A nanny is better than a nazi: No guts to vote libertarian? – Vote democrat

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Written By Kevin Tuma

As I continue to watch the grisly spectacle that is politics in the 21st Century, it occurs to me that when it comes time to count the votes in 2004, I will not be able to stomach another melodramatic clash between the “Blue country” and the “Red country”.

The reason why is because the people in the “Red Country” who voted for George W. Bush got exactly the kind of President they deserved. A big-government tyrant. That election was never worth fighting for, and anyone who thought otherwise, I would hope, is now finally beginning to see the light.

Of course, it should have surprised no one that the princeling of the ‘New World Order’ Bush family would be a militarily interventionist neo-conservative. If Bush had been a hard-line conservative like Barry Goldwater or Robert Taft, he never would have won the nomination. And when Bush passed over people like Alan Keyes and Steve Forbes to pick Dick Cheney as his running mate, that should have served as a big warning sign that the Bush presidency would not be concerned about issues like reforming the Income Tax system or protecting the Bill of Rights–or changing, in any way, the general status quo of our modern-day imperial government. And when Bush dubbed himself a ‘compassionate conservative’ it should have served as a strong hint that he would never attempt to rein in or reduce the size of the federal government. And when Bush stumped on the campaign trail speaking Spanish, that should have been a signpost that he would never consider slowing down illegal immigration, and he would support an expanding alien welfare state. When Bush responded to a political debate question about what historical figure he would most like to meet, and he cited “Jesus”–that should have served as a major indicator of what kind of regard he has for the Founding Fathers. In addition to all these things, Bush has shown himself in general to be a man of very mediocre verbal skills, who looks as if he lacks the mental power to recite from scripts, let alone elucidate his own ideas. Nevertheless, many well-meaning conservatives–with IQs well above room temperature–went out and voted for Bush in large numbers in 2000.

I now hear lots of these people who voted for Bush to “prevent Gore from getting in there” moaning and groaning about the Patriot Act, the Office of Homeland Security, the TSA Gestapo, the misbegotten war in Iraq, and the drunken spending orgy that comprises the post-Bush Federal Budget.

To all you conservatives and constitutionalists out there who are scratching your heads in befuddlement over the militaristic, bureaucratic nightmare of the Bush presidency, I have a challenge for you: Try voting Libertarian next time.

I will admit personally that I’ve put down party Libertarians in the past because of their stance on a handful of issues. Immigration policy, for example. I felt that such issue positions disqualified Libertarians from leadership.

I take it all back. The Libertarians may have it wrong on a few issues, but there are many more issues where they are the only ones out there on the radar screens who have it right. If nothing else, they are consistently benign. Their heads and hearts are in the right place. On their worst day, Libertarians treat abrogation of the Bill of Rights as a serious matter–which is more than could ever be said for their socialist two-party opposition. Most of all, Libertarians do not inhabit the Post-9-11 ethical wasteland of people who are, in the words of L. Neil Smith, “evil, stupid, or insane”.

I have a plea for those who voted for Bush in 2000: Please don’t stab the Founding Fathers in the back a second time.

Please don’t run out and vote Republican–the way you did before–because Majah Rushie told you the Democratic presidential candidate was going to destroy the country. Let me be frank: We can’t afford another four years of ‘country-saving’ from the modern-day Republican Party. We are down to our last four amendments to the Bill of Rights. We can’t afford to flush away any more of them.

Allow me to briefly compare the Clintonistas with the Bushies.

The Clintonistas tried, unsuccessfully, to make war on the Second Amendment. The Bushies made war on the First, Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, Ninth, and Tenth amendments, and, unlike the Clintonistas, they didn’t stop at legal end-runs around the Bill of Rights. They drafted up, and passed into law, legislation that essentially declares the Bill of Rights to be NULL and VOID.

The Clintonistas invaded the Branch Davidian compound for nonsensical reasons, and got a bunch of people killed. The Bushies invaded the nation of Iraq for equally nonsensical reasons, and not only killed a bunch of Iraqi citizens, but they’re getting a bunch of our own soldiers killed, as well.

We’d actually be safer if the liberals took back the White House and Congress in 2004. Because when a Democrat plays stupid, it often isn’t an act. Many liberals are idiots who simply don’t know any better. They are end products of our modern educational system. By contrast, Republican leaders will pretend to be stupid, and they will fervently hope their voting constituency is equally stupid.

I don’t know about anyone else, but I’d rather be governed by a well-meaning idiot who thinks he’s smart than by a tyrant who pretends to be an idiot. I’d rather be governed by an egotistical fruitcake who accidentally tramples the Constitution than by a lying schemer who pretends he has never read it, and works actively to destroy it under cover of darkness.

How many of you really believe that the Republicans who voted for the Patriot Act didn’t know anything about it, because they “didn’t read it”? There were lots of warnings before the vote that HR 3142 strips civil liberties. The congressmen didn’t even have to read the bill to know that it went too far; all they had to do was listen to Ron Paul and ask a few questions.

They didn’t do that…because they are corrupt, lying tyrants. Tyrants who willfully help conspire to take away our freedoms, and then lie to us all about it.

I remember for years how wild-eyed liberals used to shake their fists at Republicans and call them “Nazis”. I used to laugh at them. That was before 9-11-01. I’ve stopped laughing.

I realize it takes intellectual courage to vote for a Third Party. All the shills for the two-party system pressure people not to do so. They tell people that by ‘siphoning off votes’ we will help elect lunatics and Communists. They claim that ‘voting Third Party is a wasted vote.” I realize in the face of such hyperbole, the decision to vote Libertarian could be a tough decision.

But…let’s suppose all the stuff they say about third parties is true. Forget the fact that the only reason third parties don’t win elections is because voters have been taught to believe they can’t win. Forget the fact that a nonconformist VOTE costs a ‘constitutional patriot’ NOTHING in the way of personal sacrifice.

Let’s play ‘Statist’s Advocate’. Let’s say voting Libertarian is absolutely, positively throwing away your vote. That’s it’s no different from not voting at all. That the only thing that ever matters is winning, and by so doing, electing the “lesser of two evils”.

In that were the case–if I believed such things–I would vote Democrat next year. Because the plain truth is that liberals are crazed social architects who sincerely believe they are humanitarians. They are Nannies.

Both the Republicans and the Democrats are dangerous. The fundamental difference is that the Democrats are sincere; they believe in the absurd policies they promote. The Republicans do not..they believe in lying to their own voters while pursuing a distinctly separate agenda from the mandates of those voters. GOP voters want smaller, less oppressive government. But their elective leaders want supreme government authority. Lest there be any mistake, I am not talking about the GOP on a state and local level. I’m not talking about Billy Bob Haggis, Republican candidate for the City Council of Oatmeal, Nebraska. I’m talking about Presidents, their appointees to the Executive Branch, and US Congressmen. Our rulers, in other words.

Liberal Democrats have always been misguided Utopians who want to seize power so they can create social change.

Neoconservative Republicans, by contrast, are cynics who want to seize power so they can have more power. They want to live out violent war and Cop movie fantasies. To shoot people, blow things up, invade other countries, and throw people in jail. They are genuine Fascists.

Given no other choice between an overbearing, obnoxious Nanny and a shifty-eyed Fascist with a machinegun in his hand..I know who I would choose to run my life for the next four years.

Published originally at EtherZone.com : republication allowed with this notice and hyperlink intact.”

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