw some horrible photographs in the foreign papers that never made American media.  The US media sanitized any photographs coming out of Iraq.   Award-winning journalists in this Middle East slaughter mill are the ones who can make war look like a training exercise, avoiding all the nasty reality of what really went on and is going on in the “liberated” Iraq.

But Middle Easterners know. They don’t hate you or me, but they hate our government and to strike back at them they willl not hesitate to kill us.  That’s just the way life is.

Saddam Hussein is out of power and our troops are not coming home, their stays have been extended in the heat and the sand and the blood.  They’re dying to make certain that US and international oil interests do not fall into the hands of the Islamic “radicals” who hate us and with increasing ferocity each day.

The way we fight wars now, and the causes for which we fight them, the weaponry we use, the “collateral damage” incurred and the wealth it generates for the few at the expense of the many is a disgrace that the world will not soon forgive and will avenge if it can.  And it can, given sufficient time and planning.

The problem is, the revenge bill will be paid by you and me, not by the people who have the bunkers waiting for them.  Can we vote the blighters out of office?  For what?  To get another bunch of blighters in office?  All we’re offered on the ballot these days is a set of hand-picked members who will go along with the plans of the leaders of this international quagmire, the elitists of the New World Order with its many tentacles and disguises.

Do I have any doubt that eventually the entire world will succumb to the NWO by whatever name?  No.  Not one doubt.  The US is far more globalized than the average American can understand.  My email tells me that.  There are even some who write who believe in the NWO, that a global government will stop what only God can stop by changing man’s heart — evil.  If anything could have worked or would have worked, it would have been the League of Nations after World War I.  That having failed, the United Nations was set up along side it.  Has that worked? No. We now have more wars in more places than at any time in history.

The truth is that government, all government, any government, is force.  George Washington said that, and some 220 years later it is still true, always has been true.   The only really free people on earth are those with the least government and the greatest amount of self-control to prevent government from having to make laws. Those who are free maintain control over those who would make unnecessary laws to enslave the masses and take away their liberty.  We once had such a nation.  Yes, Mr. Franklin, we had a republic.  No, Mr. Franklin, we couldn’t keep it.

We do have in power some clever deceivers who keep the public entertained, fearful or emotionally fired up enough to distract them from what is really happening to our nation.

It’s too bad more Americans, including this writer, cannot travel abroad and find out what’s really going on and get a perspective of America that would fire them up enough to take back their government and start over. But how long would it take for it to fall once again into the hands of the greedy and unscrupulous?  History shows us that is how it has been with every nation, republic and empire.

Not all rich people are part of the inner circle of the NWO.   The leaders are all beyond just rich, they are money and power brokers of land, resources, people, and governments.

Our vote now is really limited, in true choice, to the constable and the dog catcher, sometimes a state legislator. Beyond that, we’re just the useless feeders who overpopulate the earth.  No matter, the elite will take care of reducing the numbers.

They just got rid of one photo-journalist who dared to cross the invisible line.

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