Bush & Clinton: Partners in unconstitutionality

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Written By Ted Lang

The fundamental reason George W. Bush became president in 2000 instead of Al Gore, the latter supported by ferocious media activism along with the Democrats’ election crimes by depriving elements of the military abroad from voting while allowing criminals to participate as well as other election law violations, was the hope on the part of many that Bush would not only neutralize the constitutional damage Clinton had perpetrated, but would also undo some of it.

In an article entitled, “Where’s Paul Revere when we need him?” Trudy K. Thomas writes in her July 16, 1998 article posted on WorldNetDaily, “July 7, 1776, fifty-six signatories to the Declaration of Independence thus pledged their lives, their fortunes and their sacred honor as their commitment to uphold the unalienable rights granted to all by God and later to be guaranteed by the Constitution of the United States. From flamboyant John Hancock to the neat and measured hand of John Adams, these forefathers gave us, their posterity, a wonderful gift of freedom that would be bought and paid for by the blood of countless thousands then and down through the generations to now.”

Of course, Thomas refers to the blood spilt by our honorable men at arms, who have fought, died, and have been maimed to secure our blessings of liberty. Thomas goes on: “Fast forward to July 1998. President Clinton [draft dodger –my addition] continues to put his signature to every executive order he can get his hands on. And with each stroke of his pen, precious freedoms guaranteed by our Constitution are swept away with barely a peep from anyone, certainly from very few in Congress.”

Thomas continues, “Clinton’s executive orders bypass the will of Congress and the people. They were designed to be few in number and are only to be used in a limited capacity. The president signs them like checks at the toy store with far more serious implications.” Thomas then itemizes some of Clinton’s unconstitutional atrocities.

Thomas points out, “Clinton has always displayed a deep contempt for the Constitution and for individual rights. He serves as the head thug, accompanied by his first ‘thugess,’ for those who see our Constitutional Republic turned over to a completely totalitarian state licking the boots of the United Nations’ one-world government machine. There can be no doubt about this. This is a man who obviously hates America and Americans.”

Now let’s fast forward to President George W. Bush and his phony “Republican Party.” In an article written by, of all people, Walter Cronkite and published in the Denver Post on September 21st entitled “The new Inquisition,” Cronkite begins, “President Bush’s televised answer to the growing concerns of many – including some Republicans – about the powers granted to him in the USA Patriot Act was to ask for even stronger measures, particularly the use of ‘nonjudicial subpoenas.’ That means a federal agency such as the FBI can write its own subpoenas to conduct a search – no judges needed.”

Cronkite goes on, “Unfortunately, security and liberty form a zero-sum equation. The inevitable trade-off: To increase security is to decrease liberty and vice versa. In the past, such trade-offs have been temporary – for the duration of the crisis of the moment. But today, we cannot see an end to the War on Terrorism, and that forces us to decide how secure we have to be and how free we want to be.”

One of the first things Bush did when he took office was to protect the papers of Bill Clinton via his own executive order. That was the tip-off that we were in for more totalitarian government. This is the confirmation that we now have one controlling political party. The paperwork is in place. Now all the Bush regime needs is an excuse to act on all the “legislation” it has in place. The final touches needed? Another terrorist attack, and then total Marxist paradise!


Published originally at EtherZone.com : republication allowed with this notice and hyperlink intact.”

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