Beretta Si! Mineta No!: So, damn the bureaucrats and pass the ammo!

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Written By Ted Lang

Considering that even a little 85 year-old lady with a snubby .38 could easily have stopped those deranged suicidal freaks on any of those ill-fated airliners on September 11th it is hard to understand how anyone qualifying for any responsible job in America, including flipping burgers at McDonalds, Wendy’s or Burger King, would be incapable of understanding this. Some knowledge concerning food safety is required even for these entry-level positions, the absence of which could cause food poisoning and harm to innocent consumers.

Yet here we have former Governor of Pennsylvania, Thomas Ridge, heading up the Office of Homeland Security, who is incapable of envisioning how a private citizen with a gun can prevent a crime. Not only that, but Ridge will be speaking this week on the very topic of safety precautions involving food preparation. This obvious left-liberal isn’t qualified to flip burgers, yet the political ruling class has now got him in charge of not only providing us with government protection from terrorism but food industry guidance as well. And FAA wizard Norman Mineta isn’t any better, also making public his biased emotions.

What are Ridge’s qualifications? Does he have security experience? Was this guy at least a rent-a-cop or a police officer? Auxiliary police? Volunteer firefighter? Without doing any research thereby effectively managing my time, I’ll bet this guy’s experience is non-existent. But as a left-liberal know-it-all, he knows that gun control would have prevented 9-11! But wasn’t cockpit/cabin gun control in effect at the time? And what was the outcome?

It is indeed unfortunate that years of media propaganda, feeding emotional ammunition to demagogue politicians engineering unconstitutional, unlawful infringements upon the right of citizens to own firearms, in order to protect themselves from the imagined wrath of law-abiding, angry, frustrated citizens, now provides the panacea and cure-all for anything that is deemed wrong with our society. If we require a more up-to-date and responsive citizen protection program, all that needs to be done is simply create still more unconstitutional firearm bans and confiscations.

Explaining the obvious to these charlatans that criminals disobey all laws, especially the ones concerning the illegitimate use of firearms, is an exercise in hair-pulling futility. They don’t want to understand! Period – end of conversation! The approach that must now be taken by Americans, is to put these public servants either in their appropriate place, or remove them from office. Nothing less will do.

We collectively regret the damage done to people and their loved ones as a result of gun violence and accidents, but seeking vengeance upon the American people and destroying our Constitution is not the answer. This attitude actually set us up for September 11th.

Clinton and the Democrat Party destroyed our intelligence network. Clinton virtually single-handedly disassembled and feminized our military. Clinton and the Democrats provided our most dangerous future potential enemies with weapons technology for the mass destruction of our people and our cities; and of course, Clinton brutally attacked and almost totally destroyed our Second Amendment using Democrats Schumer, Lautenberg and Feinstein. I guess we can now add Mineta and Ridge to Clinton’s Gun Nazis, the former being a Clinton appointee anyway as John Bender pointed out in his piece onEtherzone last week.

Bender’s suggestion that the Airline Pilots Association [APA], more than 70% of whom favor armed crews in the cockpit, should strike for their right to protect themselves and their passengers. Why should the personal, unsubstantiated, unsupportable opinions of bureaucrats not appointed by, nor representing or directly responsible to the people, be placed in a position of authorizing or denying practices concerning our safety when such bias makes them incapable of doing what is in our best interests? If armed marshals are okay, why isn’t it okay for pilots and first officers to carry sidearms, which were required of them when they served as military pilots protecting our Nation? A bullet from a marshal’s firearm is of no concern in a pressurized cabin, but a pilot’s is? That’s nonsense!

According to John McLaughlin of NBC’s McLaughlin Group, an airliner has extremely powerful compressors, and cabin air pressure loss isn’t a problem even if four windows are totally blown out at the required cabin pressure altitude above 12,000 feet. How many rounds of ammunition would have to be fired to create that kind of an opening in the fuselage? It is obvious neither Mineta nor Ridge are adequately qualified for their high-paying, high-flying jobs.

So, damn the bureaucrats, pass the ammo, and full speed ahead!

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