American mosques: Minority Jihadist terrorism

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Written By Barbara Stanley

It was like a ghost town in modern trappings. Joggers were gone from the streets, no kids in the playground, empty stores and schools. Folks pretty much hid in their homes or if they couldn’t, went about their daily business with a furtiveness that had one always looking over the shoulder, scanning the parking lot or the stops in traffic, either waiting for the next strike or having just experienced one. Life sure changed in the last month but this is a new way of life and we’d better get with the program. No longer can we afford to ignore reality.

The sale of guns skyrocketed over 500% in some places; folks began to see themselves and their neighbors in a new light. As with any crisis, neighborhoods come together and, as with 9/11, Americans rose to the challenge. This is why the terrorists never will. They may wound again and again and again, but they will never overcome the spirit that founded and continues this Sacred Republic.

We may have our faults; we may have our serious concerns about the role of the government. But, at least now, we are not laboring under a regime of corruption and lust for power and sex in which the conservatives are investigated for being the ‘enemy’ of the left and terrorists allowed into the open borders to build nests and breed. We live in a world of danger made more so by the Clintons; on the global scene, nuclear, chemical and biological weapons capable of destruction on a horrific scale (in the millions) proliferation and strengthening of the enemy while on the home scene, those who would kill us have taken root and spread out. Thank you so very much, Mr. And Mrs. William Jefferson Blythe Clinton. Not only are you white trash but deadly lowlifes.

We face, now, today, the result of eight years of letting the terrorists into our country. After years of recruitment to the wonderfully peaceful world of Islam inside our penal institutions, where those already demented and angry could really learn a useful trade, we now have, living among us, those recently released to wreak havoc. We have converted blackhearts, ready to spring to action after the recent remarks of one of their ‘holy leaders’ to strike at their pleasure and they are living among us.

In this little area up here in NY state, since 9/11, seventeen of the local delis have been bought up (for cash) and the once warm, neighborly refuges for a cup of coffee on the way out in the morning to a quick pick up meal on the way home are now tense, littered with either phony smiles (the older, more-Americanized Arabs) or angry stares (the younger, or ‘profile’ Arab men) and gone is the place where one could find pleasantry while out in the day.

We have poisonous snakes up here in the woods; Copperheads (a pit viper) and Timber Rattlesnakes that come down in the dry season to water at the lake. Every once in a while, we have one close by, either in the yard, or like this last season, right there, smack dab on the mat inside the porch, all coiled and waiting for me to step out the inside door. We have many stonewalls and rock piles in the area, so snakes are a natural predator to keep down the mice, etc. who inhabit. Nature’s way of population control and it is just part of the country life. We know about it, we deal with it. Sometimes, when absolutely necessary, in a harsh and final ways, for our children and pets are to be protected.

There are several ways to get rid of these dangerous but non-aggressive vermin. One can kill them when they get too close or one can search out the nest and kill them there before they can breed. Luckily, I have never had to search out a nest for they are really not that much of a problem. As long as I am careful where I put my foot, they will hear me coming and get out of my way. But, when I must, they are swiftly dealt with or keep the homestead safe. Unfortunately, the snakes living among us on two legs are more dangerous, more aggressive and more deadly. Only one person at a time can die of snakebite; millions can die from Islamists’ venomous fangs.

So what do we do? I figure, as in the same style the body fights off disease, by surrounding the virus, so can we surround the disease that threatens us. We can watch; we can record suspicious activity and important dates, car makes and tags etc; we can keep our own homesteads safe with the necessary tools and as a country, all our neighborhoods working in a microcosm will spread this strength to the macrocosm of the republic and the world. Nothing but nothing goes on in America that doesn’t somehow affect the whole world. It is often an arduous task holding up that torch of Miss Liberty to light a better way for the oppressed.

For all the criticism of Ashcroft et al, the jalopy filled with squatters they inherited from the last abomination of an administration is up and running behind the scenes. This heap may not look like much but it appears the engine has been rebuilt and is firing on most, if not all, cylinders. I expect some backfires and tweaking but at least I know there are dedicated patriots working to fix things up for good. Chinese blood money for American state-of-the-art dual -use military technology is no longer the rule of the day. Thank you Lord that Al Gore isn’t president. We’d be at an updated version of the Paris Peace (whatta laugh) Talks arguing over the shape of the table with American taxpayers paying the blackmail.

As our President told us on more than one occasion, this is a new kind of war and things will be going on behind the scenes that we may not hear about. I have heard that the DOJ has picked up thousands of suspects. I understand there may be a connection with the recent murders that had this country’s focus, to the cell of terrorists arrested in Washington State. I am looking for connections now to the terrorist sleeper cell from upstate New York. I expect other sleepers to awaken and am heartened in that much is being done “behind the scenes”, by those charged to protect us (rather than their own fannies like the Clintonistas) and we will be up for the fight. But make no mistake, this war is on all of us ‘infidels’ and it’s either them or us. No more waffling; now is the time for all good men and women, from all walks and creeds, to take a stand.


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