Bush threatens the media: I will bomb you

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Written By Alan Stang

6981311481_2fb7e37cd1_kImage courtesy of Ben Raynal under CC BY-NC 2.0.

Regular readers of these commentaries will recall that last week I promised to relate my experience as a movie star opposite Robert the Redford, as part of our salute to the upcoming Academy Awards. As these remarks go to press, however, the bombs are falling and the invasion of Iraq is underway, so with your permission I shall defer that scenario, except to say again that the best way to handle the Academy Awards is simply to boycott them. Just don’t watch. Nothing could terrify Martin “the Mouth” Sheen, Susan “the Strumpet” Sarandon and the others more than the possibility that you won’t watch their moronic antics.

Meanwhile, remember that the news media, like the movies, are largely controlled by the billionaire totalitarian Socialist conspirators who rule us, and who express that control through organizations like the Council on Foreign Relations and the Trilateral Commission. There are happy exceptions, yes. In the movies, there is Mel Gibson. In the media, there is EtherZone, the internet site you are visiting now. The world government conspirators apparently did not expect that the Internet would allow us to circumvent the stranglehold they have on the news.

In preparation for this latest phase of the continuing war on Iraq, media officials met with the Bush Administration and agreed to censor their own reports from the Middle East. Of course we are not talking about information that could hurt our troops and their military operations. Everyone agrees that to protect our people such information must be withheld. We’re talking instead about policy, about goals, about all the other crucial aspects of the war. The media bosses, who belong to the CFR and the Trilateral Commission, and who routinely suppress the news generated at the secret meetings they attend, voluntarily agreed to censor their own reporters, in order to please their fellow world government conspirators.

Your Intrepid Correspondent of course has been a reporter since the death of Methuselah. I have stood side-by-side with the network gang covering stories and know that they lie. For instance, Walter Cronkite was CBS news anchor for many years. His colleagues used to call him “the most trusted man in America.” Walter is of course a world government traitor. He deceived the American people from the beginning to the end of the war in Vietnam. He still does whatever he can to destroy our nation’s independence.

But now here comes Kate Adie, another exception. Kate is a war correspondent with BBC for 35 years. She has covered so many wars that, according to a joke in the British Army, no war could officially start until she arrives. Needless to say, she covered the first Gulf War twelve years ago. A remarkable thing about the news these days is that often we find things in the foreign press, especially in the British press, that never are mentioned in our own.

Irish broadcaster Tom McGurk recently interviewed Kate Adie on the RTE1 Radio “Sunday Show,” where she revealed the next phase of the Bush Administration’s scheme to control media reporting on the war. I am not going to paraphrase her remarks. Here is the transcript of what she said:

Tom McGurk: “Now, Kate Adie, you join us from the BBC in London. Thank you very much for going to all this trouble on a Sunday morning to come and join us. I suppose you are watching with a mixture of emotions this war beginning to happen, because you are not going to be covering it.”

Kate Adie: “Oh I will be. And what actually appalls me is the difference between twelve years ago and now. I’ve seen a complete erosion of any kind of acknowledgment that reporters should be able to report as they witness.” “The Americans … and I’ve been talking to the Pentagon … take the attitude which is entirely hostile to the free spread of information.” “I was told by a senior officer in the Pentagon, that if uplinks–that is the television signals out of … Baghdad, for example–were detected by any planes … electronic media … mediums of the military above Baghdad … they’d be fired down on. Even if they were journalists. ‘Who cares! ‘ said … [inaudible] …”

Tom McGurk: “… Kate … sorry Kate … just to underline that. Sorry to interrupt you. Just to explain for our listeners. Uplinks is where you have your own satellite telephone method of distributing information.”

Kate Adie: “The telephones and the television signals.”

Tom McGurk: “And they would be fired on?”

Kate Adie: “Yes. They would be ‘targeted down,’ said the officer.”

Tom McGurk: “Extraordinary!”

Kate Adie: “Shameless.” “He said … ‘Well … they know this … they’ve been warned.’ ” “This is threatening freedom of information, before you even get to a war.” “The second thing is there was a massive news blackout imposed.” “In the last Gulf war, where I was one of the pool correspondents with the British Army, we effectively had very, very light touch when it came to any kind of censorship.” “We were told that anything which was going to endanger troops lives which we understood we shouldn’t broadcast. But other than that, we were relatively free.” “Unlike our American colleagues, who immediately left their pool, after about 48 hours, having just had enough of it.” “And this time the Americans are: a) Asking journalists who go with them, whether they are … have feelings against the war. And therefore if you have views that are skeptical, then you are not to be acceptable.” “Secondly, they are intending to take control of the Americans’ technical equipment … those uplinks and satellite phones I was talking about. And control access to the airwaves.” “And then on top of everything else, there is now a blackout (which was imposed, during the last war, at the beginning of the war), … ordered by one Mr. Dick Cheney, who is in charge of this.” ” I am enormously pessimistic of the chance of decent on-the-spot reporting, as the war occurs. You will get it later.”

Another guest on the show was author Phillip Knightley, author of The First Casualty, a history of war correspondents and propaganda, who reported that the Pentagon has also threatened they “may find it necessary to bomb areas in which war correspondents are attempting to report from the Iraqi side.”

That’s right! Only approved journalists may report! Cheney & Company will take charge of your equipment. If you disagree with policy – even question it – you will not get credentials. Any unauthorized reporting will be bombed. Notice that the media, even the foreign media, have been “warned.” In other words, Cheney & Company threatened them in advance. Sieg Heil! What else would you expect from George Bush, who from earliest infancy has sucked on the teat of the world government harlot. And the alleged “news” media have agreed to all this. Typically, not a word of it has appeared in the American media. You read it here now, for the first time, on the EtherZone front page.

What is Bush trying to hide? As these comments go to press, the operation known as “Shock and Awe” has not quite begun. What is “Shock and Awe?” In the first phase of the war in Iraq, totalitarian Communist dictator Saddam Insane placed troops in the desert to defend his borders. Our incomparable military quickly mopped them up. Saddam is as bad as Bush says he is, yes, but he is not stupid and apparently has decided not to make the same mistake twice.

This time, he has withdrawn his forces to the cities, especially Baghdad, where the war will be fought. How do you subjugate a city of five million people? You can surround it and wait until the inmates starve to death, you can fight house to house, and suffer many casualties – both of which would be politically unacceptable – or you can bomb it back to Mohammed in a repetition of the bombing of Dresden at the close of
World War II.

So horrific was that operation that the American media and government have never told us what happened, despite the fact that we did it allegedly to defeat the hated Nazis. Actually, that was not the case, because there were no military targets in the city. Instead, Dresden at the time was overflowing with refugees trying to escape the advancing Russians. They were incinerated in the firestorm the bombing created.

Today’s ordinance is infinitely more devastating. Shock and Awe apparently could dwarf the Dresden firestorm, killing umpteen millions of Iraqi civilians. Please do not mistake me. In a war, we must do whatever it takes, whatever it is, to protect our own people. If such a firebombing is necessary to do that, then do it and live with it.

Bush apparently doesn’t want to do that. It would be bad public relations, don’t you know. He should have thought of that before launching this illegal war to seize the oil, advance world government and vindicate his father.

Published originally at EtherZone.com : republication allowed with this notice and hyperlink intact.”

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