Bad advice: And the hapless victims

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Written By Ed Henry

4674086946_c76b12a880_oImage courtesy of Johan Rafael del Barrio under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0.

Pete Rose would have his rightful place in the Baseball Hall of Fame if he hadn’t listened to those who challenged him to put his money where his mouth was and bet on his team.

Al Capone should never have paid attention to henchmen who told him that people love to be hit over the head with baseball bats, others enjoy watching, and it’s OK to avoid taxes on illegal money.

Adolph Hitler would have enjoyed a life of hanging wallpaper if he hadn’t listened to all those who told him that he was master of the super race, pushed him into invading Poland and that he could rule the Western World.

Like his brother Neil, George W. Bush would still be moving from one rich kid’s venture to another and living on a Texas ranch without chores if chosen cohorts had not told him there were bigger fortunes to squander and evil dictators with weapons of mass destruction were about to destroy his dreams.

Now, the legal and information industries that have replaced manufacturing can devote full time to defending these unfortunate characters that were pushed into doing something against their basic and kindly nature.

The rest of us must accept the fact that these are the victims of misinformation, disinformation, the will of malicious associates, and other regrettable circumstances.

Once we all understand that these people were simply misinformed and misled, that they were not truly responsible for their actions, we can forgive and forget and join Kenneth Lay on the golf course or watch sports and the latest on the Kobe Bryant, Michael Jackson, Laci Peterson, Robert Blake, D.C. snipers, car chases, kidnappings, and other cultural events as they unfold on our entertainment media.

And let’s not end without something for those waiting for divine intervention. Try this:

In the beginning, God created man in his own image. No sooner was that accomplished than man decided to return the compliment.

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